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High Voltage Cards and 2000 Electrical/Thermal Model. Progress on High Voltage Cards & 2000 Electrical/Thermal Model. ECAL WEEK End Cap meeting held 19 June to 23 June at CERN Prepared by A.B.Lodge. High Voltage Cards and 2000 Electrical/Thermal Model. Status Report Structure.
High Voltage Cards and 2000 Electrical/Thermal Model. Progress on High Voltage Cards & 2000 Electrical/Thermal Model. ECAL WEEK End Cap meeting held 19 June to 23 June at CERN Prepared by A.B.Lodge.
High Voltage Cards and 2000 Electrical/Thermal Model. • Status Report Structure. • High Voltage PCB Design, Manufacture and Test. • 2000 Electrical/Thermal Model at RAL. • Single Channel Test Box (Thermal/Electrical Tests). • 10 Channel Readout Module (RS Pre-amps). • 10 Channel Dummy Readout Module (Thermal Tests).
High Voltage Cards and 2000 Electrical/Thermal Model. Review of High Voltage PCBs Individual Card Assembly and Test. • Ten New High Voltage Filter Cards have been received and assembled (using conventional components) at RAL. • Two Low Voltage Signal Termination Cards have also been assembled. • The combined sets of cards are enough to provide high voltage filtering for 2 Super Crystal Modules (2000 Electrical/Thermal Model). • All of the High Voltage cards have been tested with an Anode voltage of 1KV and a Dynode voltage of 0.8 KV.
High Voltage Cards and 2000 Electrical/Thermal Model. • High Voltage 5 Channel Filter Card. Centre Ground Plane to close to the edge of PCB ie. Increased risk of HV break down. Via connecting Anode and Dynode together ie. Needed drilling out to prevent a short.
High Voltage Cards and 2000 Electrical/Thermal Model. • High Voltage Filter Card set for 1 Super Crystal Module (Dynode Side shown) with Signal Termination Card.
High Voltage Cards and 2000 Electrical/Thermal Model. • High Voltage Filter Card set for 1 Super Crystal Module (Anode Side shown) with Signal Termination Card.
High Voltage Cards and 2000 Electrical/Thermal Model. • High Voltage Filter Card set for 1 Super Crystal Module.
High Voltage Cards and 2000 Electrical/Thermal Model. • High Voltage Filter Card set for 1 Super Crystal Module with Positional Spacer Fitted. This shows the space available for the insertion of Monitoring Fibres.
High Voltage Cards and 2000 Electrical/Thermal Model. 2000 Electrical/Thermal Model. It has been agreed that the design team at RAL will produce a 2000 Electrical / Thermal Model as part of its Development Programme for the ECAL End Cap design proposal during this year. This Model will be used to carryout full Thermal and Electrical testing of the complete detector designs proposed at this time including: • Full Mechanical/Electrical Structure of the SCM design. • Back Plate and Back Plate Cooling design proposals. • Mechanical mounting and layer structure (Monitoring System, Moderator, Back plate Cooling, Umbilical, Low Voltage, High Voltage, Readout Electronics(RS Pre-Amps) and Cooling, etc….
High Voltage Cards and 2000 Electrical/Thermal Model. 2000 Model Structure. • Two Full Super Crystal Module. • High Voltage Filtering System. • Positional Spacers (2 Off). • Section of Back Plate (Large enough for 4 SCMs). • Back Plate Cooling System. • Moderator. • Low & High Voltage System + Cabling. • 50 Channels of Readout Electronics (initially using RS pre-amps) based on final design. • Readout Electronics Cooling System. • Environmental Enclosure. • Full Mechanical Support Structure base on final design.
High Voltage Cards and 2000 Electrical/Thermal Model. 2000 Model Development Programme. Part of this development programme is to design and manufacture a 50 channel readout module. This module is to be as close as is possible (thermally and mechanically ) to the final design for the ECAL EE Readout Electronics. To achieve these goals we need to full understand: • Full Mechanical/Electrical Structure of the 50 Channel Readout Module based on the EB design proposals. • The full Thermal requirements and limitations of our Readout Module design. • Is there any adverse interaction between Thermal / Mechanical and Electronics designs which will reduce system performance. Due to the fact that the real electronics cards will not be available in the time scales required by this development programme we will be forced to use RS Pre-amps to carry out this work.
High Voltage Cards and 2000 Electrical/Thermal Model. Single Channel Test Box containing RS single channel pre-amp. Numbers 1 to 6 represent positions of PT100 thermal sensors.
High Voltage Cards and 2000 Electrical/Thermal Model. Amplifier card shown with its mounting bracket. Amplifier mounted component side towards metal bracket on 4mm long spacers. Various different thermal compounds were used to transfer the heat from the amplifier card into the metal bracket.
High Voltage Cards and 2000 Electrical/Thermal Model. The amplifier in the Single Channel Test Box was powered for approximately 1 hour to allow it to reach a stable operating temperature. • Each of the PT100 were then measured to obtain temperature measurements. • Both Amplifier noise and gains were measured. These tests were repeated using a number of different thermal compounds and the results plotted.
High Voltage Cards and 2000 Electrical/Thermal Model. Amplifier Noise Measurements. • The electron noise of the amplifier was measured for each type of thermal compound. • This was done by feeding in 16mV through a 1pF capacitor, which gives 105 electrons into the amplifier I/P. • The output pulse was then measured (OP). • Noise of the circuit was measured with (Npowered) and without power (Nunpowered), using a calibrated true RMS voltmeter. Noise e- =(((Npowered-Nunpowered)0.5)*105)/OP
High Voltage Cards and 2000 Electrical/Thermal Model. The results of these limited test were favourable so we continued with the Design Development Programme for the 2000 Electrical / Thermal Model by designing and manufacturing the following: • 10 Channel Readout Module. • The design is based on the present design proposal for the ECAL EE Electronic Readout Modules. • 10 Channel Dummy Readout Module. • This module is also based on the same design but will be used to conduct more extensive thermal analysis on the requirements for the final EE Readout Module Design.
