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This article explores the United States' foreign policy decisions during the late 1960s and 1970s regarding the Vietnam War, including the escalation of troops, the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, the Vietnamization policy, and domestic problems such as campus riots and political scandals. It also discusses Nixon's foreign policy approach of detente, including his visits to China and the Soviet Union. The article highlights the importance of the Pentagon Papers and the Watergate scandal in shaping public opinion and government transparency. Nixon's domestic plans, including the establishment of OSHA and the EPA, as well as the New Federalism policy and Title IX, are also mentioned.
The united States Today: Late 1960’s and 1970’s
Vietnam: Causes many _________________________ problems as well as creating a Foreign Policy Mess. A. Foreign Policy: _________________________ 1. The United States had to determine if it was going to be anti- ______________________ or anti-_______________________? The U.S. chose to be anti-_________________________ 2. The United States believed in the ________________ Theory. If one country fell to Communism, they all would. 3. Once the United States got involved, they could not pull out. They did not want to walk away from Vietnam as a defeated nation. So, they followed a policy of _________________________: (Constantly increasing the number of troops involved in the action Domestic Containment Colonialism Communism Communism Domino Escalation
Tonkin 3. The Gulf of _________________________ Resolution allowed LBJ to put 500,000 troops in action. Congress passed this legislation stating that if the United States is attacked, it can respond with everything in its arsenal. Were we attacked???? 4. Later, once congress realized it had made a mistake, it will pass, over Nixon’s veto, the ____________ ________________ Act. a. President must notify Congress of sending troops into action within 48 hours b. After 90 days of using troops in combat, The President must get ________________________ approval to continue using troops. 5. Eventually, due to a lack of support from home, and no evident gains in Vietnam: Can you beat an idea? The United States began to try to save face by pulling out and implementing a policy of __________________: turning the war over to the South Vietnamese troops. War Powers Congressional Vietnamization
Domestic Problems: • 1. SDS (_____________________ for a ________________________ ________________________ : College campus riots became frequent. “Hey, Hey, LBJ how many kids did you kill today” or “old enough to fight butnot old enough to vote (led to the _____ Amendment). At ________________ _______________ college campus a riot went out of control as the students burned down the ROTC building and the National Guard ___________________________, killing several students. • 2. The Democratic Convention of ________ sparked another riot as the anti-war candidate Eugene McCarthy lost to Huber Humphrey in the _____________________. Americans got to watch this at home on ____. Students Democratic Society 26th Kent State Fired Live Rounds 1968 Primaries T.V.
Hippies Rock / Acid Rock 3. A new counter culture, known as the _______________ sprang up from the beatnik movement. They replaced the 1950’s silent generation with free love, drugs, and _______________________ music. 4. Corruption in the Government and freedom of the Press? a. The ___________________ ____________________ were documents from the Defense Department that proved that the U.S. was lying to the public about “Vietnam War successes”. The New York Times got a hold of the documents and wanted to publish them. The Government told the Times not to print it. Who do you think wins NY Times v. U.S.? ____________________________________ b. Nixon winds up resigning his Presidency after the _____________________ Scandal. What did Nixon do? Who wins U.S. v. Nixon? _______________________________________ ________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Pentagon Papers NY Times (Supreme Court is defending rights of individuals) Watergate Nixon tried to cover up what his people did (breaking into Democratic Headquarters at Watergate in order to spy). He did not want to release Tapes that would uncover his cover up, but Supreme Court sides with U.S.
