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What do all these things have in common?

Explore the inputs, outputs, and programming involved in computer-controlled devices and robots. Discover the functions, sensors, decision-making processes, and the role of computer programs and microchips. Engage in a thought-provoking web quest to gain a deeper understanding of these technologies.

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What do all these things have in common?

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Presentation Transcript

  1. What do all these things have in common? They are all controlled using computer microchips

  2. 30 seconds – On your wipe boards write down the inputs and outputs for this device… OUTPUTS INPUTS

  3. Think-Pair-Share: What are the INPUTS and OUTPUTS for …

  4. Think-Pair-Share: What are the INPUTS and OUTPUTS for … OUTPUTS INPUTS

  5. Think-Pair-Share: What are the INPUTS and OUTPUTS for … OUTPUTS INPUTS

  6. Think-Pair-Share: What are the INPUTS and OUTPUTS for … OUTPUTS INPUTS

  7. What’s going on here - BBC News ? Now – you will go on a Web Quest to find the answers to these questions… • What do you think this robot does? • What kinds of sensors do you think it has? • Why might robots be better than humans? • Why might humans be better than robots? • How do these robots make decisions? • Who writes the instructions for computers and microchips? • What is a computer program? Open the “Robotics Web Quest” file to begin.

  8. Let’s be computer programmers!

  9. Why is programming so difficult?

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