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Global Governance and Public Interests in Economic and Political Globalization

Explore the concepts of global polity, system of governance, and public interests in the context of economic and political globalization. Understand the role of international organizations in protecting global public interests and promoting peace and social development.

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Global Governance and Public Interests in Economic and Political Globalization

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  1. Review – Application: Economic Globalization and AIDS • Economic Globalization has everything to do with AIDS • Disease has… • established itself • spread • been treated …according to global capitalism

  2. Road Map

  3. Political Globalization at the World Level: What’s a Global Polity? • A polity is a system of governance charged with protecting public interests • A global polity is a global system of governance charged with protecting global public interests

  4. What’s the Global System of Governance? • International law (treaties) • Intergovernmental organizations (IGOs) • International nongovernmental organizations (INGOs)

  5. What’s the Global Public? • Core constituents are nation-states • Secondary constituents are individuals

  6. What Are Global Public Interests? (1) to defend public goods – peace and security (2) to advance public goods – economic and social development First is primary: League of Nations (1920-46) United Nations (1945-present)

  7. Global Polity • arises with the recognition of global public interests, separate from and sometimes opposed to the interests of nation-states (its core constituents) and/or individuals (its secondary constituents)

  8. Preamble to the UN Charter WE THE PEOPLES OF THE UN DETERMINED -to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war… -to reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights… -to establish conditions under which justice and respect for…international law can be maintained, -to promote social progress and better standards of life in larger freedom,

  9. Preamble (cont’d) • AND FOR THESE ENDS -to practice tolerance and live together in peace with one another as good neighbors… -to unite our strength to maintain international peace and security… -to ensure…that armed force shall not be used, save in the common interest… -to employ international machinery for the promotion of the economic and social advancement of all peoples,

  10. Preamble (cont’d) • HAVE RESOLVED TO COMBINE OUR EFFORTS TO ACCOMPLISH THESE AIMS • Accordingly, our respective Governments, through representatives assembled in the city of San Francisco, who have exhibited their full powers found to be in good and due form, have agreed to the present Charter of the United Nations and do hereby establish an international organization to be known as the United Nations.

  11. Treaty of Friendship Between the USA and the Republic of Kiribati The Government of the USA and the Government of the Republic of Kiribati, Desirous of maintaining the bonds of peace and friendship traditionally existing between the people of the US and the people of Kiribati; Acknowledging that the US has hitherto claimed sovereignty over the islands of Canton (Kanton), Enderbury, Hull (Orona), Birnie, Gardner (Nikumaroro), Phoenix (Rawaki), Sydney (Manra), McKean, Christmas (Kiritimati), Caroline, Starbuck, Malden, Flint, and Vostok;

  12. Treaty of Friendship Conscious of their mutual interest in a stable and peaceful Pacific; Have agreed as follows: • ARTICLE 1 • The Government of the United States recognizes the sovereignty of Kiribati over the islands of Kiribati named in the preamble as a part of the territory of the sovereign Republic of Kiribati.

  13. UN Economic & Social Development Program, Themes Advancement of women Countries in special situations Governance & institution-building Human rights International trade Macroeconomics & finance Population Science, technology, & productive sectors Social development Statistics Sustainable development, human settlements & energy

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