Detente • The end of Nixon’s Presidency with a new foreign policy A. _________________ became a new foreign policy in an attempt to “cool off the Cold War” 1. Nixon was the first President to visit Communist _______________ 2. Nixon signs ______________ Strategic Arms Limitations Talks: This set fixed limits on the amount of _________________ weapons each side should have. 3. Nixon also visited the _________________ and signed the “grain deal” China SALT I Nuclear Soviet Union
Occupational Safety Hazards • Nixon’s other important Domestic Plans: 1. OSHA and the EPA were created. a. OSHA ______________________ ________________ and __________________ Administration provided for the inspection of work places. b. The EPA ______________________ ___________________ Agency was created to be the watchdogs for the environment. 2. ____________________ ____________________ was Nixon’s policy of giving the State Governments more control over federal funds. It also placed more of the social care of U.S. citizens on local governments. 3. ________________ limited gender discrimination in education: If you have a boy’s sports program you must have a __________ sports program. Environmental Protection New Federalism Title IX Girl’s
President Vice President 25th Watergate • Fords Presidency (born in conspiracy and never recovers???) A. Ford is the only President never to be elect as ________________________ or _______________________. (_____ Amendment allowed this) 1. Ford became Vice President when Nixon’s VP, Spirow T. Agnew resigned due to ________________________ (took the fall) 2. Then, Nixon resigned making _____________ President. B. One of Fords first actions as President was to _________________ Nixon of all crimes he “may have” committed. Some people felt this was very corrupt. Ford said he did it to put corruption in the past. Ford also puts the past behind America when he pulls U.S. forces out of ___________________________ with a truce between North and South. Two years after U.S. pulls out, South Vietnam falls to _________________________ C. The first _______ embargo by _____________. 1. The Arab world disliked the U.S. support of ___________________ in the __________ - ________________ wars. 2. To fight this support, OPEC placed an embargo on ________. This tripled the price of _______ in the U.S. 3. Long lines at the ________ pumps upset Americans. Are we still dependent on OPEC oil today? Ford Pardon Vietnam Communism Oil OPEC Israel Arab Israeli Oil Gas Gas YES!! Many great ideas, but it won’t help until Ideas are massed consumed.
Jimmy Carter Corruption Oil Ayatollah Khomeini • ___________________ becomes President. (why a Georgia peanut farmer? People wanted to escape the _____________________ of past Presidents. A. The Second _________ Crises 1. The U.S. supported Shah of Iran was overthrown by traditional Islamic revolutionaries led by the __________________ ___________________ 2. During the Revolution, Iran cut oil production, and prices almost quadrupled from the previous crises. Again, Americans proved their dependence on _____________ oil. 3. To make this crises worse, Iranian Revolutionaries took 52 ________________________ from the U.S. embassy because we helped the ______________ of ____________ escape to our country. Iran wanted to execute him. B. Due to the unstable economy, a new condition developed called: _________________________. This is where unemployment and inflation rise. Foreign Hostages Shah Iran Stagflation
Carter does have some success in the Arab World with the _______________ ___________________ Accords. 1. Israel had to give back the _____________ Peninsula to Egypt. 2. Egypt recognized ____________ as an independent nation. 3. They each promised to respect each others __________________. Was Carter soft on Communism, or continuing Nixon’s policy of ___________ (or easing the tensions of the Cold War) 1. Carter recognized ____________________ China to open trade. 2. Carter pushed for _________II to reduce the amount of ____________ weapons. He pulled out of deal because the _________ invaded _______ Carter continued the _________ _______________ Policy of FDR with Panama as he promised to give back the ________________ zone to Panama (after this, people felt Carter was too soft in foreign policies) Carter also returned to an ____________ Immigration policy 1. Carter opened American doors to people fleeing harsh dictatorships 2. There was a mass immigration from Vietnam as well as Haiti and _______________. Many Americans wanted to turn the “boat people” around. 3. Where do most of our immigrants come from today? How do Americans feel about immigration today? Camp David Sinai Israel Borders Detente Communist SALT Nuclear USSR Afghanistan Good Neighbor Canal Open Cuba Latin America (Mexico) Very Nativist
Reagonomics The United States Today 1980’s to 1992 (Ronald Reagan and George Bush Sr.) I. Supply Side Economics: ________________________ (Reagan felt the economy would be better off with tax breaks to the wealthy and then have that money “trickle down to he poor” (great cartoon p.558) A. New _____________________ 1. This made states more responsible for social welfare programs 2. Reagan cut a great deal from _____________ ______________ in the Federal Budget. 3. This places the _________ burden on local governments. 4. Reagan also reduced regulations on big business (back to _______________ _______________) Federalism Social Programs Tax Laissez Faire
