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This. IS. Jeopardy. Theme. Skills & Strategies. Character. Big Green Trivia. Response to Literature. G.U.M. Response to Lit. Skills & Strategies. Character. Big Green Trivia. G.U.M. Theme. $100. $100. $100. $100. $100. $100. $200. $200. $200. $200. $200. $200. $300.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. This IS Jeopardy

  2. Theme

  3. Skills & Strategies

  4. Character

  5. Big Green Trivia

  6. Response to Literature

  7. G.U.M.

  8. Response to Lit. Skills & Strategies Character Big Green Trivia G.U.M. Theme $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500

  9. Which element of literature communicates a universal truth about life?

  10. theme

  11. ___________ is what a piece of literature reveals about life; the __________ is the topic and can be expressed in just a word or two, such as love, childhood, injustice.

  12. theme subject

  13. What is a recurring theme in the poem “The Highwayman” and short story “User Friendly”?

  14. Possible answers: Love is powerful, Sometimes love is unreturned, Love can make you do crazy things, etc..

  15. Theme is what the writer wants you to _________ for yourself as you share the experiences of the story’s characters.

  16. discover

  17. One way to identify the theme is to look at the story’s ____________. Does it reveal anything special about the story?

  18. title

  19. “Her face was like a light.” This sentence from “The Highwayman” is an example of what kind of figure of speech?

  20. simile

  21. “Echo was one of the most beautiful nymphs or fairies of the hills.” Context clues reveal that nymphs are _____________.

  22. fairies

  23. To find a character’s traits, you have to make _________________.

  24. inferences

  25. In “The Highwayman”, a metaphor was used to compare what to a ribbon of moonlight?

  26. The road

  27. What is an idiom?

  28. An expression that is not literally true

  29. List four ways an author reveals a character's traits.

  30. Appearance, thoughts, words, and actions

  31. Name two ways a writer can describe their character.

  32. Direct and Indirect Characterization

  33. When a writer "shows and tells" what a character is like, it is __________ characterization.

  34. Direct

  35. When a writer describes the character's appearance, shows how other characters react to him/her, describes the character's thoughts and feelings, they are creating _______ characterization.

  36. Indirect

  37. Understanding characters helps readers ____________.

  38. Understand the story

  39. What color is Bess (the Landlord’s daughter)’s hair?

  40. black

  41. Name two of the stories we read in Chapter Two (Characterization)

  42. Mother and Daughter Smallest Dragonboy A Rice Sandwich

  43. What is the name of Yollie Moreno’s “boyfriend”?

  44. Ernie Castillo

  45. Name three of the main characters in “User Friendly.”

  46. Kevin Neal, Louis the computer, Chuck Linke, or Ginny Linke

  47. Name the poet of “The Highwayman.”

  48. Alfred Noyes

  49. When writing a character analysis, you should make inferences to determine the character’s most important _______.

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