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Dr. Suvarna Khadilkar is a renowned consultant endocrinologist and gynecologist with extensive experience in the field. She is a recognized teacher in endocrinology and has held prestigious positions in various medical societies. With over 22 international and national publications, she is a sought-after speaker and recipient of several awards for her research. Dr. Khadilkar specializes in menopause and has contributed to several books and research papers in this area.
Consultant Endocrinologist and Gynecologist, Bombay Hospital & Medical Research Centre, Mumbai • Recognised Teacher , Endocrinology, University of South Wales, UK • Former Professor and Head of Dept in ObGyn , Government Medical College, Kolhapur, Maharashtra • Former Asso. Prof. & Unit Chief Grant Medical College & Cama& Albless hospital, Mumbai. • Joint Treasurer FOGSI, 2015-17 • Joint Clinical Secretary , MOGS 2016-7. • President elect 2017, Vice President 2015,Secretary General 2013 Indian menopause society, • Joint Associate Editor, Journal of ObGyn. Of India[JOGI] FOGSI,2014-6 • Secretary and manager, Editorial board, JOGI, FOGSI, 2011 • Chairperson Endocrinolgy committee of FOGSI 2011-13 • Chairperson menopause committee, and exec council member Mumbai ObGyn Society since 2002 • President , AMWI, Mumbai2012-2016, ex subject editor AMWI journal • Treasurer, Central council , AMWI 2014-16 • UG and PG teacher for 25 years and examiner Mumbai university and Maharashtra university [MUHS] • Over 300 invited/guest lectures/oration all over India • 22 international and national indexed publications,Author of over 50 research papers and Recipient of over 29 awards for the research at International And National level.Young scientist award, Dr. Kumud P.Tamaskar Research prize, Dr. C.S. Dawn prize, Dec 2000,etc with NOMINATION FOR THE YOUNG SCIENTIST AWARD JAPAN, 2002-2003. • EDITOR of 5 BOOKS [FOGSI] Endocrinology in Obgyn, FAQ on AUB, DUB/Menopause/ ReprodEndocrinology Publications,including BOOK CHAPTERS: >25 book chapters Dr. Mrs. Suvarna Satish Khadilkar August 2016MD DGO FICOG ,CIMP, Diploma in Endocrinology (UK) speaker code MMC/MAS/00969/2013 mmc reg no 51642
Indian menopause society A Multidisciplinary Society working for midlife women at menopause and beyond Established in 1995 as charitable trust Society has 43 chapters with 3000 odd Membership strength
My journey so far in Field of menopause I was always interested in issues of midlife women since my PG days Interest got furthered in year 2000 when I organized my first Full day CME on “Menopause” Book on “Menopause Current Concepts” 2004 Contributed several chapters on menopause and started a “Dedicated menopause clinic” at Cama hospital in 2008
My Journey in IMS Started My Association with IMS in 2008 as Mumbai chapter secretary and Governing Council Member First time started Observing menopause Week 18th to 25th October 2008 Chairperson Research Committee 2011-2013 conducted programs on Research methodology Elected as secretary General IMS 2013
My Journey in IMS…….. Completed the long pending registration process of changes and chapter formation Released our updated Constitution book 2014 with President Dr Jyoti Unni with her valuable guidance. Ex-officio secretary 2014 Vice president 2015 President elect 2016 With your blessings , Today I start my tenure for 2017-18
People whom I owe my progress and career in IMS so far ……. Dr Atul Munshi Dr Rama Vaidya DrDuruShah Dr Rashmi Shah
Illustrious Past Presidents 1995-2016 Dr.Meeta Singh Dr.SoniaMalik Dr.RamaVaidya Dr.Saroj Srivastava Dr.UrvashiJha Dr.JyothiUnni Dr H.P Pattnaik Dr.SunilaKhandelwal Dr.Duru shah Dr.AshaKapadia DrJaideep Malhotra Dr.Atul Munshi Dr.BehramAnklesaria Dr.Maninder Ahuja
Team 2017-8 President – Dr.SuvarnaKhadilkar Vice President – Dr.Jignesh Shah Secretary General – Dr AmbujaChoranar Immediate past President – Dr Jaideep Malhotra Ex Officio Secretary : Dr.Shobhana Mohandas Treasurer – Dr. R N Goel Jt. Treasurer- Dr.MrutunjayMahapatra Jt. Secretary – Dr. Parag Biniwale
IMS Advisory committe Chairperson: Dr. Rama Vaidya, Founder Co -Chair: Dr. Suvarna Khadilkar, President 2017 Members: Dr Ratnabali Chakraborti President Elect Dr. Jaideep Malhotra ,Imm President (2016 ) Dr. H. P. Pattanaik, Past President(2015) Dr. Maninder Ahuja, President, (2014) Dr. Jyothi Unni, President, (2013 ) Dr. Meeta, President , (2012 ) Dr. Saroj Srivastava, President 2011
