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  1. From MANAGER@xalfs.mst.lanl.gov Thu Aug 10 12:46:09 1995 To: bridges@cats.UCSC.EDU Subject: code for morse potential subroutine XMORSE (ISHELL,IERR) c purpose to take exact thermal average for single scattering c exafs contribution from a static bond, c using a model potential (morse-potential) c to describe the motion of the bond. c it can be done in the classical limit or using a full c quantum mechanical formalism. c coded by i. batistic and j. mustre (los alamos) c version 1.0 march 1990 c version 2.0 april 1991 include 'EXAFS_FIT.INC' integer ishell,ierr integer kkk parameter (kkk=400) c pi is defined in constants.cmn which is included in exafs_fit.inc c common/const/pi c real pi common/oscil/xx(kkk),dd(kkk),sd(kkk),zz(kkk,kkk),V(kkk) real xx,dd,sd,zz,V common/oscres/mesh,xmm,dx integer mesh real xmm,dx common/param/NH,T integer NH real T common/param1/a,b,amass,cFLAG,alpha,beta real a,b,amass,cFLAG,alpha,beta common/dat/ak(361),hi(361),rLJ(200),sr(200),si(200),sa(200) real ak,hi,rlj,sr,si,sa common/class/xmaxi real xmaxi common/scatt/r0,r00,AMPI,PHSI real r0,r00,ampi,phsi integer mesh1 real fac2,r000,akmax c c pi=3.14159265359 c mesh=0 mesh1=161 NPTS_R = MESH1 c SIGMA(ISHELL) is an extra debye-waller factor to take into account c structural disorder c U0(ISHELL) is the depth of the potential divided by 10 c alpha and beta define the lennard-jones potential c FLAG(ISHELL)=-1 quantum mechanical case, FLAG(ISHELL)=0 classical limit c amass is dimensionless mass related to real mass M by: c M=amass*hbar^2/(e0*r000) c e0 is an overall energy scale choosen such that input: c TEMP(ISHELL)erature t corresponds to real TEMP(ISHELL)erature T/100 in K c e0=kb*T/t c the constant 0.02058 alows the mass used here (amass) to be c entered in atomic units amass=amassP(ISHELL)*0.02058 a=10.*abs(U0(ISHELL)) b=abs(SIGMA(ISHELL)) cFLAG=FLAG(ISHELL) beta=abs(BETAP(ISHELL)) alpha=abs(ALPHAP(ISHELL)) beta=alpha write (*,*) 'morse version 2.0 last modified 8/91 j.m.' write (*,*) 1 'alpha,beta,a,DISTANCE', alpha,beta,U0(ISHELL),DISTANCE(ISHELL) write(*,*)'TEMP(ISHELL),mass=',(tEMP(ISHELL)*100), 1 (amass/0.02058) c fac2 appropriate for morse potential fac2=log(alpha/beta)*(1./(2*alpha-beta)) c r0=abs(DISTANCE(ISHELL)+fac2) c fix length scale r000 to be 0.1 A (arbitrary choice) r000=0.1 r00=r000 c classical limit (NH=0), finite TEMP(ISHELL)erature quantum regime (NH=-1) c QM-case NH state (NH>0) c use parameter c to indicate qm or classical case NH=int(cFLAG) c TEMP(ISHELL)erature entered is assumed to be TEMP(ISHELL) multiplied by 100 t=TEMP(ISHELL) c maximum value of the x-range, fixed later on in oscill1 c and sink subroutines. xmaxi=8.d0 c if (NH .eq. 0) go to 200 102 call schroed_MORSE(a,alpha,beta,amass,mesh1,ISHELL) write (*,*) 'r0, x_max, kmax = ',r0,xmm,pi/xmm 200 continue xmaxi=8.0 201 if (NH.le.0) then 202 if (T.le.0.) T=1. if (NH.eq.0) then write (*,*) 'classical limit' xmaxi=8.0 end if end if c 203 if (r000.eq.0) then r00=0.1/xmm else r00=r000 end if 204 akmax=amin1(4*pi/xmm,pi/dx,6*pi/xmaxi)/(2.*r00) write(*,*) 'NH,TEMP(ISHELL)= ', NH,TEMP(ISHELL)*100. write(*,*) 'a,b,c,xmaxi=',a,b,c,xmaxi write(8,*) 'NH,TEMP(ISHELL)= ', NH,TEMP(ISHELL)*100. 