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Enrichissementsémantique Unetechnologie au service de voscompétences 20 Novembre 2012 Thomas Benatar
Agenda • Introduction • Qu’est-cequel’enrichissementsémantique ? • Quelquescas d’usage • Valoriservoscompétences à l’aide de ces technologies ? • Questions
Introduction Unetechnologie au service de voscompétences L’indexation automatique est une nécessité • la masse documentaire augmente en permanence et n’est plus entièrement gérable par l’humain. • Certainsraisonnementsinformatiquesprésentent des atoutsquel’indexationmanuelle ne peut pas concurrencer. Mais pas unepanacée • La qualité des systèmesautomatiquesn’atteindrajamais la qualitéhumaine. • Certainestâcheshumaines ne peuventêtreremplacées par la machine. • L’automatisationgénère de nouveaux besoinshumains. Trouver le justeéquilibre • Appréhender les technolgiesd’indexationautomatiquecommeune aide et uneopportunité, pas commeune menace.
Agenda • Introduction • Qu’est-cequel’enrichissementsémantique ? • Quelquescas d’usage • Valoriservoscompétences à l’aide de ces technologies ? • Questions
Rôles Attributs Enrichissementsémantique L’extractionautomatique de métadonnées Acquisition AcquéreurGoogle Cible AdMob Montant $750 million Date Jan 8th Relations Entités Termes On January 8th Google buys AdMob for $750 Million. Prep Date Monetary Expr. Company Company Prep Action Prep Num Unit Prep Proper Num Proper Verb Proper U On January 8th Google buys AdMob for $750 Million.
Enrichissementsémantique L’annotation de documents Sociétés HTC Strikes Back Against Apple – Wall Street Journal - NIRAJ SHETH May 13th 2010 - HTC Corp., the maker of several phones that run on Google Inc.'s Android platform, filed a complaint against Apple Inc. alleging patent infringement, a move that follows an intellectual-property suit that the iPhone maker filed against HTC two months ago. HTC's complaint with the U.S. International Trade Commission alleges that Apple has violated five patents held by the Taiwan-based electronics manufacturer and asks the trade court to stop Apple from selling the iPhone, the iPad and iPod in the U.S. Apple in March filed complaints with the ITC, and in a federal court in Delaware, outlining a total of 20 patents related to touch-screen technology and mobile computing that it alleges HTC infringed. In its filing, HTC cites patents related to power consumption in smartphones and how cellphones dial contacts from an address book. Some of the patents cited by Apple in its suit also relate to power usage, but it wasn't immediately clear how similar those claims are to HTC's. "We are taking this action against Apple to protect our intellectual property, our industry partners, and most importantly our customers that use HTC phones," HTC's North American vice president, Jason Mackenzie, said in a written statement. In another sign of the growing legal pressure on Google and its Android partners, HTC recently announced a licensing deal with Microsoft Corp., which said it believes that HTC's Android phones infringes on a range of Microsoft patents including user interfaces. The share of Android-based smartphones in the U.S. grew to 28% in the first quarter, according to research firm NPD, for the first time edging out the iPhone's 21% share. NIRAJ SHETH Apple HTC HTC Apple Google HTC Google Android Apple filed a complaint against Apple Inc. alleging patent infringement Microsoft NPD iPhone HTC Organisations US International Trade Commission US International Trade Commission HTC Apple Personnes Apple iPhone iPad iPod NirajSheth ITC Apple filed complaints with the ITC Jason Mackenzie HTC Produits HTC smartphones cellphones iPhone iPad iPod Apple power usage HTC Technologies Apple Android smartphones HTC HTC ‘s North Jason Mackenzie American vice president Google Android HTC power usage Relations Microsoft HTC recentlyannounced a licensing deal with user interfaces Android Microsoft user interfaces Court Case HR smartphones Licensing The share of Android-basedsmartphones in the U.S. grew to 28% in the first quarter iPhone NPD Market Share
Enrichissement sémantique ? Insertion de connaissance Connaissance structurée • Faisant autorité • Interne / Propriétaire • Externe / Commerciale ou “Open Source” Apple HTC Strikes Back Against Apple – Wall Street Journal - NIRAJ SHETH May 13th 2010 - HTC Corp., the maker of several phones that run on Google Inc.'s Android platform, filed a complaint against Apple Inc. alleging patent infringement, a move that follows an intellectual-property suit that the iPhone maker filed against HTC two months ago. HTC's complaint with the U.S. International Trade Commission alleges that Apple has violated five patents held by the Taiwan-based electronics manufacturer and asks the trade court to stop Apple from selling the iPhone, the iPad and iPod in the U.S. Apple in March filed complaints with the ITC, and in a federal court in Delaware, outlining a total of 20 patents related to touch-screen technology and mobile computing that it alleges HTC infringed. In its filing, HTC cites patents related to power consumption in smartphones and how cellphones dial contacts from an address book. Some of the patents cited by Ale in its suit also relate to power usage, but it wasn't immediately clear how similar those claims are to HTC's. "We are taking this action against Apple to protect our intellectual property, our industry