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SUDLERSVILLE ELEMENTARY. A Title 1 School MAY 2012 “Where Eagles SOAR!” www.qacps.k12.md.us/ses/WELCOME.HTM. Upcoming Events. Principal’s News. MAY 5/2 Volunteer Orientation 7:30 am Cafeteria 5/2 Field Trips Grades 3 & 5 5/2 4 th Grade Presentations on MD - 9:10 am
SUDLERSVILLE ELEMENTARY A Title 1 School MAY 2012 “Where Eagles SOAR!” www.qacps.k12.md.us/ses/WELCOME.HTM Upcoming Events Principal’s News MAY 5/2 Volunteer Orientation 7:30 am Cafeteria 5/2 Field Trips Grades 3 & 5 5/2 4th Grade Presentations on MD - 9:10 am 5/4 Kindergarten Field Trip to Winterstein’s 5/4 Movie Night 5/8 Assembly 9 & 10 am “Ball in the House” 5/9 PFY Family Showcase 5/10Kindergarten Trip to Library 5/11 PFY Last Day 5/11 PreK Trip to Godfrey’s 5/12 SES Community Cares Day 5/18Kindergarten Trip to Godfrey’s 5/18 3rd Grade Author’s Day 5/23 Spring Concert 6:30pm 1st Grade, 4/5 Grade Chorus, 5th Grade Beginning Band, The Eagle Squad and Las Ninas Mariposas 5/24 Career Day 5/252nd Grade Trip-Turner’s Creek 5/25 PreK Field Day 5/28 NO SCHOOL 5/29 SMS Orientation & Tour Grades 4 & 5 JUNE 6/1 Field Day 6/5 End of Year Award Ceremony 6/5 Pre-K End of Year Party 6/6 2nd Grade Year End Picnic 6/6 Grade 3 Field Trip to Zoo 6/74th Grade Promotion 6/7 5th Grade End of Year Party 6/7 1st Grade Trip to Tuckahoe 6/85th Grade Promotion 8:30am 6/8LAST DAY FOR STUDENTS ½ DAY Dear Parents and Friends of SES: The months of May and June promise to be busy ones at Sudlersville Elementary School. Students will be involved in a number of activities including promotion ceremonies for both fourth and fifth grade students. Please be sure to review the monthly calendars found elsewhere in this newsletter and you will see that SES will be a very busy place. However, with this said it should be remembered that the most important “job” for all SES students each day in the scholastic year is to work hard in school in all academic subjects. We believe that our pupils need to be actively involved in their studies right through the last day of school and ask that you assist us by reinforcing with your child the importance of putting forth his or her best effort right through Friday, June 8th. As we are fond of saying: “We have much academic ground to cover and only a short time to cover it.” Speaking of June 8h, please remember that this is now the last day of school and that our promotion ceremonies have been scheduled for June 7th (fourth grade) and June 8th (fifth grade). Finally, we have begun planning for our annual summer school program. Mr. Christopher will again be in charge and will be sending out invitations shortly. Children who attend will reap academic dividends so if your child is asked to attend summer school, please consider accepting. Have a great spring and, as always, thanks for your support. Sincerely, Lloyd W. Taylor, Ed.D. Principal
SUDLERSVILLE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL A Title 1 School MAY 2012 “Where Eagles SOAR!” www.qacps.k12.md.us/ses/WELCOME.HTM Grade 2 News PreK News Kindergarten News Where did the school year go? We have been very busy in Pre-K learning about dinosaurs and how things grow and change. Students have explored how living things and the environment grow and change over time. They have been reviewing “ABAB” patterns, measurement, and identification of letters of the alphabet and their sounds. We will be bringing closure to the unit Growing and Changing by taking a class trip to Godfrey’s Farm to pick strawberries on Friday, May 11th. The children are very excited about going to the farm. Our final unit in Pre-K is Ready for Kindergarten. The children will continue to work on identification of all 26 letters (capital and lowercase) by name and in random order. They will also work to understand that letters form words. In math, they will explore the use and meaning of currency and coins. In science, they will identify and describe the sun, moon, and stars. The Pre-K field day will be on Friday, May 25th on the blacktop behind the school. In addition, our Pre-K end of the year party will be at the Sudlersville Park on Tuesday, June 5th. All parents are welcome. Please be on the look out for more information which will be sent home at a later date. A huge thanks to all the parents in the A.M. and the P.M. classes for all of your help this year! May will be a busy month for all of us! Please check your child’s communication folder