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Exploring Romeo as a Tragic Hero: From Noble Birth to Catharsis

Discover the essence of a tragic hero through Romeo's noble birth, fatal flaw, suffering, downfall, and ultimate catharsis. Dive into the characteristics that define a tragic hero, revealing the impact of choices and fate on their journey.

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Exploring Romeo as a Tragic Hero: From Noble Birth to Catharsis

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  1. So… what is aTragic Heroanyway?

  2. Tragic Hero Background “A man cannot become a hero until he can see the root of his own downfall.” -Aristotle The tragic hero is a man of noble stature. He is not an ordinary man, but a man with outstanding quality and greatness about him. His own destruction is for a greater cause or principle.

  3. Characteristics of a Tragic Heroas seen through Romeo

  4. Born of Noble Birth • Typically a king or member of the royal family • Someone that normal people would “look up to” or admire – has outstanding qualities

  5. Romeo’s Noble Birth • Romeo is the only son of the House of Montague. • Even Lord Capulet says that the city of Verona thinks Romeo is a virtuous youth.

  6. Possesses a Fatal Flaw • Also called the Hamartia • Traditional fatal flaw is hubris, or excessive pride • Flaw ultimately leads to hero’s downfall, often death

  7. Romeo’s Fatal Flaw • Romeo is a fool for love. • He pines for Rosaline; then quickly falls for Juliet.

  8. Fate is controlled by flaw • First enjoys privileged life (remember noble birth!) • Flaw causes a reversal of fortune called the Peripeteia • Ultimate fate is a downfall, often death • Downfall seems moreimpressive due to fallfrom noble position

  9. Romeo’s Peripeteia • Romeo kills Tybalt and is banished from Verona.

  10. Must be physically or spiritually wounded by experiences • May be injured, or may suffer losses of family or fortune • Wounds are not entirely deserved

  11. Romeo’s Fate • Romeo killed Tybalt because Tybalt killed Mercutio. • Romeo acted on the what the Prince’s law would have dealt to Tybalt.

  12. Suffers more than he deserves • Downfall or death is usually seen as a waste of human potential • Suffering always has greater meaning, often related to the flaw

  13. Romeo Suffers • Romeo’s banishment causes him pain because he cannot be with Juliet.

  14. Bears no responsibility for flaw, only for actions influenced by flaw • Actions result in an increase of self-awareness and self-knowledge • Fate is discovered by his own actions, not things happening to him • Downfall is a result of free choice

  15. Romeo’s Choice • Romeo claims to be “fortune’s fool.” • He plans to take his poison.

  16. Imperfect or “human” despite noble nature • Has outstanding quality or greatness, but audience must identify with him • Are YOU perfect? • Without imperfections,downfall would seem improbable or caused by fate only.

  17. Romeo’s Imperfection • Romeo is too rash. He falls in love too quickly, and acts too quickly to end his own life (remember--Juliet is not dead).

  18. Downfall arouses pity or fear • Audience feels pity for hero because flaw is not his fault, so downfall seems undeserved • Audience feels fear because they can identify with hero’s thoughts and actions “Wait…this could happen to me!”

  19. Pitiful Romeo “Never was there a story of more woe Than that of Juliet and her Romeo.”

  20. Tragic Hero Recap • Noble Birth • Hamartia (Fatal Flaw) • Peripeteia (Reversal of Fortune) • Suffering • Downfall • Catharsis (Release of Emotions)

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