205 call calc(ISHELL) 1000 format(A1) 1100 format(2(A20)) 1200 format(2(E20.5E4)) return End c c23456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012 c23456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012 c Subroutine schroed_MORSE(a,alpha,beta,amass,mesh1,ISHELL) c purpose to solve one-dimensional Schrodinger equation for c a model potential defined inside include 'EXAFS_FIT.INC' real a,alpha,beta,amass integer mesh1,ishell integer kkk parameter (kkk=361) c common/oscil/xx(kkk),dd(kkk),sd(kkk),zz(kkk,kkk),V(kkk) real xx,dd,sd,zz,v common/oscres/mesh,xmm,dx integer mesh real xmm,dx common/scatt/r0,r00,AMPI,PHSI real r0,r00,ampi,phsi real fac2,xmm1,umin,fac,r1,u integer i,j,k,iflag,ierr c mesh=min0(mesh1,kkk) c fac2=(alpha/(2*beta))**(1./(alpha-beta)) C DISTANCE(ISHELL)=r0*fac2 xmm1=8. xmm=xmm1 Umin=0. c kinetic energy term in Schrodinger equation (hbar^2/2m)* (d psi/dx)^2 c gives rise to a subdiagonal part sd=fac/2 and a diagonal contribution c fac that is added to U, dd=U+fac. dx=2.*xmm1/real(mesh-1.) fac=1./(amass*dx*dx) do 100 k=1,mesh xx(k)=-xmm1+dx*real(k-1) r1=abs(r0+xx(k)*r00) c define potential c morse potential V(k)=a*(exp(-2*alpha*(r1-r0))-2*exp(-(r1-r0)*beta)) Umin=amin1(V(k),Umin) U=V(k) dd(k)=U+fac if (k.lt.mesh) sd(k+1)=-0.5*fac 100 continue if (iflag .ne. 1)then c do 102 k=1,mesh c write(10,101) (0.1*xx(k)),(100*V(k)) c 101 format(1x,2(e12.6,1x)) 102 continue endif sd(1)=0. c do 110 i=1,mesh do 120 j=1,mesh zz(i,j)=0. 120 continue zz(i,i)=1. 110 continue c call IMTQL2(kkk,mesh,dd,sd,zz,ierr) write (*,*) 'IMTQL err = ',ierr write (*,*) 'U0(ISHELL),alpha,beta=',(100*Umin),alpha,beta write (*,*) 'enerqs = ',((100*(dd(i)-Umin)),i=1,15) write (8,*) 'U0(ISHELL),alpha,beta=',(100*Umin),alpha,beta write (8,*) 'enerqs = ',((100*(dd(i)-Umin)),i=1,15) if (WRITE_POT_PARMS) then c U0(ISHELL) = 100. * UMIN ALPHAP(ISHELL) = ALPHA BETAP(ISHELL) = BETA do I=1,15 ENERGY_QS(I,ISHELL) = 100. * (DD(I) - UMIN) enddo endif c iflag=1 return End c23456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012 c real Function sin3_MORSE(ak,write_pot_parms,T,Ishell) c classical limit case logical WRITE_POT_PARMS real ak,T integer kkk real theta c parameter (kkk=361, theta=5.58) c c common/scatt/r0,r00,a0,a1,a2,c0,c3 common/scatt/r0,r00,AMPI,PHSI real r0,r00,ampi,phsi common/param1/a,b,amass,cFLAG,alpha,beta real a,b,amass,cFLAG,alpha,beta common/class/xmaxi real xmaxi c fac2=(alpha/(2*beta))**(1./(alpha-beta)) c DISTANCE(ISHELL)=r0*fac2 fi=PHSI sin3_morse=0. psin=0. 101 format(1x,4(e12.6,1x)) 11 do 12 j=1,800 x=(j-361)*xmaxi/real(361.) r1=abs(r0+x*r00) c morse potential v=a*(exp(-2*alpha*(r1-r0))-2*exp(-(r1-r0)*beta)) c boltzmann factor [g(r)] wth=exp(-v/T) c integrate dr chi(r)*g(r) c include in chi a static disorder debye-waller factor sin3_morse=sin3_morse+wth*sin(2.*ak*r1+fi)* 1 exp(-2.*(b*ak)**2)/(r1**2) psin=psin+wth 12 continue c include amplitude that is independent of r sin3_morse=AMPI*sin3_morse/psin iflag=iflag+1 c plot potential +radial distribution function if (iflag .eq. 1 .or. iflag .eq. 303)then sum1=0. sum2=0. sum3=0. sum4=0. pssin=psin 14 do 15 j=1,800 x=(j-361)*xmaxi/real(361.) r1=abs(r0+x*r00) c morse potential v=a*(exp(-2*alpha*(r1-r0))-2*exp(-(r1-r0)*beta)) c boltzmann weight wsth=exp(-v/T) c calculate moments from the rdf(wsth) sum2=sum2+(x**2*wsth/pssin) sum3=sum3+(x**3*wsth/pssin) sum1=sum1+(x*wsth/pssin) sum4=sum4+(x**4*wsth/pssin) if (WRITE_POT_PARMS) then GRID_ADJ = X call WRITE_POTENTIAL3 (J,R00,GRID_ADJ,V,WSTH,PSSIN,ISHELL) C WRITE (5,9000) J,R00,X,V,WSTH,PSSIN C9000 FORMAT (' J R00 X V WSTH PSSIN',I5,5F12.5) endif 15 continue call WRITE_MOMENTS (R00,SUM1,SUM2,SUM3,SUM4,ISHELL) WRITE_POT_PARMS = .false. c 15 write(9,101)(r00*x),(v*100),(500.625*wsth/pssin) c write(9,101)(r00*x),(r00*sum1),(r00*sqrt(sum2)), c 1 (r00*(abs(sum3))**1/3.),(r00*sum4**0.25) c write(*,*)' delta r, delta r2, delta r3, delta r4',(r00*sum1), c 1 (r00*sqrt(sum2)), c 2 (r00*(abs(sum3))**1/3.),(r00*sum4**0.25) c write(8,*)' delta r, delta r2, delta r3, delta r4',(r00*sum1), c 1 (r00*sqrt(sum2)), c 2 (r00*(abs(sum3))**1/3.),(r00*sum4**0.25) else return endif return End

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