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The Generic Statistical Business Process Model application in the Russian statistical practice. High Level Workshop on Modernization of Official Statistics Nizhny Novgorod , 10-12 June 2014. Presentation Outline.
The Generic Statistical Business Process Model application in the Russian statistical practice High Level Workshop on Modernization of Official Statistics Nizhny Novgorod, 10-12 June 2014
Presentation Outline Brief characteristics of the Russian statistical system; features of the statistical production Overall assessment of the GSBPM application in Russia Analysis of the statistical production process separate stages: weaknesses and prospects for improvements
Centralized System of the State Statistics with Elements of Decentralization Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat) • the authority, empowered to form public policy in statistical field • the body, coordinating official statistical activities • 50% of produced official statistical information Federal departments and agencies, the Bank, extrabudgetary funds • 68 subjects of official statistical accounting • 50% of produced statistical information
Statistical System coordination tools • Federal statistical work plan (approved by the government) • Unified Official Statistical Methodology (subject to approval by Rosstat) • Agreed harmonized questionnaires system (the forms are approved by Rosstat for all subjects) • Unified Interagency Information Statistical System (UIISS) (Open storage of all official statistical information)
The Main Goals of Russian Statistics • Improve the statistical system coordination • Introduction of advanced methods of collection and dissemination of statistical information • Further harmonization with international standards For users • Improve the quality and timeliness of statistical data For respondents • Reduce the burden For budget • Decrease the statistical production process costs/prices
GSBPM application in Russia Target indicator of compliance with international standards 80-85% =
Stage 1. Specify needs Prioritization, Needs analysis • Narrow range of reference groups • Lack of effective feedback from users • Reduction of the statistical observation costs • Growing needs of user community • Weak prioritization • Increasing the number of reference groups (civil society, expert community, international organizations) • Improving feedback tools ("open government“, Public Council, Methodological Council, surveys and forums) • Regular forms review • Strict prioritization
Stage 2. DesignDevelopment of the Observation Informational Basis, Improvement of the Statistical Register Improvement of quality of the observations information basis • Decentralized technology of the observation information basis formation, lack of control of the compliance with the sample design methodology • Duplication of data in the statistical register • Lack of efficiency and synchronization of the information actualization on observation units within statistical resources • Insufficient use of administrative sources - inability to build business demography • Inability to provide online the statistical register data to users • Accounting completeness, exclusion of errors under the identification, observation units prompt actualization • Sample basis development control, completeness of reporting, quality of statistics • New opportunities of the statistical register use (financial relations between enterprises, business demography statistics) • Access mode to the statistical register for users
Stage 3. Build Sample Development Subsystem New technological opportunities, new approaches, new methodology • Decentralized technology of a sample development and calculation of observation summary results • To develop samples, the software with limited set of sampledevelopment methods is used • No strict monitoring of compliance with the sample survey methodology • Centralized technology of sampledevelopment and observation summary results • Development of a universal software tool that provides the modern technologies implementation for sample and outcome development of sample surveys for various surveys types, included in the unified data collection and processing system
Stage 4. Collection Centralization automatization of processes • Decentralized collection and preliminary data processing • Primary data collection in paper form • No possibility for statistical reporting in electronic form for all types of businesses and organizations • Low proportion of statistical reporting presented in electronic form • Centralization of data collection and processing • Transition to the electronic primary data collection • Transition to data collection in households procedures by using handheld software and hardware systems • Call-center creation for the socio-economic statistics purposes
Stage 5. ProcessClassification system improvement systematization harmonization • Lack of comprehensive rules and common approaches for information systematization and coding • Lag (delay) in harmonization with international analogues • Use of outdated versions of classifiers • Lack of the unified information environment in the field of information systematization and coding • Approval by the Government of a medium-term plan on All-Russian classifiers development • Adoption of the Concept of systematization and coding methodology, as well as All-Russian classifiers, registers and information resources improvement and actualization • Software tools creation and development, designed to manage and store information resources
Stage 5. ProcessData Editing and Imputation unification control increase • Developing for each survey a separate module for data editing and imputation • Decentralized procedures of data editing and imputation • Lack of automated monitoring of compliance with editing technology and data imputation • Creating a common framework for data collection and processing on universal subsystem for imputation and editing of primary data • Improving the quality of output information • Significant reduction of financial and time costs for data editing and imputation.
Stages 6-7. Analysis and Dissemination Ensuring confidentiality
Stage 7. Dissemination New technological possibilities, new approaches • Limited set of dissemination tools • Lack of the united "entry point" for users • Uncomfortable reporting formats; lack of common formats • Insufficient maintenance of output data by metadata and explanations • Large amount of ‘restricted' data; confidentiality • Unified Interagency Information Statistics System (UIISS) • Metadata dissemination; SDMX standard application • New features of Rosstat integrated/combined Internet-portal • “Open data" format • Opening the data for researchers
Stage 8. Evaluation Evaluation improvement planning • Lack of the systematic approach for the agreed evaluation action plan • Lack of clear link between the evaluation stage and other stages • Only some measures on the survey quality have been introduced (self-evaluation of an organization and statistical observation quality , evaluation of a user satisfaction by statistical information) • Approved regulations system aimed to ensure and manage quality basic methodological provisions to evaluate the quality of statistical information; long-term action plan to improve the organization of federal state statistical observations; methodological provisions to evaluate the quality and results of statistical surveys (method of calculating quality ratings) • Methodological and other tools actualization to ensure evaluation and quality management of statistical information • Adoption of an agreed evaluation action plan