for upcoming events such as Field Day, Field trip information, end of year activities, etc. There will be forms that need to be signed and returned. A field trip has been planned for May 25, 2012. Second grade will be going to Turner’s Creek to learn about the environment. More information will follow soon. (We were unable to plan for the Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum in St. Michael’s because of the cost factor.) We have also planned our end of year picnic for Wednesday, June 6, 2012, so save the date. You know we are continuing with a rigorous academic routine from now until the end of the year. Our Reading Literacy Block is going well. Our students continue making steady gains. Math units include Units 10, 11, and 12 that incorporate money, multiplication, and division. In Science, we will be completing a unit on the Environment and beginning Life Science. In Social Studies, we will be learning about Japan. Please continue helping your child with his or her homework. Kindergarten is looking forward to a busy May! We will visit Winterstein's Dairy Farm on May 4th. This will help us see many things we learned about in our recent farm unit. We will learn about how to visit the local library, so we can do summer reading, when we visit the Sudlersville Memorial Library on May 10th. Eating local produce and learning how food is grown and sold will be the focus of our trip to Godfrey's Farm on May 18th! These trips will provide memorable experiences for all of us. Have your child talk to you about what he/she liked about each of the trips. Have a great summer and remember to READ!! The Kindergarten Team It has been a great year! Thank you for all of your help and support. We have enjoyed teaching your children. We will be ending the year studying the following things. Language Arts- We will continue to write with our focus on adding details to our writing. We are also focusing on correct punctuation, capital letters and spacing. Social Studies- Our next unit of study is on economics and jobs. Science- We will study technology and simple machines. Math- Our final units are on graphing and fractions. We will be sending home information on our Tuckahoe Field Trip soon. It will be held on June 7th. Your First Grade Team Grade 1 News
SUDLERSVILLE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL A Title 1 School MAY 2012 “Where Eagles SOAR!” www.qacps.k12.md.us/ses/WELCOME.HTM Grade 3 News Grade 4 News Grade 5 News Students will be reading selections from their anthologies as well as accompanying books for literature circle discussions as we continue to emphasize helpful comprehension strategies. We will review important reading and writing skills to prepare for upcoming sixth-grade assignments. In math we will study fractions and ratios, coordinates, area, volume. capacity, algebra concepts, probability, and rates. In science we will complete our life science unit with lessons about student health. We will finish our study of the American colonies and the Revolutionary War before we learn about the constitution in social studies. To extend our study of history and science, we will visit the John Dickinson Plantation and the St. Jones Estuarine Research Reserve in Dover on May 2. We will send a letter home soon about our sixth-grade orientation visit at Sudlersville Middle School on May 29. Our fifth graders will soon be middle schoolers and we will work hard in May to be prepared for next year. Thank you, as always, for all that you do to support learning and for making this school year so successful. The fifth grade will have their end-of-year celebration at the Sudlersville Park on June 7. We will leave S.E.S. at 12:45 and return by 2:20. Also, the fifth-grade advancement ceremony will be at 8:30 A.M. on June 8. Marvelous May The third graders are anxiously awaiting their field trip to the Herr’s potato chip factory which will take place on May 2nd. They have already been discussing the opportunities they will have to see how potato chips are made. They will be seeing first hand how the potato chip factory reuses items, reduces trash, and how they recycle their products. Students will also have an opportunity to participate in some mathematical activities as well. We will be visiting the Baltimore Zoo on June 6. Please remember that students will be returning later than the buses (3:30) so they will need to be picked up on that day. The author celebration is scheduled