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活化運籌創意經濟. Country Report 2005 - Macau. Activation of Logistic Support Originating Economy. for. 理事長 郭林. Peter Kwok, chairman of MAFFA. Macau Air Freight Forwarding (Logistics) Association. 澳門空運暨物流業協會. 澳門貨運吞吐量統計比較. 壹、澳門國際運輸市場統計.
活化運籌創意經濟 Country Report 2005 - Macau Activation of Logistic Support Originating Economy for 理事長 郭林 Peter Kwok, chairman of MAFFA Macau Air Freight Forwarding (Logistics) Association 澳門空運暨物流業協會
澳門貨運吞吐量統計比較 壹、澳門國際運輸市場統計 recorded performance, amounting to 220,828 tonnes, and in contrast to that in 2003, there is a growth of 79,605 tonnes, an increase of 56.37%. This is a very encouraging phenomenon which has cited the high efficiency and good facilities of Macau airport. 製表日期:2005/06/03 資訊來源:MFFA 32nd Executive Council Meeting
澳門空運代理商 貳、澳門航空貨運代理概況 資訊來源:http://www.macau-airport.com/cn/h03/05_freight_forwarders.php
CARGO SERVICES Menzies Macau Airport Services cargo services facility has all the necessary equipment and pro-cedures in place ensure your cargo moves quickly and effectively through our terminal. As the Gateway to the Pearl River Delta we are becoming to many the preferred entry / exit point for the China Market. The Menzies Macau Airport Services facility is strategically situated close to the China border. 5 minutes from the cargo terminal to the China border. 參、澳門航空貨運運籌與物流服務概況 THE FUTURE Import, export and transit cargo through Macau has increased significantly since the airport opened in 1995 and this trend will continue. Our terminal is designed for continued growth, and we are committed to providing a superior level of service to all our customers. BASIC FACTS The cargo service facility has: Cool room and freezer facility. Dedicated high value security cage. 8,000 sq. meters of cover-ed space. Open 24 hours daily. State-of-art security sur-veillance system. Multiple direct parking bays for all types of aircraft including B747F and AN124. By-pass system that allows import and export shipments to be moved expeditiously from trucks to aircraft and simultaneously check-weighted. 除了澳門航線、長榮航空、新加坡航空、提供貨運航班外,2004.05.2上航的上海至澳門 貨運航班正式投入運作,利用B737-300F飛機去提供每星期12班次的貨運服務,以加強兩地的貨運連繫◦ 第一班運作的航班,FM9083/9084,運載了約2萬公斤的貨物。! 資訊來源:明捷澳門
(一) 預防、打擊和遏止關務欺詐行為; (二) 致力預防和遏止不法販運活動; (三) 配合對外貿易活動的監管工作,並為發展對外貿易活動作出貢獻, 以維護澳門特別行政區在國際上的信譽; (四) 根據法例,確保對知識產權的保護; (五) 致力履行澳門特別行政區在海關範疇內承擔的國際義務; (六) 致力保護人身和財產安全,妥善執行澳門特別行政區的內部保安 政策。 (七) 參與澳門特別行政區的民防工作,並在緊急情況中參與行動。 肆、澳門海關與關務簡介 The Customs Authority has given its commitment of service to applicants to complete its approval within 20 minutes via EDI system.
澳門面積不大,只有27.3平方公里; 人口也不多,約四十四萬八千五百人,然而卻絲毫不減其在國際間的知名度,因她是歷史與現代、東方和西方的一道橋樑。在這裏觀光、文娛、消閒活動,應有盡有,教人流連忘返。氹仔氹仔在距離澳門市區不遠,是一個定居和旅遊的好去處。近年來雖然有龐大的城市發展,但居民及旅客仍然可以享用到寬闊的空間及綠化地帶。 氹仔近年已先後建有:賽馬場、大學、豪華酒店及國際機場。遊覽氹仔時,切勿錯過漫步市區內的大街小巷,欣賞中式和葡式之舊屋宇建築,品嚐中、葡美食、購買手信、特別是馳名的氹仔老婆餅。 路環路環是一個風景優美,山丘連綿、綠樹成蔭和幽雅怡人的小島,對生活在煩囂的都市人,路環確實是一個假日的好去處。 特別吸引遊客及居民的是風景如畫,濃密樹林中的步行徑,使人接觸到不同種類的動植物,可遠眺海灘及鄰近小島的風光。 目前,路環的面積約八平方公里。遊覽時,不要錯過到竹灣海灘和黑沙海灘一遊,漫遊市區內富有葡國和中國色彩的大街和小巷。 伍、結語 兩岸交流澳門中轉創造綜效與共贏 預祝同業交流創造商機座談會成功