¡Fiesta! Daniel Mier Salinas
Concept Thefirst idea forthismobilewastheword “tranquility” so I sketchedwith curves and organicformstobringmyownvision of tranquilitytolife, but as I begantoworkonit, a bunch of different new ideas changedtheprojectinto a whole new concept.
Themain factor thatmade me changethe original word, wastheprocess of coloringthemodel, because I wentfor a more playful and experimental wayratherthanjustusingwhite and blue. The new wordis “Party” and I thinkmymobilereallyportraysthemovement, thejoy and thelifethatmakes a partypossible.
Whatdid I learn in theworkshop? WorkingwithsomeonelikeKozo Sato made me achieve a goalfrom a solidfoundation and made me seethatchangingyour original idea isnotbad at all. I alsogottoseethattakingadvisefromsomeonewithexperience and frommyclassmatesisequallyvaluable.