for May 18. We look forward to recognizing the fine authors of Sudlersville Elementary. Field day is happening here at SES on June 1. Feel free to come and help out or be a spectator and cheer for the students. Let’s hope for sunny weather on that day. As always, we would like to thank the parents for your continued support at SES. You have helped make this year a success. Mrs. Bildstein, Mrs. Leventhal and Mrs. Thren/ Mrs. Graves The end of the year is fast approaching. We still have a lot of new and interesting material to learn to prepare us for fifth grade. Speaking of fifth grade, we are excited for our students to start their new journey at Sudlersville Middle School. This class will have the special honor of representing Sudlersville as the very first fifth grade class in the new school. REMINDER: Students are presenting their Maryland projects on Wednesday May 2 at 9:10 in the cafeteria. Please be there to support your child. Our final book report papers went home on Monday, April 30th. The students are expected to read ANY grade level appropriate book and then create a dish to share that will tell about a part of the text. Be creative! These reports and treats will be due Thursday, June 7, 2012. We are having a 4th grade promotion ceremony on Thursday June 7th. The ceremony will begin in the gym at 8:30 am and then continue into the pavilion where the students will share their book report treats and enjoy the company of their peers and parents. We would love to see each of you there.
SUDLERSVILLE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL A Title 1 School MAY 2012 “Where Eagles SOAR!” www.qacps.k12.md.us/ses/WELCOME.HTM doctor's office, or on a stroll through the neighborhood, learning never ends. Your children can explore some fascinating mathematical possibilities in the world around them every day. For instance, math can be found outdoors in nature: look for symmetry in leaves; count the number, sizes, and kinds of trees on your street; and look at the various shapes and patterns of blooming flowers. Children will be learning math and enjoying it too! Spring Concert On Wednesday, May 23rd, the 4th/5th Grade Chorus, 1st Grade, and 5th Grade Beginning Band will be performing in our annual Spring Concert. The concert will feature our 1st Grade classes, as well as our 4th/5th Grade Chorus which was newly formed this year. The 5th Grade Beginning Band will also be featured. Special appearances by The Eagle Squad and Las Ninas Mariposas. The concert will begin at 6:30pm. Performers need to be in their designated classrooms by 6:00pm. Math Matters week's worth of groceries? How would that money be counted out? What could be purchased with those savings? A book? A movie ticket? What percentage of the original price is the coupon worth? Count the ways. How many ways can you make 10 cents, 25 cents, 30 cents, 40 cents, or 50 cents? You can help your child add the coins in various ways to get different answers. Tracking Time with TV: While watching television, make a chart showing how much time in every hour is used for commercials compared to how much time is used for the actual show. Do this for every half-hour of television you watch. Then make a bar or pie chart showing the two amounts. Time the minutes carefully. Tracking Time in your Day: Together with your child, keep track of how he or she spends time in one 24-hour period: time spent sleeping, eating, playing, reading, and going to school. Measure a strip of paper that is 24 inches long. Let each inch represent 1 hour. Color in the number of hours for each activity, using a different color for each activity. When finished, make the strip into a circle and place it on a blank piece of paper. Trace around the circle. Then make lines from the center of the circle to the end of each color. Your child has just made a circle (pie) chart of how he or she spends 24 hours. Compare this with how other people in your family spend their time. During summer vacations, on rainy days, while waiting at the For The Home Your home is full of opportunities to explore math with your child and, at the same time, build his or her self-confidence and understanding of mathematical ideas. This is a chance for you and your child to "talk math" that is, to communicate about math while discovering relationships between numbers. Being able to describe mathematical patterns and relationships, such as those between "addition and subtraction" or "odd and