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Discovering Purpose: Tools for Resilience and Well-Being

Learn how to cultivate resilience, increase well-being, and decrease feelings of depression by focusing on positive practices such as random acts of kindness, gratitude, and mindfulness.

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Discovering Purpose: Tools for Resilience and Well-Being

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Presentation Transcript

  1. What is Bounce Back?

  2. BounceBack Tools Purpose: to expand resilience by retraining our mind to focus on the positive, increase the feelings of well-being and decrease the feelings of depression • Random Acts of Kindness • Three Good Things • Gratitude • Social Connections • Mindfulness and Self-Care • Purpose

  3. Purpose

  4. Thought We exist here on earth for an unknow length of time. While here we do many things…some will matter, some will not, some are important, and some are not. The important ones are the ones that make us happy, give us meaning, bring a smile to our face or to the face of others. All the other stuff us just wasting time.

  5. So what is purpose? • Purpose in life refers to a "feeling that there is meaning in one's present and past life."  • Something that is instantly meaningful • Something that makes you come alive

  6. 4 key components to purpose • Dedicated commitment • Personal meaningfulness • Goal directedness • Vision larger than one's self

  7. Why is purpose important? • Rates of mental illness are increasing • Decrease social connectedness • Increased perception of environmental threat • Increased emphasis extrinsic rather than intrinsic rewards • Students and fatigued and bored

  8. Just the facts • 40% of Americans have NOT discovered a life purpose. • 40% either do not think their lives have a clear sense of purpose or are neutral about whether their lives have purpose. • 25% feel neutral or do not have a strong sense of what makes their lives meaningful Research has shown that having purpose and meaning in life increases overall well-being and life satisfaction, improves mental and physical health, enhances resiliency, enhances self-esteem, and decreases the chances of depression. 

  9. How bad is it? 32% of ALL students reported suicidality, self-injury, or clinical levels of depression / anxiety before completing college 12.4% of students reported adding some form of psychological distress while in college  40% of students say they have been unable to function due to stress, depression and/or anxiety

  10. Physiological responses  • Heart “speak” • Nervous system • Changes to the involuntary body functions

  11. Positives of Purpose

  12. Research shows…

  13. Purpose Provides

  14. Purpose Provides A sense of something bigger!

  15. Purpose increases acceptance The Harvard’s men's study found that those who reflect on their purpose had less negative feelings and discomfort with diversity.

  16. Purpose ProvidesMotivationFocusResilienceDeterminationSense of WellbeingPositivity

  17. Purpose for Kids can... • Lessen depression • Lessen binge drinking • Lessen drug abuse

  18. How can we find the purpose?

  19. Do you often wonder or think...

  20. Things to get you thinking…

  21. Values worksheet and reflection • (In the presentation file) • Pick your top FIVE values • Pick your top ONE

  22. What is Your Purpose in Life?

  23. Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well-preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside in a cloud of smoke, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming ​ "Wow! What a Ride!” ​ Hunter S. Thompson 

  24. How do we find purpose? Get up and get out, experience as many new things as possible until you find something that is important to you.

  25. Think About

  26. Ask yourself...... What would make your younger self sad if you  could talk to them now?

  27. Finding purpose can be tough Let's be honest, life is not always fun and games and the road gets rough, even when we are at our best. 

  28. Failure IS NOT A dirty word Failure is success that has not  happened yet

  29. How to foster purpose

  30. Happiness cannot be pursued: it must ensue. One must have a reason to be happy. Once the reason is found, however, one becomes happy atomically. Victor Frankl This Photo by Unknown author is licensed under CC BY-ND.

  31. Tell me, what it is you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?  Mary Oliver 

  32. Free resources Multiple intelligence and types: htp://literacyworks.org/mi/assessment/findyourstrengths.html •45 questions Inventory of strengths: htp://www.viacharacter.org/VIASurvey/tabid/55/Default.aspx •120 questions https://www.fosterpurpose.org/new-page (Need to start at beginning can not jump to purpose)

  33. Reference • Andrews, L. W. (2017). How a sense of purpose in life improves your health. Psychology Today. Retrieved from psychologytoday.com • Bounce Back project. (n.d.). bouncebackproject.org • Bronk, K. (2017). Cultivating a purpose in life among youth. Retrieved from https://youthspecialties.com/blog/cultivating-purpose-life-among-youth/ • Cook-Deegan, P. (2016). Seven ways to help high schoolers find purpose. Retrieved form https://greatergood.berkeley.edu/article/item/seven_ways_to_help_high_schoolers_find_purpose • Fostering purpose project. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.fosterpurpose.org/about/ • Manson, M. (2014). 7 strange questions that help you find your life's purpose. Retrieved from https://markmanson.net/life-purpose • National Association of County and City Health Officials. (2015). Mobilizing for action through planning and partnerships (MAPP) users handbook. Washington, DC: National Association of County and City Health Officials. • NRSG 820 syllabus. (2018). In C. Sortedahl, & D. Hofmann (Comp.), NRSG 820 DNP seminar and practicum 1 (pp. 1-26). Eau Claire: University of Wisconsin. • Taylor, S. (2016). A model of purpose: From survival to transpersonal purpose. Transpersonal Psychology Review, 18(1). Retrieved from www.bps.org.uk/publications/transpersonal-psychology-review • White, K. W. (2017). Emerging roles for the DNP. In M. E. Zaccagnini & K. W. White (Eds.), The Doctor of Nursing Practice Essentials (3 ed., pp. 375-397). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning. • Whitlock, J. (n.d.). Cultivating a sense of purpose inyouth. . Retrieved from http://www.actforyouth.net/resources/pd/pd14-purpose.pdf • Wright County Community Action. (2018). 2018 Community needs assessment [Brief]. : Wright County Community Action. • Zaccagnini, M. E., & White, K. W. (Eds.). (2017). The doctor of nursing practice essentials: A new model for advanced practice nursing (3 ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

  34. Want to Become Part of the Movement?Text:@bounce2017 to 81010 Like us on Facebook: Bounce Back ProjectCheck out our web pages:www.bouncebackproject.orgSign up for newsletter:http://bit.ly/bbnewsltr

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