Fewwordsabout the Ash-tree… Ash trees are medium to large trees of the genus fraxinus of the family Oleaceae (Olive-tree like). The family contains between 45 and 65 species. Some of them are evergreen, but most are deciduous. They grow in most parts of the world. Most of the ash species have light-green, oval shaped, pinnate leaves. Ash trees are becoming endangered due to the emerald ash bores.
Where the Ash-tree Grows While Ash trees can be found around the world, they are most predominant in the United States, particularly in: • New England • New York • Massachusetts • North Carolina • South Carolina • Florida • Alabama • Louisiana • Texas • Oregon • Kansas • Colorado
PopularUses Most people don't realize that the Ash tree is part of the olive family. As such, the tree produces oil that is chemically similar to olive oil. This oil can be heated and used to alleviate stomach ailments. Other popular uses for the Ash tree include wood products such as: • Baseball bats • Tool handles • Hockey sticks • Canoepaddles • Bowls • Snowshoes • Guitar bodies
InterestingFacts While Ash timber has a litany of commercial uses, it can also be used in the home for smoking meat. The White Ash and European Ash are top picks for smoking wood. The tree has other interesting facts associated with it including: • Ash was commonly used to construct carriages in the early 19th Century. • Early aviators used Ash tree wood to craft airplanes. • The Morgan Motor Company of Great Britain still manufactures sports cars with frames made from Ash timber. • In Norse mythology, the first man was formed from an Ash tree. • Irish folklore claims that shadows cast on fields from Ash trees would damage crops. • In England, some believe Ash bark can cure warts.
Symbolicmeanings • Ash is used in spells. CeltsusedAsh for makingspearswhich had greatermagical powers, than the Wand. It was a symbol of the Shamans willpower. • According to a Scandinavian legend a giantonceinstructed a community to place the Ashtree on a churchaltar in order to destroy the church. The people did not follow his instructions, but instead put the Ashtree on top of a grave. It immediatelyburstintoflames. • In the language of flowers the Ash-treesymbolizesGrandeur.
Thankyou for watchingourpresentation • StanescuMihai • Bartoszuk Karol