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On the gravitational and electrodynamical stability of nuclear matter cores

On the gravitational and electrodynamical stability of nuclear matter cores. Michael rotondo* R. Ruffini*°^ S-S . Xue*° *Department of physics and Icra , University of rome “Sapienza” °Icranet , pescara ^Icranet , university of nice “ sophia antipolis” Third stueckelberg meeting

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On the gravitational and electrodynamical stability of nuclear matter cores

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  1. On the gravitational and electrodynamicalstabilityofnuclearmattercores Michael rotondo* R. Ruffini*°^ S-S. Xue*° *Departmentofphysics and Icra, Universityofrome “Sapienza” °Icranet, pescara ^Icranet,universityofnice “sophia antipolis” Thirdstueckelberg meeting July 11 2008, Pescara, Italy

  2. The energy source as crucial factor in the understanding of astrophysical phenomena

  3. Some astrophysical open problems • The problemof the almostknownequationsof state forneutronstarswhich are notabletoreproduce the observations in millisecondbinarypulsars • The problemofexplaining the energeticsof the emissionof the remnantduring the collapseto a neutron star • The problemofformationof the supercriticalfieldsduring the collapseto a blackhole Itisour opinion that the solutionoftheseproblemscouldfindtheirnaturalexplanationfrom a yetunexploredfield : the electro-dynamicalstructureof a neutron star. In this work weoutline a fewcrucialideasofhow a Thomas-Fermiapproachtoneutronstars can indeedrepresentanimportantstep in identifythiscrucialfeature.

  4. Thomas-Fermi model

  5. White Dwarfs and Neutron Stars as Thomas-Fermi systems

  6. White Dwarfs and Neutron Stars as Thomas-Fermi systems

  7. The relativistic Thomas-Fermi equation

  8. The essentialroleof the non-point-likenucleus

  9. Electrodynamics of nuclear matter in bulk n, p, e n, p, e

  10. Electromagnetic components Proton component Poisson equation Electron component

  11. The dimensionless Thomas-Fermi equation

  12. The neutroncomponent and the A-Np relation

  13. GeneralizedA-Np relation and the penetrationofelectrons inside the core

  14. The ultra-relativistic approximation

  15. Coulomb potential energy and electric field

  16. The electricfield and the muon/pion production

  17. Gravitational and electrodynamical stability

  18. The inapplicabilityof the free test particleapproximation

  19. Neutralnuclearmattercores vs superchargedones

  20. Consequences for Neutron Stars

  21. Different proton profiles

  22. Conclusions 1- The requirement of beta decay equilibrium appears to be necessary for obtaining from first principles the phenomenological relations between A and Np adopted in superheavy nuclei. 2-The Thomas-Fermi equation is a good example of the possibility that collective effects of relativistic quantum statistics leads to electric fields in astrophysical situations with values much larger than the ones suggested by the test particle approximation. 3-The possibility of having stable massive cores describable based solely on gravitational, electromagnetic and weak interactions and relativistic quantum statistics opens a whole new scenario for the study of neutron star configurations close to their critical mass and the subsequent approach to process of gravitational collapse to a Kerr-Newman black hole.

  23. References [1]J.Ferreirinho, R. Ruffini, L. Stella, Phys. Lett. B 91, (1980) 442. [2] R.Ruffini, M. Rotondo, S.S. Xue, Int. Journal ofModernPhys. D Vol. 16, No. 1 (2007) 1-9. [3] A.B.Migdal, D.N.Voskresenskii, V.S. Popov, Sov. Phys. JETP 45 (3), (1977) 436. [4] R.Rotondo, R. Ruffini, S.S.Xue, in the “Proceedingsof the fourthItalian-Sino Workshop on RelativisticAstrophysics”, C.L. Bianco, S.S. Xue (eds.), AIP Conf. Proc. 966, 147 (2008). [5]B. Patricelli, R.Rotondo, R. Ruffini, in the “Proceedingsof the fourthItalian-Sino Workshop on RelativisticAstrophysics”, C.L. Bianco, S.S. Xue (eds.), AIP Conf. Proc. 966, 143 (2008). [6] J. Madsen, Phys. Rev. Lett., Vol. 100, 151102 (2008). [7] R.Ruffini, M. Rotondo, S.S. Xue , submittedtoPhys. Rev. Lett. (2008).

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