IMS Committees 2017-8 IMS Projects committee Foundation : Dr. Duru Shah Club 35 plus Poise and Public awareness: Dr. Anita J Shah Research Committee : Prof Anuradha Khanna Quiz Committee : Dr. Lakshmi R. Markani IMS Exam Committee : Dr Seema Sharma Journal committee Chief Editors: Constitution core committee: Dr Suvarna Khadilkar CIMP Exam committee : Dr Seema Sharma Rural committee -- Dr Dileep Gadhavi IMS-MHCC committee- Kanchan Sorte Medical Education Committee –Jyoti Jaiswal Website Committee –Dr Navneet Takkar
Theme of the year 2017 Menopause ….Creating New Horizons for A New beginning
Hope this year broadens the concepts improves the services we cater Let us build new horizon new thoughts to dawn over past that is gone
Old is Gold But ‘Be Bold For Change’ make new friends Take New Paths, New Directionsadopt New concepts , Create New platforms
MY 12 point agenda,2017 Education Federation Academy Administration Research Publication Communication Collaboration Advaocacy Service to Humanity Charity Stabilizing and Strenghthening
Education and Awareness Programs Five beneficiaries Training of Trainers : Local leaders CMEs I-VI modules : Members Post graduates teaching: Students Awareness program : Public and Paramedics
Programs- 2017 TOT Certificate Course Menopause Management – An Executive Guide IMS Update, A workshop on Holistic Health at menopause I-VI modules Reaching the Unreached “ coping with midlife crisis IMS Gurukul program for students
TOT Certificate CourseMenopause Management – An Executive Guide
IMS Update, A workshop on Holistic Health at menopause :I-VI modules
Public and Paramedics Awareness Module : ‘Reaching the Unreached’
Public and Paramedics Awareness Module : ‘Reaching the Unreached ‘: To eliminate the language barrier in knowing about what is menopause and midlife blues are about A lot of nurses and paramedics do not understand Hindi and English well Educative module ‘Coping with midlife crisis’ made available in 10 different local languages apart from English We will use these modules to sensitise them about the issues at midlife
National Academy of Midlife Health ………. MY vision for IMS Fellowship Membership Courses Training programes Honorary fellowship
Our society has stepped into adult hood this year… completes full 21 years
Mammoth Task of formation and registration of Federation of Indian menopause societies Main features : Local Societies Administrative and financial independence Affiliation of the local societies to Federation Democratic elections at all levels
Administrative steps Membership drive E- communication Vibrant Website Plan for a administrative guidelines book Four Zonal council meets Proposed Special GBM in 26 th March
Zonal Conferences - 2017 zone Month Officer In-charge First (Jalandar-North ): April C .Ambuja, RNGoel Second (Pune-South): August Parag Biniwale Along with midterm governing council meeting Third (Rajkot-West) : October Jignesh Shah Fourth (Patna-East ) : December Mrutyunjay Mahapatra
5 Service to midlife women Proposed IMS Varishth Mahila Swasthya Yojana Every 5 th of the month : We request members to provide subsidies and free ships to poor and needy 50 + women. Offer Primary and Preventive Health Care for Older Women free of charge IMS will work towards endorsement from government Try to get endorsement from Government Willing members Please start enroling your names with head office This is Voluntary service provided by our members IMS will Felicitate members opting for this scheme
The Card of IMSMidlife Health care charitable clinicMHCC card Name of the clinic Name of the member---- Month /year---- Freeship offered to --- Services offered:--- Special counselling --- Primary preventive care---- Health issues diagnosed -- 5 Insert card details
Research • There is a paucity of the Indian data • Data collection on various aspects of menopause should be on high priority • Some data is being generated by IMS foundation • …Continue the good work
Community and social Responsibility(CSR Activity) Each Chapter adopt one village conduct camps, osteoporosis screening, pap smears, health awareness talks on cancer, and many more activities Utilize the modules “ Reaching the Unreached program” prepared for local people in local languages
Collaboration and advocacy Undertake activities in collaboration with NGOs State Government of India, ICOG, FOGSI other organizations with similar objectives to promote the good work that is being done by our team.