Debt Wealthy Military Star Wars Strategic Defense Initiative Useless • Massive increase in the National ____________. 1. Reagan reduced taxes on the ________________ 2. Reagan increased spending on ___________________ a. _________ __________: A name given to Reagan’s ______________ ________________ ________________ (SDI) This was where anti nuclear attack satellites were launched into space. They are still _______________________ to this very day. b. an extra 1.5 trillion dollars was to be spent on bombers, subs, and missiles. c. The ________ race continued with the _____________. Eventually, we will outspend the ______________. 3. The United States, throughout the 1980’s saw poverty on the rise. Many felt this led to several problems: a. increased drug use (especially __________ cocaine) b. increased crime ___________ c. increased school ____________________ rate. d. increased rate in single ____________________ households. Arms USSR USSR Crack Rates Dropout Parent
Social Jesse Jackson Rainbow Coalition C. Minority gains are set back and minorities organize 1. Reagan cut many ____________________ programs which benefited minorities 2. The Reverend _______________ _______________ formed the _______________________ _____________________ to fight back against the set backs. This was a group of multicultural citizens who helped get Clinton elected in 1992. 3. Along with minority losses came social security problems (s.s was cut) too for the elderly as the very first ________ _______________ began to retire Baby Boomers
Iran Contra Contras Sandinistas • Ronald Reagan’s foreign policy A. ______________ ________________ Affair. Reagan’s administration was caught selling illegal weapons to the Iranians, and using that money to illegally support the _________________ who were fighting the ________________ led Sandinistas in Nicaragua. The U.S. was also involved in several other Latin American nations. 1. Grenada 2. El Salvador 3. Lebanon(Not L.A., but more unrest in the ____________ __________. B. International Economics 1. Reagan’s biggest problem came from competition with _____________ They held an unfavorable balance of trade as they did not import many American goods. Biggest hurt was in the auto industry. 2. Reagan tried to work through GATT (_________________ ___________________ on ___________________ and ____________ C. Reagan also had to deal with increased ____________________ (The New, New _______________________). Most of the newest immigrants now came from _____________ ____________________. How do we feel about this today? D. Reagan does try a little Détente (reducing _______ ________ Tensions) by signing the INF (Intermediate __________________ Forces) Treaty. This was suppose to rid all of Europe of Nuclear missiles by 1990. Middle East Japan Government Agreement Tariffs Trade Immigration Immigrants Latin America Nativism Cold War Nuclear
Tinker • Two Supreme Court Cases impact schools during the 1980’s. A. ______________ v. Des Moines School District (1969) defended students rights by allowing them to wear arm bands to protest the Vietnam War. B. _______ ____________ v. TLO limited the rights of students when it comes to search and seizure vs. the safety of the school. A Principal can search with probable cause and the fear of the endangerment of other students. New Jersey
commercials • The George Bush years 1988 - 1992 A. Fear of corruption in elections due to campaign spending. 1. The cost of elections increases due to the cost of __________________ on TV. 2. To offset these costs, PACs or ______________ ________________ _______________________ raise “soft money” for political parties. 3. With all the money in the mix, people fear that campaign spending corrupts the ____________________ system in America. 4. Due to the fear of corruption, many people are calling for Campaign _________________ Reform. a. People and PACs would be _____________________ on how much they can donate to political parties / or the government may limit how much could be spent on a campaign. b. Some people believe that this limitation of donating or spending violates freedom of expression ____ Amendment. Political Action Committees Democratic Finance Donated 1st 5.3 billion dollars spent on all elections in 2008 2.4 billion dollars spent by all presidential candidates McCain and Obama, together, spent over 1 billion dollars (doubling 2004) Obama, himself, raised over 600 billion dollars
War Drugs Crime AIDS • Domestic Issues during Bush’s presidency. 1. The __________ on ___________ a. 7 billion dollars were spent to stop the spread of drugs b. Drugs caused an increase in violent ______________ c. Drugs were also partially tied to the massive _________ outbreak during the 1980’s d. Drug use among teens has seen a decline since the war on drugs. e. This war on drugs also led the U.S. to invade _______________ in an attempt to take out Manuel ___________________ 2. Bush tried to pass through the Gramm Rudman Hollings Act which was suppose to ___________________ the __________________. This was to turn around the National Debt created in major part by _____________ Panama Noriega Balance Budget Reagan and SDI
