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The EU Raw Materials Initiative - Critical Raw Materials for the EU -

The EU Raw Materials Initiative - Critical Raw Materials for the EU -. Trans-Atlantic Workshop Rare Earth Elements and Other Critical Materials for a Clean Energy Future Boston, 03 December 2010. European Commission Enterprise and Industry. Antje Wittenberg Metals, Minerals, Raw Materials.

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The EU Raw Materials Initiative - Critical Raw Materials for the EU -

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  1. The EU Raw Materials Initiative- Critical Raw Materials for the EU - Trans-Atlantic Workshop Rare Earth Elements and Other Critical Materials for a Clean Energy FutureBoston, 03 December 2010 European CommissionEnterprise and Industry Antje Wittenberg Metals, Minerals, Raw Materials

  2. Main challenges • EU highly dependent on imports of important raw materials (metals and industrial minerals) which are increasingly affected by market distortions • Still potential in Europe (self-sufficient supply for construction materials, potential for other raw materials), but exploration and extraction face ongoingincreasing competition for different land uses and a highly regulated environment

  3. The Raw Materials Initiative Integrated strategy based on three pillars Ensuring accessto raw materials from International Markets under the same conditions as other industrial competitors Right framework conditionswithin the EU in order to foster sustainable supply from European sources Boosting resource efficiency andrecycling to reduce the EU's consumption of primary raw materials

  4. Trade policy actions1st pillar • Challenging unjustified trade distortive measures • Bilateral negotiations on export restrictions • Raising awareness • Trade Annual Activity Report 2009

  5. Development policy 1st pillar • agreement African Union Commission / European Commission in Addis Ababa, June 2010, to launch a bilateral co-operation in three areas: • Governance • Infrastructure / investment • Geological knowledge / skills Based on African Mining Vision and EU Raw Materials Initiative

  6. Access to land 2nd pillar • Promote the exchange of best practice inland use planning and administrativeconditions for exploration and extraction • Encourage better networking between national geological surveys to increase theEU's knowledge base • Develop guidelines the compatibility between Natura 2000 and extractive activities

  7. Promote research 2nd pillar • Under FP7 new funding opportunities have recently been created for projects on: • Advanced underground technologies for intelligent mining • Substitution of critical raw materials • Coordination of activities in Member States in the area of the industrial handling of raw material

  8. Efficiency & recycling 3rd pillar • Huge potential of EU’s Urban Mines • Tackle illegal shipment of waste to third countries through a more harmonised enforcement of Waste Shipment Regulation • Develop best practices in the area of collection and treatment of key waste streams • Develop eco-design measures aimed at fostering more efficient use of raw materials in products

  9. Increase resource efficiency 3rd pillar • The Commission plans to publish a Roadmap on how to move towards a resource efficient Europe by summer 2011. • The roadmap will set out specific resource efficiency objectives, and how to meet them, based on actions up to 2020 with a time perspective of up to 2050.

  10. Define critical raw materials

  11. Methodology • 41 raw materials analysed • Time horizon: 10 years • A pragmatic approach • Three main aggregated indicators • economic importance • supply risks • environmental country risks

  12. 41 raw materials analysed Aluminum Antimony Barytes Bauxite Bentonite Beryllium Borates Chromium Clays (incl. kaolin) Cobalt Copper Diatomite Feldspar Fluorspar Gallium Germanium Graphite Gypsum Indium Iron ore Limestone Lithium Magnesite Magnesium Manganese Molybdenum Nickel NiobiumPerlite Platinum Group Metals (PGMs) Rare earths (REE) Rhenium Silica sand Silver Talc Tantalum Tellurium Titanium Tungsten Vanadium Zinc

  13. Economic importance Importance for economic value chain and emerging (key) technologies • Renewable energy:solar cells, wind turbines • Energy efficiency:hybrid and electric cars, LED lighting, batteries • Electronics:flat screens, mobile phones • Aerospace:light weight alloys

  14. Emerging technologies

  15. Emerging technologies (2)

  16. Critical raw materials High supply risks • High share of the worldwide production • China (antimony, fluorspar, gallium, germanium, graphite, indium, magnesium, REE, tungsten) • Russia (PGM) • Congo (cobalt, tantalum) • Brazil (niobium, tantalum) • Low substitutability • REE, PGM • Low recycling rates • When used in very low concentrations

  17. Environmental country risk REE

  18. Lithium REE Risk analysis

  19. Critical raw materials

  20. Graphite Platinum Group Metals (PGM) Rare Earth Elements (REE) 14 critical raw materials Fluorspar

  21. Recommendations Two types of recommendations • follow-up and further support • policy-oriented recommendations (areas where measures should be undertaken)

  22. Follow up and further support • Up-date the list every 5 years and enlarge the scope • Improve the availability and quality of statistical information and prepare a Yearbook • Carry out further studies, e.g. competition to land use, « cradle-to-grave » LCAs, emerging technologies • Establish a sub-group of the Raw Material Supply Group on criticality

  23. Policy-oriented • Access to primary resources • Land use and permitting in the EU • Company exploration as research (fiscal issues) • Promote RTD • Promote good governance in developing countries • Trade and investment • Maintain and strengthen the EU trade policy, pursue dispute settlement in WTO, engage in consultations • Raise awareness in multilateral fora • A new EU-wide policy on foreign investment • Coherence of EU policies with respect to raw materials

  24. Policy-oriented (2) • Recycling • Improve collection • Prevent illegal exports of End-of-Life products • Promote research • Substitution • Promote research • Material Efficiency • Minimise the raw material used • Minimise raw material losses

  25. The Raw Materials Initiative Integrated strategy based on three pillars Ensuring accessto raw materials from International Markets under the same conditions as other industrial competitors Right framework conditionswithin the EU in order to foster sustainable supply from European sources Boosting resource efficiency andrecycling to reduce the EU's consumption of primary raw materials

  26. Thank you for your attention ! References: Report on critical raw materials: http://ec.europa.eu/enterprise/policies/raw-materials/critical/index_en.htm Report on best practices in area of land use planning, permitting and geological knowledge:http://ec.europa.eu/enterprise/policies/raw-materials/sustainable-supply/index_en.htm Natura 2000 guidelines:http://ec.europa.eu/environment/nature/natura2000/management/guidance_en.htm Trade raw materials activity report 2009:http://trade.ec.europa.eu/doclib/docs/2010/june/tradoc_146207.pdf Communication on the EU 2020 Flagship Initiative Innovation Union:http://ec.europa.eu/research/innovation-union/pdf/innovation-union-communication_en.pdf

  27. NE Extractive Industry EU27 Construction Materials Industrial Minerals Metals EU 2007, Eurostatlast up date 09/09/2010

  28. Zinc Risk analysis Clays

  29. World Metal Price 1995-2010 6.08.2010 accident in a small size Cu-mine, Chile

  30. World Metal Price 1995-2010

  31. R&D - preliminary findings

  32. بزرگترین بانک پاورپوینت ایرانwww.txtzoom.comبانک هوشمند اسناد متنی

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