even numbers," is important to later success in math. Students need practice in order to maintain their math skills during the summer break. Be sure to talk about numbers and math in your daily activities. Children can count coins, tell time, add up costs and calculate change. They can practice their facts using math card games like “Top It”. Coin clues. Ask your child to gather some change in his or her hand without showing what it is. Start with amounts of 25 cents or less (for first-graders, you can start with pennies and nickels). Ask your child to tell you how much money and how many coins there are. Guess which coins are being held. For example, "I have 17 cents and 5 coins. What coins do I have?" (3 nickels and 2 pennies). Clip and save. Cut out grocery store coupons and tell how much money is saved with coins. For example, if you save 20 cents on detergent, say 2 dimes. Ask your child what could be purchased using the savings from the coupon. A pack of gum? A pencil? How much money could be saved with 3, 4, or 5 coupons? How could that money be counted out in coins and bills? What could be purchased with those savings? A pack of notebook paper? A magazine? How much money could be saved with coupons for a Music
SUDLERSVILLE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL A Title 1 School MAY 2012 “Where Eagles SOAR!” www.qacps.k12.md.us/ses/WELCOME.HTM Health Room Earth Day • Welcome warmer temperatures are fast approaching our area. Soon to arrive also are those pesky flies, mosquitoes, fleas, and ticks. • If those pesky mosquitoes bother you, you will find some helpful information to follow that just may help you from saying “OUCH!” • You can repel mosquitoes by using an insect repellent with DEET. • Do not use repellents on children that contain more than 10% DEET. • Higher concentrations repel longer but may cause health problems. • Use a sunscreen with DEET in it so you will get the maximum effectiveness of each product. Using these products separately can reduce the effectiveness of your sunscreen. • Be aware, DEET can damage plastic (glasses, watch crystals), fibers, and painted surfaces. • Some natural products you may want to try include: • Soybean oil usually lasts 3 – 4 hours. • Citronella oil usually lasts 1-2 hours. • When using repellents: • Don’t saturate the area. • Don’t apply near your eyes or mouth. • Don’t apply over cuts or irritations. • Don’t reapply frequently. • Once inside wash hands. • If you become bit you may treat your bites: • by using a topical corticosteroid like hydrocortisone (wash hands) • by using calendula cream on the face • you may also reduce itching by using an oral antihistamine • Did you know that mosquitoes could locate you at a distance of more than 100 feet by detecting the carbon dioxide in your breath? Wow! • Have a safe and ouchless season. More than 400 students and parent volunteers joined forces with local environmental experts to celebrate Earth Day. After a spirited assembly about environmental stewardship, led by Sultana Projects leader Chris Cerino, students participated in a variety of environmental activities and workshops. SES students benefited from 42 environmental workshops designed to enrich each grade level’s science program. Student journals were used to record students’ responses to their hands-on activities. A very special recycled art exhibit showcased student work representing wildlife and environmental problems of the Chesapeake Bay. Third and fourth graders loved dissecting squid with DNR leader Martha Shaum. Second graders investigated the trash timeline with Tuckahoe DNR rangers. Fifth graders analyzed energy conservation with Choptank Electric’s Energy Program Coordinator, Tom Tyndall. First graders learned all about beekeeping from Jay Falstad of the Queen Anne’s Conservation Association. Kindergartners explored recycling with Midshore Regional Recycling Coordinator James Wood. Students were also excited to learn about bird traits with biologist Laura Mitchell, river buffers with Chester Riverkeeper David Foster, butterfly life cycle with Andi Pupke of the Chesapeake Wildlife Heritage, the Circle of Life with DNR’s Nick Carter, Chesapeake waterways with NRP Reserve Officer Den Leventhal, conservation with Wayne Gilchrest, Maryland crabs with Paige Martin and Katy Ulrich, and deer and bears with Kelly Embert and Gerri Grimes. This 2012 SES Earth Day celebration was led by Mary Leventhal, Elaine Butler, Kate