Economically Berlin Wall • Major foreign events under Bush’s administration. 1. The Soviet Union Falls apart _________________ 1st and then breaks up. 2. The ____________ ___________ is taken down as a major symbol to the end of the cold war. Germany was reunified in 1990. 3. Desert Shield and Desert Storm a. _____________ invaded Kuwait for a port and oil. Saddam Hussein claimed that Kuwait was always a part of Iraq and was taking too much revenue from Iraq. b. The United Nations with the U.S. in the lead moved into Saudi Arabia to stop further aggressions of Hussein. (Desert __________) c. ___________ Missiles were launched at Israel to start a ________ War. d. The U.S. led an invasion through Kuwait and into Iraq. However, the U.S. left __________ and helped create the turmoil we are dealing with today. (Desert Storm) Iraq Shield Scud Holy Iraq
Laissez Faire The Clinton Years 1992 - 2000 • Bill Clinton reversed the Republican trend of spending on Social Programs. Clinton stopped the economic policy of _____________ _______________. List several programs that Clinton put wanted to put more money into and who it benefited: (p. 597 - 598 ) A. B. C. D. Health Care: This was much like what Barak Obama just past. However, Clinton Had a republican Congress that would not hear of it. Education: Aid to education increased as well as an increase in ideal national standards Welfare Reform: Clinton decreased the amount of money in welfare and required Welfare recipients to work. States became responsible for the running of these programs Social Security: Clinton wanted to make sure that the system would stay funded. However, this seems like an impossible task as baby boomers begin to retire And live longer
Gays Ask Tell • Other Domestic issues handled by Clinton A. Clinton pushed for the allowance of __________ in the military. The military responded with the “Don’t ____________ , Don’t _______________ Policy. B.__________________ gained more access to government positions than ever before. 1. _________________ _________________ was Clinton’s Attorney General. 2. _________________ _________________ was Clinton’s Secretary of State. 3. Ruth _____________________ was appointed to the Supreme Court. (The first female Supreme Court Judge was ______________ ________ _________________________) C. Clinton and _________________________ (another presidential scandal) The Clintons were accused of taking out loans when President Clinton was Governor of Arkansas and purchasing land they knew would go up in value. They were found __________ ____________ . Women Janet Reno Madeleine Albright Ginsburg Sandra Day O'Conner Whitewater Not Guilty
Publically defended House Representatives • Clinton’s Impeachment 1. Clinton had an affair with Monica Lewinski 2. After Clinton _______________________ himself (“I did not have sexual relations with that woman.”) Evidence came forward that he did. 3. He was impeached by the _____________ of __________________, but it was not a high enough crime to be kicked out of office by the ___________________. • The economy under Clinton took much of the social pressure off of him. The major push in the economy came from the internet and all the ________ ________ businesses that popped up. • One of the biggest ________________ _________________ __________ that fought Clinton was the NRA. President Clinton pressed for many _________ control laws to be passed. Is this a violation of our _______ Amendment Rights? • There was also a social trend in population shift as most of America’s big businesses moved to the ________ Belt and the old Northern industries became known as the __________ Belt. Senate dot coms Special Interest Groups gun 2nd “Sun” “Rust”
North American Free Trade Agreement Canada • Foreign Issues A. Global Market 1. Clinton finally pushed through NAFTA or the _____________ _____________________ ______________ __________ _______________ a. This opened trade between the U.S., ____________________ and _____________________. b. Many American Industries moved into ____________________ c. _____________________ increased from Mexico d. The ________ has violated many NAFTA agreements with Canada. 2. GATT (__________________ _______________________ on ___________________ and _________________) turned into the WTO (______________ ______________ _____________________). The WTO has been protested by Americans because of the unrestricted free trade with nations that abuse labor rights i.e. _________________. One of the biggest protests was in ___________________, Washington (1999) B. Foreign Conflicts under Clinton focused mainly on ________________ _______________ violations by “dictators”. Examples and why the U.S. was involved: (P. 616 - 618) 1. 2. 3. 4. Mexico Mexico Immigration U.S. General Agreement Tariffs Trade World Trade Organization China Seattle Human Rights Bosnia Somalia Yugoslavia Iraq
Palestinians Terrorism Yasir Arafat • Bill Clinton and the Middle East: 1. ________________________ demanded their own nation as Israel was given their own nation. 2. The Palestinians resorted to _______________________ led by __________________ ____________________ 3. Yitzhak Rabin and Yasir Arafat met in ____________________ ___ ___ in a land for peace deal, which continues to this day. West Bank and the ______________ __________. 4. However, extremists still try to unsettle the peace with ______________ Washington D. C. Gaza Strip Terrorism
Supreme Court Florida Electoral College George W. Bush • Election 2000 and was settled by the _______________ ____________. A. __________________ became the hinge state for the majority of votes in the ____________________ _______________________ B. The Democratic candidate Al ______________ wanted the ballots to be recounted for a third time. Many votes were confusing and were thrown out (hanging chads, pregnant chads, confusing ballots created many problems. C. Eventually a court case _____________ v. ______________ settled the election and sided with George Bush. D. This election once again brought the electoral college issue to the forefront of arguments and George W. Bush became President even though he lost the ____________________ election. Gore Bush Gore Popular
