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Agenda. Levels of measurement Measurement reliability Measurement validity Some examples Need for Cognition Horn-honking. Levels of measurement. Nominal Ordinal Interval Ratio. Linking concepts to data. Conceptual definition: Theoretical variables Units of analysis
Agenda • Levels of measurement • Measurement reliability • Measurement validity • Some examples • Need for Cognition • Horn-honking
Levels of measurement • Nominal • Ordinal • Interval • Ratio
Linking concepts to data • Conceptual definition: • Theoretical variables • Units of analysis • Operational definition: • Procedures for measuring variables • Subject units
Reading time Reading skills TV exposure X Z Y Theory of Measurement Operation- alization ? ? X Z Y ? Self-reported TV watching Self-reported reading Scores on reading test
Two key qualities • Measurement Reliability • The extent to which repeated measurements produce same results • Inversely related to the amount of random error • Measurement Validity • The extent to which a measure “does what it is intended to do”
Random error and reliability • Measures have at least two components: Measure = True Value + Random Error • Variation comes from both sources: Total Variation = True Variation + Random Variation • The reliability of a measure is: True Variation /Total Variation
Estimating reliability • Need at least two measures of same concept • Each measure has random error • Variation shared is not due to random error True Value X1 X2 Error1 Error2 Correlation reflects reliability
Reliability coefficients • Some coefficients estimate reliability of individual measures (items) • Test/Retest correlation • Same item repeated on (unchanging) true value • Inter-item correlation • Different items measure same true value • Inter-coder correlation (agreement) • Different coders measure same true value
Increasing reliability • How to counteract noisy measurements? • Careful conceptualization • Employ precise quantitative measures • Combine multiple measures of the same theoretical concept
Multi-item scales Example • 10 vocabulary test items • Each is subject to some random error • Combining (e.g., adding) items will compound what is common to the measures the “true” vocabulary scores • Combining items will not compound what is unique the random errors • So combining increases proportion of “true” variation to total variation
Reliability coefficients Some coefficients estimate reliability of multiple-item scales • Split-half method • Total set of items randomly divided in half • Each half summed to form a scale • Scores on the two halves correlated • Example: Spearman-Brown reliability coefficient • Internal consistency method • Calculate all inter-item correlations • Average them, and adjust for the number of items • Example: Cronbach’s alpha reliability coefficient
Examining scales Which items produce the most reliable scale? • Item-total correlations • Correlate each item with the total (of other items) • Weak correlations suggest item doesn’t share much variance with the overall scale • Comparative scale reliability • Calculate scale reliability (e.g., Spearman-Brown or Cronbach’s alpha) with and without particular item • If a scale’s reliability doesn’t increase with additional item, we suspect it is weak
What reliability insures • High proportion of variance is systematic, not random • However … • Systematic variance may stem from shared bias Acquiescence response bias, social desirability • Systematic variance may stem from the wrong concept Confusing intelligence with socialized learning • Valid measures must be reliable, but reliability does not guarantee validity
Measurement validity “One validates, not a test, but an interpretation of data arising from a test” (Lee Cronbach) • How should a measure be interpreted? • What empirical data can help insure that a given interpretation is valid?
Face validity • Simple examination of measure • Does it manifestly address the right concept? • Weak form of validation • Largely matter of interpretation
Content validity • Focuses on extent to which a measure reflects a specific domain of conceptual content • Addresses “coverage” of a measure • Largely matter of interpretation • Requires conceptual definition of domain
Criterion-related validity • Involves correlating a measure with some external phenomenon • Concurrent: distinguishing some co-existing difference • Predictive: forecasting future difference • Depends upon validity of criterion • May not always be applicable
Construct validity • Extent to which a measure relates to other measures consistent with theoretically derived hypotheses • Sometimes termed nomological validity E.g., age abstract reasoning ability • Focuses on pattern of relationships among various concepts and measures
Construct validity • Convergent validity • Similar data result from measurements of similar concepts using different operational techniques • Discriminant validity • Dissimilar data result from measurements of different concepts (particularly those which might be easily confused operationally)
Multi-Trait/Multi-Method Matrix Trait Leadership Cooperation Questionnaire Method Observer ratings Same trait/ different methods Different traits/ same methods should agree should not agree Convergent Discriminant
An example Cacioppo & Petty (1982) “The Need for Cognition” • What is the concept? • How measured? • What evidence of reliability? • Item-total coefficients (Study 1) • Spearman- Brown coefficient (Study 1) • Factor analysis confirms single underlying factor (Study 1 & 2)
Factor Factor Need for Cognition Other Concept Factor Loading correlation x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 NFC Item NFC Item NFC Item NFC Item NFC Item Random Error Random Error Random Error Random Error Random Error
Example, cont. What evidence of validity? • Concurrent validity • Distinguishes faculty from assembly-line workers (Study 1) • Discriminant validity • Only small relationship with cognitive style (Study 2) • No relationship with test anxiety (Study 2) • Significant and modest relationship with ACT scores (Study 3) • Weak relationship with social desirability (Study 3 & 4) • Weak negative correlation with dogmatism (Study 3 & 4) • Predictive validity • Predicts enjoyment of a cognitive task (Study 4)
Another example Gross & Doob (1982) “Status of Frustrator as an Inhibitor of Horn-Honking Responses” • What is the theory? • How are the concepts measured? • What evidence of reliability? • What evidence of validity? • Construct validity: Status and gender differences consistent with prior research • Convergent validity? Authors cast doubt on the validity of questionnaire measures
Reliability and validity • Conceptualization and measurement are primary concerns in all research • Always look for evidence of measurement reliability and validity • Of the two, validity is probably more important • Unreliable measures increases the odds that we won’t find anything • Invalid measures increase the odds that we’ll find the wrong thing
For Thursday • Question-asking • Sudman & Bradburn, Ch. 1-5 • Begin working on fourth individual assignment (scaling exercise)