Observe international days tocontribute to Global awareness drive undertake any of Following on these days Devote our efforts in awareness campaign Hold educational programs, Target all segments of Population CMES for healthcare providers Nurses health programs Public awareness programs Camps Health check ups Basic investigations
International days to be observed 2017
International Front Participation in the British Menopausal Society conference in July 2017 International Osteoporosis Foundation, WCO IOF-ESCEO Florence 2017 - March 23-26, Florence Italy The 2017 edition of the annual World Congress on Osteoporosis, Osteoarthritis and Musculoskeletal Disease Congress 6th APMF Meeting at Singapore 2017 –Asia Pacific Menopause Federation Congress 2017 at Singapore (21-23 April 2017) The North American Menopause Society (NAMS) 28th Annual Meeting October 11-14, 2017 Philadelphia 16th World Conference of International Menopause Society (IMS) at Vancouver, Canada June 2018 18th World Congress of Gynecological Endocrinology, Florence, March 2018 F
Publication 1000 MCQs on menopause
My Parents…… In Laws..The Source of Inspiration
My Teachers who Influenced my life
Message from Dr C N Purandare President FIGO Congratulations Suvarna and all the best for your tenure as IMS president I am sure under your presidentship the year will go very well as you are a very hard working and dedicated person -----Dr CN Purandare
Congratulations, dear Dr. Suvarna for this well deserved honour of taking over as President of Indian Menopause Society. With your vast teaching experience, academic brilliance & deep knowledge of Endocrinology I am sure IMS will scale greater heights. My best wishes are with you always!
Dr KK Deshmukh Congratulations to you on being elected as the President of IMS 2017. It is an accomplishment that reflects your hard work. Success does not come to those who just talk, success comes to those who work! Your dedication, commitment and enthusiasm is an inspiration to all and will be a great help to take the organisation to next level. I wish you many more years of success and greater achievements. Feeling proud on your installation as a president at internatinal conference of South Asian federation of Menopause societies at Raipur!!
Dr Jasmine Lopez I am really pleased today on your installation as President of the the Indian Menopausal Society. I congratulate you on your well deserved and over long success. Your commitment and dedication since your student days and as a teacher has helped you attain this position. Teaching is the art of sharing the knowledge we have been given by others with the hope that someday in some way it will again be passed on . Suvarna, always stay committed as you are now.I'm sure you will fulfill all your promises, will shine brightly in the future and excel in all the fields of your interest. Footprints on the sands of time are not made by sitting down. You have walked the extra mile and gone up the ladder of success.
May this success that has come your way lead you to bigger achievements in the years to come. Wishing you the very best for all your future noble endeavours and I hope to hear many more stories of your achievements Keep up the good work and may you fly on the wings of success, which is delivered only to the deserving I am proud that you have made it big today. At the start of your term as President of the Indian Menopausal Society much love, health and happiness to you and your family on this occasion. A big God bless and many congratulations. --------------- Dr jasmine Lopez