partners, and most importantly our customers that use HTC phones," HTC's North American vice president, Jason Mackenzie, said in a written statement. In another sign of the growing legal pressure on Google and its Android partners, HTC recently announced a licensing deal with Microsoft Corp., which said it believes that HTC's Android phones infringes on a range of Microsoft patents including user interfaces. The share of Android-based smartphones in the U.S. grew to 28% in the first quarter, according to research firm NPD, for the first time edging out the iPhone's 21% share. HTC Strikes Back Against Apple – Wall Street Journal - NIRAJ SHETH May 13th 2010 - HTC Corp., the maker of several phones that run on Google Inc.'s Android platform, filed a complaint against Apple Inc. alleging patent infringement, a move that follows an intellectual-property suit that the iPhone maker filed against HTC two months ago. HTC's complaint with the U.S. International Trade Commission alleges that Apple has violated five patents held by the Taiwan-based electronics manufacturer and asks the trade court to stop Apple from selling the iPhone, the iPad and iPod in the U.S. Apple in March filed complaints with the ITC, and in a federal court in Delaware, outlining a total of 20 patents related to touch-screen technology and mobile computing that it alleges HTC infringed. In its filing, HTC cites patents related to power consumption in smartphones and how cellphones dial contacts from an address book. Some of the patents cited by Apple in its suit also relate to power usage, but it wasn't immediately clear how similar those claims are to HTC's. "We are taking this action against Apple to protect our intellectual property, our industry partners, and most importantly our customers that use HTC phones," HTC's North American vice president, Jason Mackenzie, said in a written statement. In another sign of the growing legal pressure on Google and its Android partners, HTC recently announced a licensing deal with Microsoft Corp., which said it believes that HTC's Android phones infringes on a range of Microsoft patents including user interfaces. The share of Android-based smartphones in the U.S. grew to 28% in the first quarter, according to research firm NPD, for the first time edging out the iPhone's 21% share. NIRAJ SHETH NIRAJ SHETH HTC HTC Google Google Android Android Apple Apple filed a complaint against Apple Inc. alleging patent infringement filed a complaint against Apple Inc. alleging patent infringement US International Trade Commission US International Trade Commission iPhone iPhone iPad iPad iPod iPod filed complaints with the ITC filed complaints with the ITC ITC ITC cellphones cellphones smartphones smartphones power usage power usage HTC HTC ‘s North ‘s North Jason Mackenzie Jason Mackenzie American vice president American vice president HTC HTC Microsoft Corp Microsoft Corp recentlyannounced a licensing deal with recentlyannounced a licensing deal with user interfaces user interfaces The share of Android-basedsmartphones in the U.S. grew to 28% in the first quarter The share of Android-basedsmartphones in the U.S. grew to 28% in the first quarter NPD NPD
Documents similaires Au sens large Articles Sur l’iPhone Ajout de valeur à un contenu Rapports d’analysepour HTC Articles sur d’autres décisions de justice dans l’industrie du téléphone mobile Analyses Liens Insertion de contenu Annotation Sociétés/HTC Sociétés/Apple Personnes/Niraj Seth Relations/Court Case Document brut
Enrichissementsémantique Favorisel’accès à l’information la plus pertinente • Optimise la qualité des résultatsd’unerecherche Facilitel’exploration • Permet la navigation par facettes • Oriente la recherche Elargit la connaissance • Fournit des liens vers des documents similaires et connexes Une multitude d’avantages
Agenda • Introduction • Qu’est-cequel’enrichissementsémantique ? • Quelquescas d’usage • Valoriservoscompétences à l’aide de ces technologies ? • Questions
Documents similaires • Renvoie le lecteur vers du contenu apparenté au document courant
Maillagede contenu pour Objectif du projet • Créer des liens pertinentsentre des entitésprésentesdans des articles vers des contenus de référencedans le domaineaéronautique (modèlesd’avions, industriels, fournisseurs, etc.) Motivations du client • Rendre Aviation Week plus attractif • Retenir les visiteurs et augmenter la fréquentation du site • Générer du revenu avec des produitsinnovantsnotamment des micrositesthématiques
Agenda • Introduction • Qu’est-cequel’enrichissementsémantique ? • Quelquescas d’usage • Valoriservoscompétences à l’aide de ces technologies ? • Questions
Valoriservoscompétences Création de taxonomies • L’outil n’extrait pas l’information à partir de rien. Il doit disposer des meilleurs plans de classement. Maintenance des taxonomies • Recherche de nouveaux candidatstermes. • Amélioration continue et pragmatique. Analysequalité • Utilisationd’outils pour chiffrer la qualitéd’unetaxonomie. Aide à l’apprentissagestatistique Classer l’information
Valoriservoscompétences Avoir un rôle de conseil sur la meilleure façon d’utiliser les méta-données • Quelles facettes ? • Sur quelles informations doit se reposer le calcul de similarité ? • … Analyse des données • Utilisationd’outilsd’analyse, de veille pour faire des rapports, alerter etc. Mise en forme/Analyse des données
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