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Collaboratively develop effective instructional strategies based on research to enhance student learning outcomes, reduce discipline issues, and align teaching practices for success. Implement common language and models to elevate instructional quality. Address concerns through differentiation and continuous improvement strategies. District initiatives focus on rigor, relevance, and relationships to prepare students for the 21st century.
ART & SCIENCE OF TEACHINGLEADERSHIP TEAM “Saying we believe all kids can learn is a pleasant affirmation, but it is only when teachers can articulate exactly what each student is expected to know and be able to do that the “Learning for All” mission becomes possible”. Rick Dufour…2004
DISTRICT STRATEGIC PLAN:1.3.1 Collaboratively develop a definition of effective instruction that is research-based, and which defines rigor, relevance, engagement and relationships; monitor these elements through professional development, coaching and appraisal.
Develop an agreed-upon • common language/model • of instruction. • Develop an agreed-upon common • language/model of instruction. What do we value? What do we value?
Successful implementation could have what results for our district? Our students? *INCREASE STUDENT LEARNING *FEWER DISCIPLINE PROBLEMS *ALIGNMENT *WE TEACH BETTER – STUDENTS LEARN MORE
What concerns/potential stumbling blocks should we plan for?*WHAT’S GOING TO MAKE THIS DIFFERENT?*TIME? - DON’T OVERWHELM*APPRAISALS/EVALUATIONS ARE NOT TIED TO A&S
Each student achieves the skills to live and work in the 21st Century, and to reach their full academic and personal potential District Initiatives: Processes / Structures / Systems: Baldrige/Continous Improvement Rigor, Relevance, Relationships Baldrige/Continous Improvement Baldrige/Continous Improvement 21st CenturySkills Technology Integration Technology Integration Technology Integration Differentiation/MTSS KK / QK Essentials/Standards Ruby Payne NCA/QPA Kagan PLC 10. What will I do to develop effective lessons organized into a cohesive unit? 9. What will I do to communicate high expectations for all students? 8. What will I do to establish and maintain effective relationships with students? 7. What will I do to recognize and acknowledge adherence and lack of adherence to classroom rules and procedures? 6. What will I do to establish or maintain classroom rules and procedures? 5. What will I do to engage students? 4. What will I do to help students generate and test hypotheses about new knowledge? 3. What will I do to help students practice and deepen their understanding of new knowledge? 2. What will I do to help students effectively interact with new knowledge? 1. What will I do to establish and communicate learning goals, track student progress, and celebrate success? Strategic Plan: Align all elements in the instructional system to build the capacity to produce quality results
The Art & Science of Teaching is designed as a comprehensive framework that puts together other works into a unified whole.
The Art & Science of Teaching involves10 “design questions”teachers ask of themselvesas they plana unit of instruction. At the level of teacher planning……. A Language of Instruction
Learning Goals and Feedback • Interacting with New Knowledge • Practicing and Deepening • Generating and Testing Hypotheses • Student Engagement • Establishing Rules and Procedures • Adherence to Rules and Procedures • Teacher–Student Relationships • High Expectations The Art and Science of Teaching Supervising The Art and Science of Teaching
Creative Tension Disequilibrium Source: Peter Senge, The Fifth Discipline
Moving up the J-curve of our own learning: • See the NEED to get smarter about teaching for learning WANT to get smarter about teaching for learning • WE control the extent that we get smarter about teaching for learning Expanding our teaching to reflect the continuous flow of new learning research: More comfortable with ambiguity – CREATIVETENSION • Think critically – PROBLEM-RESOLVERS REFLECTon teaching-marry PAST with best NEW practice
PD Modules on USD 308 website:Art and Science of Teaching ModulesThese are the formalized versions of the professional development sessions from ALT during the 2010-11 and 2011-12 school years. The lessons are made available here for anyone who wishes to use them.
PD Modules on USD 308 website:Unit1: Overview of Art and Science of Teaching and Learning Goals (DQ 1)Unit 2: Content Specific Segments (DQ 2, 3, 4)Unit 3: Lesson Segments Executed on the Spot (DQ 5-9)Additional Resources
*Attendance at Marzano workshops/conferences *Multiple PD opportunities in each building *A&S Book Studies in most (if not all) buildings
A&S Walk Through Tool:Many teachers have had the opportunity to have DQ feedback during the pilot of our district A&S Walk Through Tool.This will GROW as we include more teachers and further improve and develop the process!
SchmokerPg. 59 “FOCUS” Read and Respond: “A&S of Teaching (Marzano) cites a meta-analysis making case for having a clear learning goal, chunking instruction, and gathering feedback on student learning. Marzano says these deserve to be the “routine components of every lesson” but “teachers tend not to design and implement”. The payoff isn’t in knowing these components – it comes from actually doing them.”
*On-going PD*Collaborative Walk Throughs for all Teachers*Peer Observation and Feedback*All teachers understand/ use 10 DQ as appropriate
Vision Skills Resources Action Plan Incentives CHANGE Resources Skills Incentives Action Plan CONFUSION Managing Change Vision Resources Incentives Action Plan ANXIETY Resources Skills Action Plan GRADUAL CHANGE Vision Vision Skills Incentives Action Plan FRUSTRATION Skills Incentives NO IMPLEMENTATION Vision Resources
Today’s Goals:1. Build upon our learning by further exploring DQ 5-92. Work with your A&S Building Team to:*Determine your building’s learning needs*Plan next year’s A&S building PD*Gather resources