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Sahlgrenska akademin: Waste Sorting at Medicinaregatan. There is more info in Swedish at: http://www.sahlgrenska.gu.se/internt/miljo/Kallsortering_inom_SA/ and the contact people are listed on page 2. Hard Plastic Containers ”hårda plastförpackningar”. Cardboard / Styrofoam“frigolit”
Sahlgrenska akademin:WasteSorting at Medicinaregatan There is more info in Swedish at: http://www.sahlgrenska.gu.se/internt/miljo/Kallsortering_inom_SA/ and the contact people are listed on page 2 Hard Plastic Containers ”hårda plastförpackningar” Cardboard/Styrofoam“frigolit” /Soft plastic ”wellpapp”, ”frigolit”, ”mjukplast” Household (combustible) Waste “hushållsavfall” Food containers, plastic bottles, PET-bottles, plastic lids, containers for chemicals, etc. Not PVC! Lunch room: Sort in “stapeln.” Lab: Sort clean, uncontaminated plastic containers in the recyclingcontainer found in the corridor. Any labels must be removed or marked over. Food waste, plastic bags, pens, small amounts of soft plastic, styrofoam and wood, etc. Uncontaminated waste from the lab (for example non-contaminated plastic material). Office: Place in the plastic bags “Sopi”. Lab and lunch room: Place in the waste bin. Cardboard is sorted in the cardboard-carts, normally found in each corridor. Put small amounts of Styrofoam “frigolit” and soft plastic in the waste bins. For larger amounts, put it with the cardboard (picked up by FAS) or directly in container for combustible waste. NoncombustibleWaste ”sorterat icke brännbart avfall”, ”metallskrot” Paper Containers ”pappersförpackningar” Glass Containers ”blandade glasförpackningar” Paper boxes, milk and juice containers, wrapping paper, plastic/paper packing material with more than 50% paper etc. Lunch room: Sort in the recycling cabinet “stapeln.” Lab: Sort clean, uncontaminated packing material in the recyclingcontainer found in the corridor. Clear and colored glass, bottles etc. No light bulbs (sort as “glödlampor”), porcelain (sort as “sorterat icke brännbart”) or broken glass (sort as “sorterat icke brännbart” or as sharps). Lunch room: Sort in “stapeln” Lab: Sort clean, uncontaminated packing materials in the recyclingcontainer found in the corridor. Any labels must be removed or marked over. Broken porcelain mug/stapler, etc. Place in the small plastic box, often found close to the waste sorting cabinet ”stapeln” in the lunch room. Office Paper ”kontorspapper” Newspapers, office paper, brochures, etc. Sort in the grey plastic recycling containers in each office. Empty this container yourself in the larger container, usually found in each corridor. This is then picked-up by personnel from the “fastighets- och service avdelningen” (FAS). Metal Containers ”metallförpackningar” Cans, caps/tops, foil,lids, packages, forms, etc. Lunch room: Sort in the recycling cabinet “stapeln.” Lab: Sort clean, uncontaminated metal packing materials in the recyclingcontainer placed in the corridor. Note! All recycled materials must be clean! Additional containers can be ordered via Liselotte Nilsson, tel: 786 35 94, E-mail: kallsortering@sahlgrenska.gu.se Containers and labels for hazardous waste can be collected from the rooms for dangerous and hazardous waste. Over FAS = “Fastighets- och service avdelningen” = Building and service department
continued: Waste Sorting Environmental Policy More info (Swe) at: http://www.sahlgrenska.gu.se/internt/miljo/Kallsortering_inom_SA/ • Göteborg University will be one of the leading universities in Europe in education and research within sustainable development and environmental sciences • The University will endeavour to make its students and personnel aware of environmental and development problems and, through research, education and interaction with the community, stimulate concrete activities that promote sustainable development. • The University will, trough its systematic and focused environmental work, aim to prevent or reduce its negative environmental impact. The Environmental Management System at the University will be certified. • Environmental considerations will be incorporated into all decision-making processes. Research, teaching, administration, management and technical functions, will be characterised by environmental accountability. • The University's environmental work will be continually improved and evaluated by regular environmental audits. • The University will comply with applicable environmental legal requirements and with other environmental requirements to which the organisation subscribes. Chemical Waste ”kemikalieavfall” DANGEROUS WASTE ”farligt avfall” General rule: All (non-household) chemical waste that is not, beyond all doubt, safe, should be treated as dangerous waste. For more info see (Swe): http://www.mls.adm.gu.se/digitalAssets/720324_44621sv.PDF For chemical waste use a durable container. Mark the container with the white label for chemical waste, “Farligt avfall”, and place in the room for dangerous and hazardous waste. Separate halogenated and non-halogenated organic solvents. See also (Swe) http://www.sahlgrenska.gu.se/internt/miljo/Kallsortering_inom_SA/or ask a contact person. Computers/Assessories ”datorer och tillbehör” Mail fas@sahlgrenska.gu.se and call: 786 37 44 for pick up. Other Electronic Waste & Refrigerators / Freezers ”annat elektronikavfall & kyl- och frysskåp” Mail fas@sahlgrenska.gu.se and call: 786 37 44 for pick up. Batteries, Low-Energy Lamps, Light Bulbs”batterier”, ”lågenergilampor”, ”glödlampor” HAZARDUS WASTE “riskavfall” Example: “Smittförande” (infectious), ”Radioaktivt”, ”Läkemedel” (medicine), ”Skärande/stickande” (sharps), ”Biologiskt”, ”Genetiskt modifierade mikroorganismer”. Use the brown card boardboxes marked “Riskavfall.” Fill in the label.Place in the room for dangerous and hazardous waste. New boxes and labels are found in the rooms for dangerous and hazardous waste. For more information see: http://www.fa.adm.gu.se/arbetsmiljo/arbetsmiljohandboken/atillo/Riskavfall/or ask a contact person. Containers are found in each building which is emptied by personnel from FAS. Toner Cartridges ”tonerkassetter” Waste Sorting Contacts (Källsorteringskontakter): kallsortering@sahlgrenska.gu.se, tel786 3594 Göran.Lyckemark@sahlgrenska.gu.se, tel786 3874 Environ. coordinator:Mats.Sandberg@anatcell.gu.se, tel 786 3395 Environmental representatives : see www.mls.adm.gu.se/SA/ Place toner and color cartridges in their original packages and return to dealers. For more information consult the waste sorting guide (Swe) at: http://www.sahlgrenska.gu.se/internt/miljo/Kallsortering_inom_SA/ orsomebody listed under contacts.