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Canyon Springs High School Economics/Government - Mr. Moser; Room 113 Policies/Rules-Procedures/Grading (2011 – 2012) Classes: Periods 1 through 5; Prep 6:15 (AM). Policies (three keys for success in this class)
Canyon Springs High SchoolEconomics/Government - Mr. Moser; Room 113Policies/Rules-Procedures/Grading(2011 – 2012)Classes: Periods 1 through 5;Prep 6:15 (AM) Policies (three keys for success in this class) 1. Situational Awareness (SA): means “knowing what is going on so you can figure out what to do.” Being aware of what is happening around you to understand how information, events, and your own actionswill determine whether or not your goals and objectives will be reached. Economics & Government are required for graduation. 2. Opportunity Cost:There is always a trade-off (sacrifice) for all decisions (you can’t have everything). 3. Work Ethic:Traits are the same as those on a job site.
Rules/Procedures – Attend every day. Every tardy & absence WILL ADVERSELY AFFECT YOUR GRADE! District Policy: After three school days all unverified absences will be converted to unexcused. Do personal business during non-class time. • Enter and exit via outside door; not through WR3. • Sit in your assigned seat. • Remove all head wear. • Secure all electronics.
Rules/Procedures – (Continued) • Reminder:Students are required to wear ID on lanyard (easily readable) at all times. • Consumingfood not permitted. • Be Prepared and Ready to learn. Points are earned by “active” participation (“Time On Task”) for this class. • Bring classroom materials(including book) every day.
Rules/Procedures – (Continued) • Listen,Read,Copy, and Follow Instructions when given. • Required on all work: First and Last Name, Period#, Date, Title and Page# of assignment (Legible). Only Completed Assignments are accepted. • Courtesy (Respect):Anything that disrupts or distracts is the teacher’s business, and will be corrected immediately.
Grades: Grading Scale is MVUSD Standard. • Percent of Semester Points Earned every day and every class determines Letter Grade (there are no weighted assignments). • Grades are not rounded up (e.g. 59.9% = F, not D-). • No Credit for Incomplete or Sub-standard work. • Cheating will receive Zero (0) points, and possible disciplinary action.
Required Assignments with approximate semester percentage points: • (15%) Expected School Wide Learning Results (ESLRs) – Attendance/Punctuality; Time On Task; Adherence to Rules Policies and Deadlines. • (30%) Class Work (CW) – MUST BE PRESENT to receive credit for: 1. Discussion/Video Notes 2. Guest Speakers 3. Current Events/Issues 4. Quizzes
Required Assignments with Approximate PercentagePoints (Continued). • (20%) Home Work (HW) – Due on day Test is given. Workbook/sheets, Quick Writes, Critical Thinking, Review, Study, and Readings. • (25%) Tests – Taken Thursdays during your scheduled period. Wednesdays, test questions and answers are previewed. Make-up, only at 6:15 AM. Before next test, scores lower than 60% will not be entered. Before the end of the grading period, scores lower than 70% will not be entered. After grading period, no make-up allowed. • (10%) Final Exam – Could effect grade by one letter.
Additional Points – Earned for Reading aloud, Active Discussion, and “noteworthy” work. Extra Credit – for individual Power Point Visual/Oral Presentations. Must be passing (60% or above); and Topics must be Prior Approved. Check Infinite Campus every day. Grades are continually updated for counseling, student, and parent concerns.
Consequences of Misbehavior: The following sequential steps will be taken for minor infractions.More serious violations will start with appropriate consequence. • Verbal Warning (once) • Electronic devices confiscated, turned into Admin. • Seat Reassignment • Parent Notification, Class Suspension • Removal from class with Referral • Conference with Parents/Counselor/Administrator • Zero Tolerance Infraction – Administrative Action
SIGNATURE PAGE for Mr. Moser’s Class: PLEASE SIGN AND RETURN Having a safe learning environment is not an option; it is the foundation of the educational process. Please inform school officials if a threatening situation exists. Mr. Moser and staff members are readily available.I have received, read, understand and will comply with the principles, rules, procedures, and assignment requirements of Room 113.____________________________/_________________________________Print Student Name Signature of Student___________________________/__________________________________Parent Name Signature of Parent/GuardianDMoser@MVUSD.NETPARENT CONTACT INFORMATION (E-MAIL IS BEST)___________________________________________________________*List any concerns; I will communicate with you to make this semester successful.D. MOSER