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ÍMYND OG ORÐSPOR ÍSLANDS Mikilvægi samstillts átaks

ÍMYND OG ORÐSPOR ÍSLANDS Mikilvægi samstillts átaks. 29. MARS 2007. Aðalfundur Samtaka Ferðaþjónustunnar HALLA TÓMASDÓTTIR Framkvæmdastjóri Viðskiptaráðs. EFNISTÖK. ÁRIÐ 2006 Upprifjun úr alþjóðlegum fjölmiðlum ViÐBRÖGÐ VÍ Slá á krísuna

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ÍMYND OG ORÐSPOR ÍSLANDS Mikilvægi samstillts átaks

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  1. ÍMYND OG ORÐSPOR ÍSLANDS Mikilvægi samstillts átaks 29. MARS 2007 Aðalfundur Samtaka Ferðaþjónustunnar HALLA TÓMASDÓTTIR Framkvæmdastjóri Viðskiptaráðs

  2. EFNISTÖK • ÁRIÐ 2006 • Upprifjun úr alþjóðlegum fjölmiðlum • ViÐBRÖGÐ VÍ • Slá á krísuna • Langtímaverkefni í uppbyggingu orðspors og ímyndar • ANHOLT OG NATIONAL BRANDING INDEX (NBI) • SNILLI ÍSLANDS

  3. “Iceland – Macro Imbalances Trigger Negative Outlook” Fitch Ratings, February 2006

  4. “Iceland: Geyser crisis” Danske Bank, March 2006

  5. “Icelandic Banks: Not What You Are Thinking.... We are only at the beginning of the Icelandic Banks’ Problems Merrill Lynch, Mars 2006

  6. “Is Iceland facing a meltdown?” Sunday Telegraph Mars 2006

  7. “Meltdown worries put Iceland’s UK raids under threat” Evening Standard, Mars 2006

  8. “Iceland’s poets of enterprise lose their rhythm” Daily Mail, Mars 2006

  9. “Icelandic charm melts away as debt crisis grips” The Sunday Times, April 2006

  10. “Iceland’s Fizzy Economy Faces a Test” The New York Times, April 2006

  11. “Krise styrer udenom islandske frontlöbere” “Danskere udfordret af islandsk ledelse” Börsen, April 2006

  12. “Ellevill krangel om islandsk ökonomi Sinnene er i kok blant islandske analytikere, etter at Danske Bank dömmer den islandske ökonomien nord og ned i en ny analyse” Oslo, April 2006

  13. ÍMYNDARVINNA AÐKALLANDI • Slá á krísuna (Mishkin) • Bætt upplýsingaflæði - menntunarátak • “Third party credibility” • Langtímauppbygging á sérstöðu/ímynd Íslands • Mæla • Móta Stefnu • Framkvæma • Mæla reglulega

  14. MISHKIN & HERBERTSSON • Dow Jones - FOREX VIEW: Iceland Isn't Going To Melt Down • Reuters - Upbeat Iceland report gives shares, crown a lift • Bloomberg - Iceland Krona Rises on Stability Report: World's Biggest Mover • Global Insight Daily Analysis - Academic Report Dismisses Concerns over Iceland's Financial Stability • Morgan Stanley: Icelandic Banks: Seeing the Facts through the Frenzy

  15. HVALAKRÍSAN “Iceland violates ban on whaling” BBC, Október 2006

  16. HVALAKRÍSAN • “Iceland left in the cold as whaling trade puts tourists off” The Times, November 2006

  17. HVALAKRÍSAN • “Iceland giving “two fingers” over whaling” Ástralía, Október 2006

  18. LANGTÍMAUPPBYGGING Á ORÐSPORI OG ÍMYND • Stefnumótun og vinna með S. Anholt • Stýrihópur • Viðtöl (og videoviðtöl) innanlands og utan • Vinnufundir og kynningar með fleiri hópum • National Brand Index (NBI) • Mestmegnis óþekkt utan Norðurlanda

  19. Top 20 countries 2006 Q4

  20. Iceland’s admirers and doubters

  21. How the World sees Iceland

  22. How Norway sees Iceland

  23. How Denmark sees Iceland

  24. How Sweden sees Iceland

  25. How the UK sees Iceland

  26. How Germany France Netherlands and Belgium see Iceland

  27. How Spain Italy and Portugal see Iceland

  28. How Poland Hungary Czech Republic and Estonia see Iceland

  29. How Russia sees Iceland

  30. How the USA sees Iceland

  31. How Canada sees Iceland

  32. How Japan sees Iceland

  33. How China sees Iceland

  34. How Brazil sees Iceland

  35. How India sees Iceland

  36. How the World sees Norway

  37. How the World sees Switzerland

  38. “International research shows that Iceland’s image today is more of a country brand than a nation brand. The rise in Icelandic tourism has done a good job of communicating the natural attributes of the island around the world, but the character of Iceland’s population remains largely unknown except to its nearest neighbours.” Simon Anholt

  39. HVAÐ NÆST? • SÉRSVEIT ÍMYNDARMÁLA • Taka út núverandi stöðu • Sammælast um stefnu • SAMKEPPNISHÆFT AUÐKENNI • Hugmyndir að framkvæmdum/verkefnum og nýsköpun sem styðja við stefnuna • VIRKJA ALLA Í AÐ HRINDA STEFNUNNI Í FRAMKVÆMD!!!!

  40. HVER ER SNILLI ÍSLANDS? • People with both ice and fire in their souls. • Icelanders combine a very Nordic love of order, efficiency, fairness and competence,with a flair, warmth, informality and passion that are distinctly Mediterranean. • This Latino-Nordic quality of the Icelander is the secret of most of Iceland’s recent successes and, I am convinced, the key to its future prominence. • This could be the motto of the Icelander: it sounds crazy, but it might just work.

  41. Final words • The sign on the door of planet Earth during this age of global competition should be the one that reads “You don’t have to be crazy to work here, but it helps”. • In a workplace like that, I’ll put my money on the Icelanders to get to the top.

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