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The eTwinning Portal

An introduction to the eTwinning Portal and Desktop, including new developments and practical exercises. Learn about the communication tools, networking features, and user-generated content available on the platform.

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The eTwinning Portal

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  1. The eTwinning Portal Christina Crawley eTwinning Central Support Service European Schoolnet Professional Development Workshop – 25 September 2010 Ptuj, Slovenia

  2. Today’s session • Brief introduction to the eTwinning Portal and its three levels • Detailed introduction of the eTwinning Desktop • Sneak preview to some new developments to be released in October • Introduction to the TwinSpace • Practical exercises and opportunity for questions

  3. What is the eTwinning Portal? • The central area for eTwinning activities to take place • www.etwinning.net (http://desktop.etwinning.net/) • A platform for information, networking and collaboration • Public Portal, Desktop, TwinSpace • Learning Lab, Groups • All information available in 23 languages

  4. eTwinning tools online communication tools • Internal messaging • Making contacts

  5. eTwinning 2.0 Enhanced communication tools Networking and Social networking • Forums, chat rooms • Teachers, Schools and Projects Profiles • Places to write to others

  6. eTwinning tools Enhanced communication tools Networking and Social networking User generated content (Project Diary)

  7. eTwinning tools Enhanced communication tools Networking and Social networking User generated content (Project Diary) Tagging and Maps

  8. eTwinning tools School/Project search Tagging and Maps

  9. In other words… • eTwinners (registered users) have access to: • Networking tools • An environment to share ideas • A platform to access and contribute to educational resources • Tools to collaborate • And much more…

  10. www.etwinning.net REGISTER LOGIN GET STARTED!

  11. Once registered: • Create your Profile • Get in touch with others • Begin an activity (Project, Learning Event, Group, etc.)

  12. Desktop Homepage Access all tools See what’s new See your quick profile, latest projects, latest contacts… Access your projects’ TwinSpaces Look for partners

  13. My Profile A preview of what other eTwinners will see when coming across your profile • What can you do? • Edit your personal and school Profiles • Update your Project Ideas • View your actions • Check/update your Wall (journal)

  14. Partner Finding (Find eTwinniners) Make contacts! Use the Search function (simple or advanced) Browse and write in the Forums

  15. My Projects Manage your Projects! Create a new project (with one of your contacts) Access and manage your projects

  16. Resources Support material for eTwinning activities Search Upload Manage

  17. Coming VERY soon… • Updated design • A few new functionalities • When? • October 2010 (in 2 weeks!)

  18. New Desktop homepage

  19. Updated Profile page

  20. New area: Teachers Rooms

  21. For more details… • See article on the eTwinning Portal homepage: www.etwinning.net • http://www.etwinning.net/en/pub/news/news/the_new_desktop.htm

  22. Involving pupils: eTwinning Projects • eTwinning TwinSpace Virtual classrooms where eTwinning projects run their activities • As a staffroom • As a classroom • As a portfolio • As a showroom

  23. Everyone has a role… • Roles scheme: • Teacher Administrator: full project partners • Teacher Member: support teachers • Pupil Administrator: project coordinators • Pupil Member: participants • Visitor: guests (to private TwinSpaces)

  24. What does the TwinSpace offer? 1. A set of collaboration tools for pupils and teachers • Blogs • Forums • Wikis • File archives • Photo galleries • Web pages 2. Areas for planning and discussing • Staff room • Pupils’ Corner • Chat 3. Possibility for sharing and publishing results • Published TwinSpace with project URL

  25. Beyond projects… • The Portal also offers additional professional development opportunities to gain inspiration and exchange ideas • Learning Events • eTwinning Groups

  26. Learning Events • Register via your Desktop

  27. eTwinning Groups

  28. Let’s get started today! Thank you  christina.crawley@eun.org

  29. Try the Desktop out… • Profiles: • Update your ‘Quick Profile’ (in the new Desktop: ‘About Me’) • Ready for a Comenius School partnership? • Add a photo to your Profile • Add photos to your gallery - personal and school profile • Write on a ‘wall’ (in the new Desktop: reply to someone's ‘journal’ posting) • Partner finding: • search for contacts • search for your neighbour • add a contact • accept a contact • Project - start the registration process?

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