Afghanistan Osama Bin laden • Foreign Challenges Faced by George Bush A. 9/11 brought terrorism to the United States. 1. The World backed the United States led invasion of ______________________ to take out Taliban base camps located there. The main terrorist target was and still is __________ _____________ 2. However, when George Bush wanted to invade _____________, most of the world was against it. Was there a case for invasion? a. weapons of mass destruction? b. Saddam Hussein funding terrorists? c. Human Rights violations by Hussein? 3. Currently, the United States has less than 100,000 (50,000 in August) troops involved in Iraq. The number one weapon of the Iraqi dissidents is the IED (___________________ __________________ _________________) 4. At home, the United States created a new cabinet position: Department of __________________ __________________. 5. Another big issue that Americans focus on is whether or not legislation such as the __________________ _________ violates American’s _______________ ______________. Iraq Improvised Explosive Devices Homeland Security Patriot Act Civil Rights
War Terror Money Oil China India • People fear that the __________ on ________________ is costing the United States too much in lives and _____________________. Should the U.S. pull out? • The United States is still very dependent on foreign __________. This creates major problems as other industrializing nations such as ________________ and _____________ demand more and more oil. Most Americans witness this simple demonstration of ___________________ and _________________ at the gas pumps. • Nuclear ____________________ is becoming more and more of a problem 1. Countries such as ___________ and ____________ developed nuclear weapons under the worlds noses. 2. Several countries such as ____________, and __________ _________________ are constantly trying to develop nuclear technology as the U.S. attempts to stop the spread of this technology. Supply Demand Proliferation India Pakistan Iran North Korea Has already exploded two and tests missiles a great deal
George Bush Barack Obama • How the first African American President was selected in Election 2008. A. Many stated the vote was anti __________ _____________ B. Many minorities, of course, gravitated towards _____________ C. Many wanted the government to intervene in the _______________ D. Many wanted to get out of ________ • Domestic issues faced today A. Social Security and the __________________ of America B. Supreme Court Justice Selections 1. George Bush selected two conservative Justices a. Samuel Alito b. Chief Justice John Roberts 2. Barak Obama has a chance to keep a balance between conservative and liberal justices a. He selected Sonia Sotamayor b. He is currently in the process of selecting another justice. c. How is Supreme Court justice selection a process of checks and balances? Obama Recession Iraq Graying
Laissez Faire Tax Breaks C. People continue to debate how to end current recession Conservatives – Republicans vs. Progressives – Democrats 1. Conservatives and Republicans tend to push for a more ___________ _______________ attitude a. Under Bush, _______ _________ for the wealthy were introduced b. Deregulation of big business increased c. Deficit spending increased as funding for the ________ on ___________ increased. 2. Progressives and Democrats tend to push for more regulation and a government hands on approach a. Obama pushed for a tax decrease on the lowest income families and kept tax on wealthy the same. Many progressives want the tax on the wealthiest class _________________. b. Health Care Reform Act Passed. Everyone must have Health _______________ by 2012. c. Regulation of Wall Street is currently being looked at as congress tries to pass a _____________ Reform Act d. Barak Obama’s administration seems to be following the path of FDR as they attempt to stimulate the economy with borrowed money (thus increasing the ________________ ___________ ) War Terror Increased Insurance Financial National Debt
Iraq Pakistan Afghanistan • Foreign Policy Issues A. Obama is currently finishing off the pull out of troops in __________. It is suppose to be below 50,000 troops in August. B. Hunting down Al Qaeda and the Taliban in _______________ and _____________________. C. Since 9/11 there have been 10 major attempts to bomb ________, all have failed. (most recent was the time square bombing – Early May 2010) D. Obama’s administration attempts to continue to stop the _________________ of nuclear weapons to ____________ and stop the build-up of nuclear weapons in __________ ______________ E. The U.S. continues to attempt to create peace in the __________ _________ 1. ________________ is supposed to give up land (West _________ and the _________ Strip) for a future Palestine. 2. Israel continues to worry about future rocket attacks. 3. The militant Muslims continue to hate the U.S. for backing ____________ Any other issues for the Regents Exam? NYC Proliferation Iran North Korea Middle East Israel Bank Gaza Israel Oil drilling vs. Possible oil spills? Civil Union Marriage Rights? Fall Election 2010