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‘Why then we rack the value’ Building Value Frameworks for Academic Libraries

This study, commissioned by the Group of Eight university librarians, evaluates the financial and qualitative value that library-provided information resources deliver to their research communities. The study was conducted by Outsell, Inc. using contingent valuation methodology and hypothetical scenarios to assess willingness to pay. Web surveys and focus groups were administered at various universities for validation. The findings provide insights into funding arrangements and highlight the significance of information resources for the research community.

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‘Why then we rack the value’ Building Value Frameworks for Academic Libraries

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  1. ‘Why then we rack the value’ Building Value Frameworks for Academic Libraries The Australian National University 8 April 2010

  2. Group of Eight Librarians initiative • Cost-benefit study to assess in both financial and qualitative terms the value library-provided information resources deliver to their research communities • commissioned by Group of Eight (Go8) university librarians • conducted by Outsell, Inc.

  3. Methodology • Contingent valuation • hypothetical scenarios • willingness to pay

  4. Web survey • administered at • The Australian National University • The University of Adelaide • The University of Queensland Validation • outcomes confirmed through focus groups at • Monash University • The University of Melbourne • The University of New South Wales • The University of Sydney

  5. Definitions • Research community • All university staff engaged in research (whether or not also teaching) and all postgraduate pre- and post-doctoral research students as well as research assistants working on behalf of such researchers • Costs • Costs incurred in providing information resources in both print and digital formats, for the research community • Information resources • Content only, both print and digital, made available to researchers by their universities

  6. Response rate 1,175 valid responses (8.5%, with margin of error of ± 2.73%) 1,173 respondents completed all questions

  7. Demographics

  8. Demographics

  9. Use of information resources

  10. Use of information resources

  11. Use of information resources

  12. Time and money spent in using information resources

  13. Time and money spent in using information resources

  14. Time and money spent in using information resources

  15. Time and money spent in using information resources

  16. Present funding arrangements

  17. Present funding arrangements

  18. Qualitative questions about current services

  19. Qualitative questions about current services

  20. Qualitative questions about current services

  21. Different funding scenarios for information resources

  22. Different funding scenarios for information resources

  23. Different funding scenarios for information resources

  24. Different funding scenarios for information resources

  25. Different funding scenarios for information resources

  26. Additional analyses Analysis by university

  27. Additional analyses Analysis by broad subject discipline

  28. Additional analyses Analysis by type of respondent

  29. Summary of main findings Qualitative

  30. Summary of main findings Financial

  31. Some conclusions Much Ado About Nothing, 4.I.210-223

  32. Thank you Vic Elliott 8 April 2010

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