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Flowers for Algernon

Flowers for Algernon. Bellwork Week 2. Monday, September 8, 2014. D ude, i t’s r eading t ime!

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Flowers for Algernon

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  1. Flowers for Algernon Bellwork Week 2

  2. Monday, September 8, 2014 • Dude, it’s reading time! Create a new Two Column Journal and complete one TCJ while you read. That means choose and copy a meaningful quote from your novel on the left side, and respond with and example or anecdote in at least three sentences on the right side. Remember: Use quotation marks in the page number. Correct Format: Author’s name (Last, First.) Title of Book. City of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication.

  3. Monday, Sept. 8 2 1. Refute-(v) to prove that something is false or incorrect. 2. Equivalent-(adj) a description to show something is the same or equal 3. Regression-(n) a return to an earlier or less developed stage 4. Subconscious (adj) present in the mind without awareness of it. 5. Feeble- (adj) physically or mentally weak.

  4. Tuesday, September 9, 2014 • Dude, it’s reading time! Add to Monday’s Two Column Journal and complete one TCJ while you read. That means choose and copy a meaningful quote from your novel on the left side, and respond with and example or anecdote in at least three sentences on the right side. Remember: Use quotation marks in the page number. Correct Format: Author’s name (Last, First.) Title of Book. City of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication.

  5. Tuesday, Sept. 9 2 Write the definitions. 6. Neurosurgeon- (n) doctors who study and operate on the brain. 7. Opportunist- (n) someone who takes advantage of every opportunity, regardless of the consequences. 8. Shrew- (n) a bad tempered nagging woman 9. Petition-(n, v) a formal request presented to authority or to make or present a formal request to (an authority) with respect to a particular cause. 10. Spectre- (n) something that haunts or troubles your mind a lot

  6. Wednesday, September 10, 2014 • Dude, it’s reading time! Add to your Two Column Journal and complete one TCJ while you read. That means choose and copy a meaningful quote from your novel on the left side, and respond with and example or anecdote in at least three sentences on the right side. Remember: Use quotation marks in the page number. Correct Format: Author’s name (Last, First.) Title of Book. City of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication.

  7. Wednesday, Sept. 10 1 Complete the sentence with the correct vocabulary word. 1. Charlie’s intelligence is not _________________ to the intelligence of his doctor. 2. Once Algeron’s ________________ begins, Charlie knows that he will also lose his intelligence. Write out the synonyms and the vocabulary word that relates. 3. Unconscious, hidden, subliminal: _____________________ 4. Weak, frail, delicate: _____________________________ 5. Shadow, menace, haunt : ___________________________

  8. Thursday, September 11, 2014 • Dude, it’s reading time! Add to your Two Column Journal and complete one TCJ while you read. That means choose and copy a meaningful quote from your novel on the left side, and respond with and example or anecdote in at least three sentences on the right side. Remember: Use quotation marks in the page number. Correct Format: Author’s name (Last, First.) Title of Book. City of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication.

  9. Thursday, Sept. 11 Complete the sentence with the correct vocabulary word. 1. Dr. Nemur said that Dr. Strauss was nothing but an _____________ who was trying to ride his coattails to glory. 2. Some thought Dr. Nemur had a _______ of a wife who was pushing him all the time to work. 3. The workers at the factory signed a ____________ requesting Charlie to be fired.

  10. Friday, September 12, 2014 • Dude, it’s reading time! Add to your Two Column Journal and complete one TCJ while you read. That means choose and copy a meaningful quote from your novel on the left side, and respond with and example or anecdote in at least three sentences on the right side. Remember: Use quotation marks in the page number. Correct Format: Author’s name (Last, First.) Title of Book. City of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication.

  11. Friday, Sept. 12 Complete the sentence with the correct vocabulary word. 1. Learning and understanding can be hard for a ___________-minded person. 2. Charlie is not aware of the thoughts and feelings in the _______________ part of his mind. 3. Dr. Strauss said that someday thousands of ___________ might be using his technique all over the world. Write out the synonyms and the vocabulary word that relates. 1. Disprove, contradict, counter: _______________________ 2. Reversion, lapse, deterioration: _______________________ 3. Equal, alike, same: ________________________________

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