High Voltage Cards and 2000 Electrical/Thermal Model. Two boards with five amplifier cards on each.
High Voltage Cards and 2000 Electrical/Thermal Model. Another view of the boards showing the protection network.
High Voltage Cards and 2000 Electrical/Thermal Model. Boards fixed together using tapped and threaded spacers.
High Voltage Cards and 2000 Electrical/Thermal Model. Another view of the boards.
High Voltage Cards and 2000 Electrical/Thermal Model. Two views of the completed 10 channel assembly.
High Voltage Cards and 2000 Electrical/Thermal Model. Again the results of these preliminary tests were favourable so we intend to continue and finalise the design and manufacture of the 5 * 10 Channel Readout Modules needed for the 2000 Electrical / Thermal Model. • To date we have five sets of readout cards at this level of manufacture. • This includes the Mechanics for all 10 channel modules. Work Remaining to complete the Readout Module includes: The final design and manufacture of the 50 Channel Readout Box. The design and manufacture of the interconnection method between the Umbilical (50 way D-Type connectors) and the Signal I/P of the 5 channel readout Cards. Final Cooling System design and manufacture for the 50 Channel Readout Module. Full Electrical and Thermal testing, etc…
High Voltage Cards and 2000 Electrical/Thermal Model. • 10 Channel Readout Module (Thermal Model). RM Side Covers. RM Fixing Plate. RM Base Plate. RM Cooling Plate. RM Cooling Pipe.
High Voltage Cards and 2000 Electrical/Thermal Model. • 10 Channel Readout Module (Thermal Model).
High Voltage Cards and 2000 Electrical/Thermal Model. • 10 Channel Readout Module (Thermal Model): Showing the simplified support structure for the readout cards. Thermal Gaskets Required
High Voltage Cards and 2000 Electrical/Thermal Model. • 10 Channel Readout Module: Showing Cooling Plate with single cooling pipe.
High Voltage Cards and 2000 Electrical/Thermal Model. Board-1-BTOP Board-1-TOP • 10 Channel Readout Module (Thermal Model). • Board 2 showing the positions of the PRT100 temperature sensors: • Board-1-TOP • Board-1-MID • Board-1-BOT • Board-1-BTOP • Board -1 BBOT Board-1-MID Board-1-BOT Board-1-BBOT
High Voltage Cards and 2000 Electrical/Thermal Model. Board-2-TOP • 10 Channel Readout Module (Thermal Model). • Board 2 showing the positions of the PRT100 temperature sensors: • Board-2-TOP • Board-2-BOT Board-2-BOT
High Voltage Cards and 2000 Electrical/Thermal Model. Cover-1-TOP • 10 Channel Readout Module (Thermal Model). • Complete Readout Module with all Covers and Cooling Plates showing the positions of the PRT100 temperature sensors: • Cover-1-TOP • Plate-1-TOP • Plate-2-BOT Plate-1-TOP Plate-2-BOT
High Voltage Cards and 2000 Electrical/Thermal Model. Dummy Readout Card Structure and Measurement. • Each card contained 25 Surface Mount resistor packs to represent the real Readout Electronics. • Each resistor pack had 7 * 470ohm resistors connected in parallel (~ 67ohms). • All Resistor packs on each card were again connected in parallel resulting in a total resistive load for the 10 Channel Module of ~ 1.34 ohms. • By varying the supply voltage to the module we could set the module power dissipation. • Simple PT100 temperature sensors were used to measure the relative changes in temperature during testing. Temp ‘C = (((Rmeas. - Rlimit) - Rlead) - 100/ temp Coef. 0.385 ohms per ‘C)+/- 0.1 Note - Rlimit = 0 and Rlead = 0.423 ohms.
High Voltage Cards and 2000 Electrical/Thermal Model. 10 Channel Supply Voltage = 4.153 Volts. Current = 3.06 Amps. Rload = 1.36 ohms. Module Power ~ 12.71Watts. Temperature No Power: T1 ~ 23.2 ‘C T2 ~ 23.2 ‘C T3 ~ 23.1 ‘C After 1 hours: T1~75.1’C T2~35.5’C, T3~23.2’C. After 2 hours: T1~77.3’C T2~37.9’C, T3~23.3’C. After 3 hours: T1~78.2’C T2~38.8’C, T3~23.6’C. T1 - Temperature on an IC at the top of the Dummy Readout Cards. 10 Channel RM (No covers). Glass Bell Jar. T2 - Temperature in the Bell Jar. T3 - Ambient Temperature of the surroundings.
High Voltage Cards and 2000 Electrical/Thermal Model. Cost of Thermal Compounds: The cost of (small quantity) Thermal Foams and Gaskets vary considerable depending on type, manufacturer and required thickness etc…. Ie. From ~ 5.5 CHF/Channel to 24 CHF/Channel therefore the cost could be: EB @ 61,000 Channels - ~335,500 CHF to ~1,464,000 CHF. EE @ 16,000 Channels - ~88,000 CHF to ~ 384,000 CHF. Note - Just for the thermal compound between IC’s and module covers. Even if we can reduce the price by 1/2 for large quantities this still seems to be a large amount money?