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fabula mirabilis. p. 106. Multi amici cum Caecilio cena bant . Many friends were dining with Caecilius . Felix quoque ad erat . Felix also was there. Omnes amici coquum lauda v erunt , quod cena erat optima. All the friends praised the cook because the dinner was very good. .
fabula mirabilis p. 106
Multi amici cum Caeciliocenabant. Many friends were dining with Caecilius. Felix quoqueaderat. Felix also was there. Omnesamicicoquumlaudaverunt, quod cenaerat optima. All the friends praised the cook because the dinner was very good. V S U X E
Postquamomnescenaverunt, Caeciliusclamavit, “ubiestDecens? Decens non adest.” After everyone ate dinner, Caeciliusshouted, “Where isDecens? Decensis not here.” TumCaeciliusClementem e villa misit. Then Caeciliussent Clemens out of the house. ServusDecentem per urbemquaesivit. The slave searched for Decens through the city. V S U X E
Postquamservus e villa discessit, Felix poculumhausit. After the slave departed from the house, Felix drained (his) cup. Tumlibertusfabulammirabilemnarravit. Then the freedman told the strange story. “olim amicus meus ex urbediscedebat. Once my friend was departing from the city. Noxerat , sedlunaplenalucebat. It was night, but a full moon was shining. V S U X E
Amicus per viamfestinabat, ubisilvaerat, et subitocenturionemconspexit. The friend was hurrying through the street, where the forest was, and suddenly he caught sight of a centurion. Amicus meuscenturionemsalutavit. My friend greeted the centurion. Centuriotamennihildixit. However the centurion said nothing. V S U X E
Tumcenturiotunicamdeposuit. Then the centurion took off (his) tunic. Ecce! Centurioevanuit. Look! The centurion vanished. Ingens lupus subitoapparuit. Suddenly a huge wolf appeared. Amicus meusvaldetimebat. My friend was fearing very much. V S U X E
Ingens lupus ululavit et ad silvamfestinavit. The huge wolf howled and hurried toward the forest. Tunica in via iacebat. The tunic was lying in the street. Amicus tunicamcauteinspexit. The friend cautiously inspected the tunic. Ecce! Tunica eratlapidea. Look! The tunic was made of stone. V S U X E
Tum amicus remintellexit. Then the friend understood the truth. Illecenturioeratversipellis. That centurion was a werewolf. V S U X E