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NET2002 Conference Rod Ward Rod.Ward@sheffield.ac.uk nmap.ac.uk

The development of NMAP - The UK's gateway to high quality Internet resources in nursing, midwifery and allied health. NET2002 Conference Rod Ward Rod.Ward@sheffield.ac.uk http://nmap.ac.uk. Topics. Why quality gateways to Internet Resources What NMAP is NMAP history funding & partners

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NET2002 Conference Rod Ward Rod.Ward@sheffield.ac.uk nmap.ac.uk

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  1. The development of NMAP - The UK's gateway to high quality Internet resources in nursing, midwifery and allied health. NET2002 Conference Rod Ward Rod.Ward@sheffield.ac.uk http://nmap.ac.uk

  2. Topics • Why quality gateways to Internet Resources • What NMAP is • NMAP history funding & partners • NMAP Usage & Evaluation

  3. Issues of quality on the Internet • Sheer volume of information • Ephemeral nature of much information • Ease of self-publishing • the personal home page phenomenon • Lack of peer review or editorial and refereeing processes • Possible serious consequences of inaccurate health information

  4. Limitations of search tools • Indiscriminate, unwieldy retrieval from search engines • Output mostly lacks context • Word spamming & relevancy ranking • Advanced search features can be complex

  5. Difficulties in evaluating Internet resources • They cannot be browsed in the same way as print • They tend not to have a set of common features • (such as statement of responsibility, introduction, preface, table of contents, index) • There may be time and cost implications

  6. NMAP What is it? • NMAP provides access to evaluated Internet information for nurses, midwives, physiotherapists, health visitors, dieticians, occupational therapists & other allied health professionals • Aimed primarily at the UK HE, FE communities & practitioners http://nmap.ac.uk/

  7. JISC & the RDN JISC Committee for Electronic Information 1998 – call for proposalsresulted in the creation of theResource Discovery Network (RDN)

  8. RDN RDN - http://www.rdn.ac.uk/ • Aims to become a resource discovery service across a wide range of subject areas Co-ordinated by the Network Centre, the RDNC • BIOME – life and health sciences • SOSIG – social sciences • EMC – engineering, maths, computing • Humbul - humanities • PSIgate – physical sciences

  9. BIOME BIOME • a “parent” service, providing access to, and integration of, five gateways to quality Internet resources. Focused on HE, FE and wider audiences Gateways • OMNI – health and medicine & NMAP • VetGate – animal health • AgriFor- agriculture, food and forestry • Natural Selection – natural world • BioResearch – biological/biomedical sciences

  10. History & funding December 1999 • JISC call for proposals (05/99) NMAP bid submitted by: • University of Nottingham • University of Sheffield • Royal College of Nursing

  11. NMAP • Who is it provided by? • Partnership between the University of Nottingham, University of Sheffield and Royal College of Nursing • In collaboration with: • Chartered Society of Physiotherapy, • College of Occupational Therapists, • Community Practitioners and Health Visitors Association, • Royal College of Midwives & • NHS National electronic Library for Health

  12. Searching Simple • Free text search, phrases, automatic “AND”, punctuation accepted • N.B. Also searches OMNI (6,500 records) Advanced • Options to: • limit your search by resource type e.g. mailing list, teaching materials, practice guideline • Display a list of titles only • Truncation

  13. Browsing NMAP • Alphabetically (by NLM headings) • Keyword - MeSH headings or RCN headings

  14. NMAP searching in the NeLH • NeLH VBLs & NMAP developed together. • avoid duplication – URLs in NMAP not separate database • annual licence • NeLH Professional portals search NMAP using RDN-Include – see http://www.rdn.ac.uk/rdn-i/ • Integration gives users a “one stop shop”

  15. Tutorials Part of the RDN's Virtual Training Suite (VTS). • Internet for Nurses, Midwives and Health Visitors. • URL http://nmap.ac.uk/vts/nurse/ Internet for Allied Health • URL http://nmap.ac.uk/vts/allied/

  16. NMAP Usage & Evaluation • Since launch (April 2001) we have been keeping statistics about the service. • During November & December we ran an online questionnaire completed by 671 users • Further work on search, browse & HCI is continuing

  17. Number of Records in NMAP database

  18. Pages Served

  19. Pages linking to NMAP(according to Altavista)

  20. Easy to navigate No. of responses Percentage YES 564 87.9 NO 78 12.1 Nil response 29 4.3 User Evaluation - User responses to question Using NMAP, can you find the information you want easily

  21. Relevance of resources No of responses Percentages Excellent 163 24.3 Good 402 59.9 Average 51 7.6 Poor 11 1.6 Unsatisfactory 5 0.7 Nil Response 39 5.8 User Evaluation - User responses to question about the relevance of NMAP resources

  22. Work Category No. of Respondents Nurse 340 Student 192 Lecturer 170 Researcher 94 Librarian 53 Midwife 27 Other 26 Health Visitor 24 Physiotherapist 16 Occupational Therapist 5 Operating Technician 2 Radiographer 1 Speech Therapist 1 User Evaluation - User responses to question about work category

  23. Organisation No. of responses Percentages Not affiliated to an organisation 21 3.1 UK NHS 280 41.7 UK Further Education 29 4.3 UK Higher Education 199 29.7 UK Other 27 4.0 Non UK Organisation 70 10.4 Nil response 45 6.7 User Evaluation - User responses to question What type of organisation are you from?

  24. The future • Project extended to Jan 03 • Continuing to increase the number of records (and maintain by link checking & review). • Awaiting news of transfer to JISC “Ongoing Service” (and attached funding) • Feedback welcome on the website – particularly comments about the usefulness of NMAP to nurse education now and in the future.

  25. The development of NMAP - The UK's gateway to high quality Internet resources in nursing, midwifery and allied health. NET2002 Conference Rod Ward Rod.Ward@sheffield.ac.uk http://nmap.ac.uk

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