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RECTAS rectas

RECTAS www.rectas.org. RECTAS: Profile Isi A. Ikhuoria Executive Director, RECTAS, Ile-Ife, Nigeria e-mail: edrectas@rectas.org +234 803 371 2799. The Centre.

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RECTAS rectas

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  1. RECTAS www.rectas.org RECTAS: Profile Isi A. Ikhuoria Executive Director, RECTAS, Ile-Ife, Nigeria e-mail: edrectas@rectas.org +234 803 371 2799

  2. The Centre • RECTAS was established on 21st October 1972 under the auspices of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA). • A joint Institution of African countries. The current participating countries are Benin, Burkina, Cameroon, Ghana, Mali, Niger, Nigeria (host country) and Senegal. - Interested countries may apply for admission

  3. Distribution of Students 20 18 Anglophone 16 Francophone 14 12 Francophone 40% No of Students Anglophone 60% 10 8 6 4 2 0 No of Students = 60 Technician Technologist Post Graduate Students enrolment at RECTAS Evolution of Critical Capacity Training at RECTAS Produced 1,522 trainees from 28 countries (1973-2010)

  4. RECTAS Management Staff International Trainees Auditorium Academic Block International Workshop

  5. Vision a leading Centre of Excellence providTo be ing one-stop solution for quality geospatial science training, education and research and critical capacity for sustainable development in Africa.

  6. Mission To contribute to rapid development of member states in particular and Africa in general, through capacity building for timely delivery and responsible use of appropriate geospatial information.

  7. Objectives: • provide theoretical and practical training in Geoinformatics and applications • conduct seminars and courses • carry out studies and research • provide advisory and consultancy services

  8. Conceptual Framework • There is inadequacy of manpower needs in the mapping sciences in Africa (Ihemadu, 1987 and 1992; Ikhuoria, 1995 and Ayeni, 1996). • The capacity development and adoption of Geoinformatics is examined under the concepts of professionalism & innovation diffusion in Africa.

  9. Rate of adoption of Geoinformatics % 34 “critical mass” occurs A B C D E Time Where: A= innovators (venturesome, 2.5%); B= Early adopters (respectable, 13.5%) C= Early majority (deliberate, 34%); D= Late majority (skeptical 34%); E= Laggards (traditional, 16%). Fig. 1: Diffusion of innovations (adapted from Rogers, 1993) Conceptual Framework Contd. • Rogers (1993) S-shape or logistic curve of technological innovation adoption also applies to RECTAS.

  10. In fulfillment of the vision and objectives of the Centre, the following academic programmes and qualifications are offered: • Department of Photogrammetry & Remote Sensing • Professional Master (PM) degree in Geoinformation Production & Management (English & French) • MSc degree in Photogrammetry & Remote Sensing (English & French) • PhD degree in Photogrammetry & Remote Sensing (English & French)

  11. Dept of Geographic Information Science • Technologist Diploma (TD) in Geoinformation Production & Management (English & French) • Executive Master (EM) degree in Geoinformation & Environmental Mgt (English only) Note: weekend programme. Venue is Abuja, Nigeria. • MSc degree in Geographic Information Science (French) • Master of Technology (M.Tech) degree in Geoinformation Technology (English) • PhD degree in Geographic Information Science (English & French)

  12. Department of Cartography • Professional Master (PM) degree in Cartography & Geospatial Techniques (English & French) • M.Sc degree in Cartography & Geospatial Sciences (English & French) • PhD degree in Cartography & Geospatial Sciences (English & French)

  13. Levels of Professionalism in Africa • Technical: technicians with <2 years practical training. • Technological: technologist 2-3 years theoretical & practical training. • Professional: university graduates (involved in management and policy decisions).

  14. Strategies of Education and Training (3) Equip graduates of various disciplines with adequate technical capability in GIS, remote sensing and usage of geospatial data and infrastructure for environmental management.

  15. Prospects Institutional and sub-regional synergy and collaborations for capacity training, research & applications of geoinformatics. • Expertise: • Research, • Capacity building, • national institutions • AGIS, NFIS, Edo • Lagos State, Ondo • Nasarawa State. • ECOWAS

  16. Prospects: International & regional networks and partnerships for capacity building, research & GI applications. • Expertise: • Research, • Capacity building, • International institutions • RCMRD, GSDI, GMES-Africa • GARNET-E, IAEA-FGN, • CODIST, AFREF, etc.

  17. Consultancy RECTAS undertakes consultancy services in the application of GI in any field of endeavour. Sheet 303 SW1 ONUEKE topo Map 1:25,000

  18. RECTAS Consultancy Topographic mapping of Ondo State Sheet 263 SE 3 ONDO Township 1:25,000 18

  19. Consultancy: provision of Satellite images, digital photos, etc. Quickbird image of Akure

  20. Consultancy: Topographic mapping of a University campus

  21. Short courses: • modular formats of 3 weeks duration • customised formats of 1-3 weeks duration Examples are: • RS/GIS applications military operations • RS/GIS applications in geology/mineral resources exploration (Mines & Steel Dev.) • Space-based technologies in Disaster Management (NEMA) • GIS-Day seminar (11 Dec. 2008) • AFREF workshop (2-5 Aug. 2009) • AFREF workshop (9-11 Feb. 2010)

  22. Advisory • GI applications missions • RS/GIS lab installations • software licence & satellite Image acquisition • instruments maintenance, etc. Examples are: • Installation of GIS laboratory in Universities • UN-SPIDER missions (Lome - June, 2009; Dakar - Dec, 2009 Cameroon, 2010)

  23. Sustenance • Biennial Budget – shared by member countries - Nigeria 29.% - Ghana 14% - Cameroon 10% - Senegal 06% - Niger 04% - Mali 03% - Benin 03% - Burkina 03% - RECTAS 28.0% • Capital budget for Infrastructures by Nigeria (2008 – 2013 = $5.3m) • Internally Generation Revenue & Donors

  24. Thank You

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