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Outcome Mapping Workshop: Concepts, Challenges & Application

Learn cause/effect in open systems, assess timing, iterative learning, values clarification in monitoring. Understand outcome mapping for behavioural changes.

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Outcome Mapping Workshop: Concepts, Challenges & Application

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  1. Day 1:

  2. Introduction

  3. Course Facilitators

  4. Expectations of the Workshop

  5. Agenda for Day 1

  6. Workshop Process • Start & end on time • Give everyone a chance to speak & ask questions • « Issues and Concerns» • Questions & comments at any time • Questions et commentaires en français

  7. Introductory Exercise- Each person, share an achievement you`re very proud of & the role you played- Look for patterns in the stories- Be prepared to share the patterns in plenary

  8. Conceptual Overview

  9. Evaluation Challenges • Establishing cause & effect in an open system • Timing • Encouraging iterative learning • Clarifying values

  10. Challenge 1: Establishing Cause/Effect in an Open System • Multiple actors & factors contribute • Causality is mutual, therefore usually attribution is not possible • Unintended results often ignored

  11. Shifting Influence Over Time Influence Time

  12. Challenge 2: Timing • Tracking incremental, cumulative change • Not assessing results as though final

  13. Are we having an impact yet ?

  14. Challenge 3: Encouraging Iterative Learning • Emphasis on development results • Easy to measure vs. important to know • Keeping results within their context • Making time for reflection

  15. Accountability & Learning: A Balancing Act

  16. Accountability & Learning: A Balancing Act

  17. Challenge 4: Clarifying Values • Assessment is not value neutral • Making explicit the implicit • Building the capacity to engage

  18. Challenges and Outcome Mapping • OM Tools • Vision & Outcome Challenges • Outcome challenge & Progress Markers • Org. Practices & • Monitoring Journals • 4. Mission, Boundary Partners, Progress Markers, Org. Practices Challenges • Cause & effect in open system 2. Timing • Iterative Learning • Clarifying Values

  19. What is Outcome Mapping? • an integrated PM&E tool • an approach that focuses on changes in the behaviour, relationships,or actions of partners (as outcomes) • a methodology that characterizes and assesses the program’s contributions to the achievement of outcomes • an approach for designing in relation to the broader development context but assessing within your sphere of influence

  20. At What Level? • Course is focusing at the program level • Definition of Program: A group of related projects and activities with a specific set of resources (human, financial, capital) directed to the achievement of a set of goals within a specified period of time • Can be used by projects, organizations, and communities too

  21. Key Concepts of Outcome Mapping • Sphere of influence • Outcomes as behavioural change

  22. Sphere of Influence Planning & Design Context Sphere of Influence Assessing

  23. The Focus of Outcome Mapping Behavioural Changes

  24. What is an « Outcome » in OM? • Change(s) in the behaviour, relationships, activities, and/or actions of an individual, group, or organization that the program was helpful in bringing about. • These changes are aimed at encouraging human and ecological well-being.

  25. Changes Sought Changes in State Ecosystem Human System Changes in Behaviour

  26. Why Behavioural Change? • To stress that development is done by, and for, people • To illustrate that although a program can influence the achievement of outcomes, it cannot control them because ultimate responsibility rests with the people affected

  27. How Can Outcome Mapping Be Used? For a program to tell its performance story in outcome terms by: • articulating its goals and designing its activities • designing a monitoring system for assessing internal performance and outcomes of partners • setting a use-oriented evaluation plan

  28. Why Use Outcome Mapping? Focussing on changes in partners’ behaviour, relationships, or actions allows a program to: • measure results within its sphere of influence • obtain feedback about its efforts in order to improve its performance • take credit for its contributions to the achievement of outcomes • show progress towards outcomes

  29. Stage 1: Intentional Design

  30. «  I have a dream! »Martin Luther King

  31. Step 1 : Vision Statement • Reflects the broad human, social, & environmental betterment in which the program is engaged and to which it is contributing

  32. Example Vision Statement Local authorities, communities, and international organizations in developing countries in Africa recognize the value of HIV/AIDS intervention as an integral part of social & economic development. Municipal, regional, and national governments actively support HIV/AIDS prevention activities by formulating and implementing effective public health policies. Using research findings, they have developed a comprehensive public health strategy to slow down the infection rate. Formerly marginalized groups (e.g. women and youth) are organized into advocacy groups that can effectively formulate their needs to policy makers. All groups have access to reliable and relevant technical information about HIV/AIDS prevention and are able to make informed choices. In essence, there are healthier, happier, and wealthier communities.

  33. Facilitation Questions ? “Imagine that in 3-5 years the program has been extremely successful. What changes will you have helped bring about? What are your partners doing differently? What have they achieved? In essence, what would total success look like?”

  34. VISION STATEMENT The Mission is that “bite” of the Vision Statement on which the program is going to focus

  35. Step 2: Mission Statement Describes how the program intends to: • Operationalize its role in support of the vision by determining the areas in which it will work • Support the achievement of outcomes by its boundary partners

  36. Facilitation Questions ? “How can the program best support or contribute to the achievement of the vision? What areas do you need to work in? What do you need to do? ”

  37. Example Mission Statement In support of this vision and on behalf of its donors, the program will work in the areas of research, dissemination, capacity building, & coordination. It will contribute to the production, synthesis, & dissemination of research data, position papers, & other information that will sensitize local & international actors to HIV/AIDS prevention. The program will seek to expand the range of disciplines involved in HIV/AIDS research. It will enhance HIV/AIDS research capacity in order to produce credible information for local, national, & international policy-making & program development. It will promote an interest in HIV/AIDS research among new researchers by providing research fellowships, mentorship, & training opportunities. The program will contribute to the development of linkages between Northern & Southern researchers & encourage partnerships between research organizations, advocates, & decision makers. It will increase its visibility & credibility among the donor community & will convince them of the utility of supporting HIV/AIDS prevention.

  38. Developing a Vision or Mission • Warm-up – general conversation • Individual write up • Discuss & Post • Facilitator and/or participant draft • Present & discuss • Purge the jargon • Verify with partners (if required) & Finalize

  39. Developing a Vision with the Community in Nagaland

  40. Suggestions and Tips! If time is a limiting factor you can carry out an email survey in advance to create a draft vision & mission before the workshop starts. Use the draft version as a starting point for discussion in order to save time.

  41. Exercise 1: Correct Errors in Vision & Mission Statements

  42. Step 3: Boundary Partners Those individuals, groups, & organizations with whom the program interacts directly to effect change & with whom the program can anticipate some opportunities for influence.

  43. Program`s Sphere of Influence The Real World Program = Program`s Boundary Partners

  44. Boundary Partners (have boundary partners) Program’s Boundary Partners Boundary Partners’ Boundary Partners Program

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