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Romans, Germans and Celts. Paragraph 4.5. Romans in the Netherlands. The Romans conquered a part of the area that is now called the Netherlands. People lived on mounds or dunes because of floodings. Caesar conquered the southern part of the Netherlands in 57 BC.
Romans, GermansandCelts Paragraph 4.5
Romans in the Netherlands • The Romans conquered a part of the area that is nowcalled the Netherlands. • People lived on mounds or dunesbecause of floodings.
Caesar conquered the southern part of the Netherlands in 57 BC. • Alltribes in southand west, werecalled: Gauls or Celts. • Tribes in the northwerecalled: Germans. • (= Germanen)
Celts + Germanslived in agrariansocieties. • (= landbouw samenleving) • Because of Caesar, they had togive a part of theirharvestto the soldiers. • 54 BC: a revoltstartedagainst the Romans. • Thousands of Romans werekilled.
Caesar tookrevenge: allinhabitantswere taken away as slaves or killed. • Othertribeswerenowwelcometo live there. • New Germanictribecame: Batavi ( =Bataven)
On the border: (=grens) • The Romans wantedto go higherto the north. • But above the RhinelivedveryaggressiveGermanictribes. • The Romans decidedthat the Rhinewouldbe the border, calledLimes. • So the north never belongedto the Roman Empire.
The people in the northwerecalled: Frisians. • South of the border livedtribeslike the Bataviand the Cananefates. • The Romans made analliancewith the Batavi: • Theycould live near the border of the empire, anddidn’t have topaytaxes. • In return: theyhelpedtodefend the border.
The Batavihelped, but in 69 AD theyrebelledagainst the Romans, becausetheybelieved the Romans didn’ttreatthem well. • Theirrebellion was led by Julius Civilis. • He worked in the Roman army.
The emporer sent new troopsto the border, and Julius Civilisdecidedtonegotiate. • Both sides concluded a new treaty, andagreedtohonourtheiroldagreements.
Roman cities • Along the Limes, manyfortsandcampswere built. • New citiescame: • Trajectum (=Utrtecht) • Mosa Trajectum( = Maastricht) • Largestcity: Noviomagus ( = Nijmegen)
These cities had Roman temples, bath housesandhouseswith running water andcentralheating. • We alsogotroadsandbridges. • Along the roadsweremilestoneswith the distancebetween 2 stones on it.
The GermansandCeltsadopted the Roman monetaryeconomyandtheircoins. • There was tradewithtribesfrom the north side of the border, e.g. forcowhides.
Massmigrations • 3rd century: problemsstarted in the empire = • Epidemicskilled a lot of people. • Lessproductionandlesstrade. • Manyemperors in Rome diedshortlyaftereachother.
At the same time, massmigrationsstarted. • Tribeslike the Francs and the Alamanniforcedtheir way into the empire. • Theydestroyed a lot of things on their way to Spain and Italy.
248: EmperorDiocletianrestored order in the empire. • The peacelastedfor 100 years.
Emperor Constantine turned the city of Byzantiuminto the new capital in the east: Constantinople ( = nowInstanbul)
The fall of Rome • 450: New massmigrationsstarted. • FromAsianstepps ( = steppen/ vlakten) the nomadictribe The Hunscameto the west. • Theyused a lot of violence. • Othertribeslike the Gothswereafraid of them.
395: The empire was split in 2 parts. • It was too big tomaintain as it was. • Western Roman empire: capital Rome • Eastern Roman Empire: capitalConstantinople. • Twoempires, with 2 emperors.
After the split, things went bad in the western part: • Rome was 2 timesplunderedbytribes. • The Huns, led byAtilla, invadedGaul. • ( beatenbyGermanictribes in 451)
Meanwhile, Germanictribesfoundedtheirownkingdoms in the west. • 467: Germans in Italy overthrew the emperorandreplacedhimwiththeirownking. • This was the end of the Western Roman Empire, after 1000 years. • The eastern part of the empire lastedforanother 1000 years.