Hayman, and Kim Adams. Special thanks to those who coordinated efforts for Earth Day. Thank you to Beverly Greaves, Mindy Bacchus, Lucia Calloway, Terri Gloyd, Chris Harrison, Isabel Gomez, Margot Massie, Amy Cope, John Yaich, Chuck Buellis, Lou Guarnera, Levi Bacchus, Robert Hall, Fallon Simpler, and Phyllis Davis. Box Tops/ Labels Box Top for March3rd - Mrs. Munson2nd - Mrs. Darling1st - Mrs. Settelmaier Campbell Label for March3rd - Mrs. Nuse2nd - Mrs. Darling1st - Mr. Christopher Please help us out by separating the Box Tops and Campbell Labels when sending them back to school. They are counted and mailed to different companies. Thank You!If you have Box Tops, please do not hold them now through the summer months. I am receiving quite a few with a June 2012 expiration date on them. Remember to turn them in May. Box Tops will not give us credit for ANY that have a date that has Expired.Congratulations to SES parents, grandparents, neighbors, teachers, and who ever else may have helped out in collecting this year. We just received our check from Box Tops for the period November 2011 through February 2012 in the amount over $1,100.00 Back in December our check was over $1,500.00 for the time period March 2011 through October 2011. Thank you for a Great Collection Year we have had! Over $2,600.00Remember to keep collecting this summer!! Box Tops, Campbell Labels and My Coke Rewards......Thank you, Lollie
SUDLERSVILLE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL A Title 1 School MAY 2012 “Where Eagles SOAR!” www.qacps.k12.md.us/ses/WELCOME.HTM Reading Guidance Thank you to all that helped with the bookfair and all of those that attended. We sold over $4000 in books for the week. A special thank you to Ann Boyles - Chairperson and Kelly Embert who both worked tirelessly to make this bookfair such a success. Saturday, May 12, 2012 NEWSudlersville Middle School, 600 Charles Street, Sudlersville, MD May 12th will be the 2nd Annual Sudlersville Elementary School Community Cares Day. (new location) A 5k run/walk will be held with 1/2 race proceeds to benefit the Backpack Friday program. Registration begins at 8 am and race starts at 9 am. Other activities include a Car Show, Chicken BBQ, Community Group stands and Children’s Activities. For questions or inquiries please contact Annette DiMaggio 410-253-1371 or sespta@hotmail.com. To pre-register, log on to: www.trisportsevents.com READING IS FUN! The children have worked hard this year improving their reading skills. Approximately 200 students have met their reading goal for each of the first three quarters of this year. We're looking forward to more students meeting their reading goal for Quarter 4. It is so important for students to continue to read over the summer. Take advantage of your local library to check out books over the summer. Have your student read about where you are going on vacation. Have them write about their vacation. Set aside a family time to read each day. Take turns reading to one another. Summer reading lists will be sent home for each grade level. Mrs. Embert will be giving the lists to students during their Media time near the end of the year. Have a great summer! Have fun reading! Mrs. Thurber Reading Specialist. • Save the date! • May 24th, Career Day • I'm looking for parents who may be willing to give a half or whole day to talk to kids about their careers. • Summer Activities: • There are a variety of educational, free or low cost activities planned in the community during the summer. While you should plan rewarding, educational and fun activities for your children, don't plan too much. Over planning your child's summer can be stressful. Some of the best summer activities are spontaneous. If you need some information about summer activities/camps/programs, please don't hesitate to give me a call. • I have enjoyed working with the fourth and fifth grade classes this year and wish them continued success at the middle school! • If you are planning a move, please contact the school to arrange for records transfer. • Have a safe and happy summer! • End of year awards ceremonies • June 5th • Pre-K end of year activity • AM: 8:15 • PM: 12:15 • June 7th • Grade 2: 8:00am • Grade 4: 8:45am (advancement) • Grade 3: 9:30 am • June 8th • Grade 5 8:30am(advancement) • Kindergarten Portfolio Celebration 9:15 • Grade 1 9:30am YEARBOOKS Yearbooks will arrive in late May for those that ordered them. NO EXTRAs were ordered.
