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Nodal COMS Extracts & Reports Market Requirements Review

Nodal COMS Extracts & Reports Market Requirements Review. SDAWG Jackie Ashbaugh ERCOT. ***NOTE: All information contained in this presentation is as of 02/01/2008 and is subject to change at anytime. Information Hot Spots.

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Nodal COMS Extracts & Reports Market Requirements Review

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  1. Nodal COMS Extracts & ReportsMarket Requirements Review SDAWG Jackie Ashbaugh ERCOT 02/01/2008 ***NOTE: All information contained in this presentation is as of 02/01/2008 and is subject to change at anytime.

  2. Information Hot Spots • The Nodal Data Services Master List (NDSML) is updated each Friday with the latest information. It is located at: http://nodal.ercot.com/about/news/2008/0118a.html • The site will be updated each Friday with the latest information and draft DDLs going forward. http://nodal.ercot.com/readiness/reports/index.html • The SDAWG meeting pages contain the notes from the SDAWG meetings within the presentation materials. COMS Extract specifications are posted in spreadsheet template form. The latest review is posted at: http://www.ercot.com/calendar/2008/01/20080121-SDAWG.html 02/01/2008

  3. COMS Nodal Reports, Extracts & Web Services Dates • COMS Project Reports • Project Manager: Raj Chudgar • Business Owners: Jackie Ashbaugh, Bill Barnes - Settlements, Calvin Opheim – Data Aggregation • Milestone dates are not defined • Currently working on business requirements • EDW Project Extracts, Reports & Web Services • Project Manager: Janet Ply • Business Owner: Jackie Ashbaugh • Releases for Shadow Settlement Extracts • Business Requirements: 02/29/08 • Internal project documentation at the report level for support teams - Conceptual Design: 03/15/08 • Internal project documentation at the report level for support teams - Detail Design: 04/01/08 • ITEST: 05/15/08 • EDS: 06/15/08 • Releases for remaining COMS Reports, Extracts & Web Services • Business Requirements: 05/15/08 • Internal project documentation at the report level for support teams - Conceptual Design: 06/01/08 • Internal project documentation at the report level for support teams - Detail Design: 07/01/08 • ITEST: 08/01/08 • EDS: 09/01/08 02/01/2008

  4. Sorted by projectEDW project Release for remaining COMS Reports, Extracts & Web Services Web Services • Provide all ESIID extract records <modify> • Provide CMZONE assignments for a trade date <modify> • Provide Data Aggregation Records <modify> • Provide ESIID account records <modify> • Provide ESIID extract records for Logical Keys <modify> • Provide ESIIDs where IDR usage data not loaded for a trade date <modify> • Provide IDR usage data for a trade date <modify> • Provide public data extract <modify> Extracts • CRR Auction Revenue Distribution (CARD) Extract <new> • CRR Balancing Account Extract <new> • ESI ID Service History & Usage Extract – Daily <modify> • ESI ID Service History & Usage Extract – Initial <modify> • ESI ID Service History & Usage Extract – Supplemental <modify> • Late Fee Extract <new> • Market Participant Dispute Extract <new> • Recorder Extract – Daily <modify> • Resource ID Extract - Daily <modify> • Resource ID Extract - Initial <modify> • Settlement Calendar Extract <new> • Shadow Settlement Extracts • Day Ahead Market Consolidated Operating Day Extract <new> • Day Ahead Market Market Operating Day Extract <new> • Real Time Market Consolidated Operating Day Extract <new> • Real Time Market Operating Day Extract <new> • Public Reference Data Extract <modify> • Settlement Input Data Extract <new> 02/01/2008

  5. Sorted by projectCOMS project Release for COMS Reports Report • Default Profile ESIID <new> • Load Estimation Counts – Public <new> • Load Estimation Counts – Certified <new> • Load Estimation Volume – Public <new> • Load Estimation Volume – Certified <new> • Missing Consumption Report <new> • Actual Transmission Loss Factors <new> • Actual Distribution Loss Factors <new> • Forecasted Transmission Loss Factors <new> • Forecasted Distribution Loss Factors <new> • Monthly RUC Make Whole Charge and Clawback Payment Report <new> • Data Aggregation Daily Postings <new> • WS & NWS IDR Proxy Dates <new> • IDR Protocol Compliance Verification <modify> 02/01/2008

  6. Sorted by Zonal/Nodal classificationCOMS - Zonal Extracts & Reports – will retire • Settlement & Billing Extract - Daily • Settlement & Billing Extract - Initial • Settlement & Billing Extract - Trade Date • Settlement Calendar • Settlement Input Data Extract • Settlements Charge Matrix • TDSP Distribution Loss Factors - Actual • TDSP Distribution Loss Factors - Forecasted • TDSP Transmission Loss Factors - Actual • TDSP Transmission Loss Factors - Forecasted • True-Up Market Totals • WS and NWS IDR Proxy Dates • Zonal Operational Constraints (OC1) - Daily • Zonal Participant Invoice • Zonal Settlement Statement • Data Aggregation Daily Postings • Default Profile ESIID • Details of Reliability Must Run Costs • Disclosure of Local Congestion - IEQ • Disclosure of Local Congestion - INS • Generation Extract - Daily • Generation Extract - Initial • Generation Extract - Trade Date • Load Estimation Counts - private • Load Estimation Counts - public • Load Estimation Volume - private • Load Estimation Volume - public • Load Extract - Daily • Load Extract - Initial • Load Extract - Trade Date • Market Shadow Prices Extract • Missing Consumption Report • Resettlement Channel 4 Market Totals • Resettlement Channel 5 Market Totals • Resettlement Channel 6 Market Totals • Resettlement Channel 7 Market Totals • Resettlement Channel 8 Market Totals • Resettlement Channel 9 Market Totals 02/01/2008

  7. Sorted by Zonal/Nodal classification COMS – Retail & Zonal/Nodal Extracts, Reports & Web Services – no change • Reports • Forecasted Load Profiles • IDR Requirement Report • Load Profile ID Exceptions • Weather Responsiveness Change Report • Switcher Report • 867 Received on Cancelled Service Orders (RCSO) Report • 867_03 Error Report (867_03 Activity Report) • 997 Report • Mapping Status Reject Report • MarkeTrak Bulk Submissions Report • MIMO Exceptions • Missing 867 Report • Pending Cancel with Exception Report • Potential Load Loss Report • Extracts • Siebel Service Order - CR (Daily) • Siebel Service Order - CR (Full) • Siebel Service Order - CR (Weekly) • Siebel Service Order - TDSP (Daily) • Siebel Service Order - TDSP (Full) • Siebel Service Order - TDSP (Weekly) • TDSP ESIID extract - Initial • TDSP ESIID extract - Weekly • Auxillary Backcasted Load Profiles (Historical) • Auxillary Backcasted Load Profiles Extract • Backcasted Load Profiles (Historical) • Backcasted Profiles Extract • Web Services • Provide ESIID account records • Provide ESIIDs I own for a trade date • Provide ESIIDs where Non-IDR usage data not loaded for a trade date • Provide Non-IDR transaction data for ESIIDs I own • Provide Non-IDR usage data for a trade date • Provide Non-IDR usage data for ESIIDs I own • Find ESIID • Find Transaction 02/01/2008

  8. Questions? 02/01/2008

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