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Will YOU Survive 6 th Grade?!?

Will YOU Survive 6 th Grade?!?. By: Christy Torchon. Intro.

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Will YOU Survive 6 th Grade?!?

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  1. Will YOU Survive 6th Grade?!? • By: Christy Torchon

  2. Intro • This is emotional time for upcoming 6th graders. They have more responsibility to deal with and more work to get done. Also past friendships and relationships are tested. These are some past experiences, tips, and advice for you upcoming 6th graders!

  3. Anecdote

  4. Anecodote • If you ever get Ms. Rosser do NOT get on her bad side, if you do then your 6th grade experience will be less than perfect. Don’t get me wrong, Ms. Rosser is one of the BEST teachers you’ll EVER get and she’ll help you with anything is you have problems or trouble work, but she also doesn’t tolerate any disrespect or people who don’t take their work seriously. If you are one of those people then I suggest that you clean up your act quickly. I’ve seen people who don’t do their work and are disrespectful to her, get lunch detention at least 1-2 times a week. In the first day in her classroom she was very clear of what she expected from us. I respect that because she didn’t give us false promises of things that would never happen, so I liked that. She also said that she liked ‘structure’ at first I wasn’t sure what that meant, but she explained it later on. It means that she likes her class to be on task and to be respectful of each other. The bottom line is that you want Ms. Rosser to be your ally NOT enemy. 

  5. Comparing and Contrasting 5th Grade to 6th Grade

  6. Comparing and Contrasting 5th and 6th Grade 5th Grade 6th Grade • Recess!  Both • Different Teachers • Can be more carefree • They both have Very easy work • Has to be more responsible • Barely has any projects • Lockers • Has to turn in work on time or you get a zero • More classes • Has shorter school time (Man I REALLY miss this )

  7. Problem and Solution

  8. Problem and Solution 1 • What if I get lost? This is the common fear for upcoming 6th graders. If you get lost then you can just ask the nearest teacher for directions to your class. The easiest way to prevent it is by going to open house earlier on so that you know where all of your classes are beforehand. Also try not to panic if you do get lost because then people are going to be wondering why the new 6th grader is hyperventilating in the middle of the hallway on the first day of school, and that will NOT help your social life at all. So just keep calm and think about what to do.

  9. Problem and Solution 2 • What if the other kids are mean to me? • If the other kids are mean to you just ignore them. They want to see your reaction to what they are doing, but don’t give them the satisfaction. If it gets worse like to death threats kind of things then you need to find and adult immediately and tell he/she what has been going on. If you feel like the adult won’t help you DO NOT try to confront the bully on your own. That will only lead to more problems and then you can get in trouble right along the bully for trying to take matters into your own hands. Remember bullies aren't nearly as smart as they thing they are, you just have to gain the upper hand.

  10. Problem and Solution 3 • What if I have some homework that I forgot to do last night? • Well, the first thing you have to do is breathe and calm down. If you didn’t have time to do it last night you can do it in homeroom or during connections if your done with all of your work. Your homeroom teacher won’t reprimand you just because you forgot to do a sheet of homework. He/she will most likely encourage getting it done. Believe it or not your teachers actually DO want you to succeed (shocker!). They don't want to keep you in 6th grade until your 30 years old because trust me sooner or later they’ll get tired of you and then they will have to pass you. I hope that you don’t ever get in that situation though and all you have to do to prevent it is just to do your left over homework in homeroom or connections. See, problem solved!

  11. Problem and Solution 4 • What if my teachers are mean? • If your teachers are mean then they’re mean. End of story. You can’t change their attitudes, but you can change how they think of you. You can first start by getting better grades. Yes I know that you are trying your best right now but lets face it your best just isn't good enough. You have to change their perspectives of you, and if you get better grades they might actually make an effort to crack a smile at you once in a while. Plus, who knows those teachers might actually end up being friendly towards you and might actually start behaving like your friend. You just have to start getting better grades and start behaving responsibly if you already aren’t . After that you won’t have to worry about those mean teachers again! 

  12. Problem and Solution 5 • What if I fail a 9 weeks test? • Don’t worry it’s not the end of the world, but you still have to tell your parents and that wouldn’t be a conversation that I would want to have with my parents! So good luck with that! So after that conversation you can start doing better on your tests and homework grades because even if you made a 60% on the 9 weeks test then you can still bring your average up by a little at a time. If you get 90% and 100% on your homework and grades then you can probably bring up your average to an 80% or so. All you have to do is stay focused in class and you’ll be fine.

  13. Cause and Effect

  14. Cause and Effect Cause Effect • If I do bad on a test my average will lower • If I don’t do my work or homework I will get lunch detention • If I don’t have lunch money after 5 days I will have to get an alternative meal • If my phone goes off in class I will get it taken away • If I am really disrespectful to a teacher I will get sent to ISS

  15. What it means to be a Successful Student at MMS

  16. How to be a successful 6th grader at MMS • I , personally, think that one of the things to be successful 6th grader is at MMS is that you have to be focused on your work. For example you can occasionally talk in class, but it has to be kept at a minimum. (Unless you have a VERY strict teacher then you can’t talk at ALL!) You also need to have all of your work done on time. If you don’t have the work then your teachers will just give you a ‘0’ and then they’ll give you lunch detention. One other thing is that you ALWAYS need to put your name on your work. One of my teacher whose name rhymes with ‘Hister Hansis’ will take at LEAST half of your points if you don’t have your name on your work. That could make a difference between an ‘A’ to an ‘F’ if you don’t have your name on it, plus that grade could really hurt your average. Just remember to try your best on everything and you'll be one of the best 6th graders this school has ever known!

  17. Your Choice!

  18. Your Choice! • One of the best classes you can take at MMS is gym. Gym is a very easy class because all you really do is do stretches and run in the beginning of class, and then you will play dodge ball and then play kickball, like 3x a week. Gym is an easy ‘A’ because all you have to do to get the full credit is just participate in the activities they have planned. You see, they only count off points if you don’t participate but if you do participate then you get a ‘100’ for the day! The coaches are also really nice. My coach is Coach Creel and he is very patient even for the ones who don’t have their shoes and who are disrespecting him. They will all let you talk to your friends as long as you don’t get to loud. I recommend gym for the more athletic people because all we do in gym are physical activities. It was so fun this year that I hope I get year-long gym next year!

  19. Goodbye! 

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