SUDLERSVILLE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL A Title 1 School MAY 2012 “Where Eagles SOAR!” www.qacps.k12.md.us/ses/WELCOME.HTM Parent Involvement Hospitality Judy Center Partnership News! The Judy Center wishes to thank everyone who helped to make the PNC Grow Up Great Mobile Learning Adventure a HUGE success! 167 parents, child care providers and children took advantage of this exciting opportunity! Thank-you PNC! Pictures coming soon… The Queen Anne’s County Judy Center Partnership was awarded a “First Book” “grant which allowed the center to receive 424 free books for Judy Center children. The Judy Center Partnership provides children with books during family involvement events, which helps to build home libraries and promotes school readiness for children in the Sudlersville area. Reading is the key to school success and by providing books for children in their early years, they will have a better chance of entering school ready to learn. The Judy Center Partnership is hosting an end of the year picnic for pre-k and Kindergarten and partnering programs on June 7th, 2012 from 5:30 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. at the Sudlersville Park. Blue Sky Puppets will present “Pig Tales”, a puppet show about the importance of sharing. Dinner will be provided. Invitations coming soon! The support staff at the Judy Center would like to thank all of Sudlersville Elementary School for supporting the Judy Center’s goal of school readiness. We look forward to another fantastic year! Events at Family Support all summer! Call about playgroups, field trips and much more! Open to everyone with a child 3 years old or younger. 410-438-3182 Please remember that May 7 - 11 is Staff & Teacher Appreciation Week. Towards the end of the week, look in your child's book bag for a letter that can be used to send a special thank you message to a staff member or teacher. On Wednesday, May 9 a luncheon will be provided for the teachers and on Friday, May 11 the staff will be served breakfast. If you wish to help or send in a dish, please contact Andrea Forstell at 410-758-4069 or aforstell@gmail.com. Let's show the faculty and staff how much we appreciate all their hard work! The next cultural Arts event will be May 8, 2012. 9 am & 10 am Ball IN THE HOUSE Presents “Totally Vocally” BitH is five guys, five voices, that’s it. Taking a cappella to the next stage, with vocal drums/ beatbox and vocal bass under lush harmonies, they create a sound that’s hard to believe. BitH has performed in schools all around the country, as well as opened for major acts and recorded music for the Cool Whip commercials. BitH bridges the gap between music taught in school and popular music students hear on the radio, integrating the harmony of a cappella music into a contemporary popular format. Their first radio single, “Something I Don’t Know,” charted for six consecutive weeks in the Top 100 on the national AC Charts, peaking at #17. Thank you! to all the parents/grandparents who helped make the 2nd annual Earth Day Celebration at Sudlersville Elementary a great event! They include: Beverly Greaves, Robert Hall, Mindy and Levi Bacchus, John Yaich, Amy Cope, Chuck Buellis, Lou Guarnera, Margo Massie (presenter), Laura Mitchell (presenter) and Jay Falstad (presenter). Their leadership and resourcefulness was incomparable. We are very lucky to have them as parents at SES! With all of the upcoming field trips planned, I will be conducting another Volunteer Orientation the morning of Wednesday, May 2, 2012 at 7:30 a.m. in the cafeteria. If you plan to volunteer or chaperone a field trip, you must complete the required paperwork (volunteer application and information form) in addition to attending a Volunteer Orientation if you haven’t already done so this school year. This is required by the county Board of Education and needs to be done each school year. The Volunteer Appreciation Reception will be held Wednesday, May 30. Elaine Butler, Parent Coordinator x267 Cultural Arts