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Vocabulary. A period of time when the body develops more adult like qualities, including the ability to reproduce Puberty The passing of traits from parents to children Heredity. Vocabulary. A strand of matter in the nucleus of the cell that contains the information for a person’s heredity

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  1. Vocabulary • A period of time when the body develops more adult like qualities, including the ability to reproduce • Puberty • The passing of traits from parents to children • Heredity

  2. Vocabulary • A strand of matter in the nucleus of the cell that contains the information for a person’s heredity • Chromosome • A chemical substance that makes up chromosomes and determines inherited traits • DeoxyriboNucleic Acid

  3. Vocabulary • A small part of the chromosome that influences a specific trait • Gene • The female reproductive cell • Egg Cell • The male reproductive cell • Sperm Cell

  4. Vocabulary – cont’d • The male reproductive Gland • Testes • The female reproductive Gland • Ovaries

  5. Growth and Development – are you an X or a Y Chromosome – what are they? Endocrine glands • Function: to release team of hormones that control the body • Hormones: Chemicals released by endocrine glands into the blood that causes certain reactions in the body – eg. Chemical messages

  6. II Heredity • A. Passing of traits from parents to children • Inherited traits: eye color, nose shape, adult height, hair color and texture, etc.

  7. Determinants of Heredity • Chromosomes: strands of matter in nucleus of cells • 4 chemical bases of chromosomes • A(adenine) T (thymine) C (cytosine)G (guanine) • DNA : Chemical structure in Chromosomes • Genes: one for each trait….30,000 in each person

  8. DNA is Deoxyribonucleic Acid • DE • OXY • RIBO • NU • CLE-IC • ACID • Learn it – ten extra credit points!!!

  9. Heredity • Passing of Traits • Egg from mother and Sperm from father each contain 23 chromosomes to form cells of baby with 46 chromosomes (23 pair)

  10. Chromosomes • Each Sperm has either X (girl) chromosome or Y (boy) chromosome • Whichever sperm fertilizes the egg(X or Y) determines the gender of the baby. • The egg cell is always an X chromosome: when the egg is fertilized it is combined with the sperm cell to form eitherXX or XY

  11. Endocrine Glands • Pituitary Glands release growth hormone • Found in brain • Growth spurt • The transformation of Barry Bonds • Reproductive glands

  12. Reproductive glands • Female • Ovaries(2) - internal • Produces and stores egg cells • Makes Estrogen (female hormone)

  13. Reproductive glands • Male • Testes (2) - external • Produces Sperm Cells • Makes Testosterone (male hormone)

  14. Puberty • Time of physical change In the body • Caused by hormones • Girls: Average age 9-13 • Boys: Average age 11-15

  15. Physical changes of Adolescence in the Female • Rapid Growth • Formation of Mature Eggs • Pubic hair • Underarm hair • Increase in Perspiration • Acne

  16. Females Cont’d • Development of Breasts • Increase in body fat • Wider hips • Beginning of Menstrual Cycle (Period) • Increased levels of female hormones (Estrogen) – emotions – crying - laughing

  17. Physical changes of Adolescence in the Male • Acne • Deeper Voice • Broadened Shoulders • Pubic Hair • Rapid Growth • Facial Hair

  18. Who has really gone through puberty?????

  19. Male Cont’d • Underarm Hair • Muscle development • Production of Sperm Cells • Increased levels of Male Hormones (Testosterone) – aggression -fighting

  20. The beginning of us all!!!!! • When a sperm cell fertilizes an egg cell…the fertilized egg cell is called a ZYGOTE

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