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Support Services for Students with Disabilities at University of Palermo

The University of Palermo provides specialized support services for students with disabilities, including tutoring, counseling, and high-tech educational resources. This research project aims to monitor the activities of the Office for Students with Disabilities and to assess the prevalence of dyslexia among students.

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Support Services for Students with Disabilities at University of Palermo

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  1. U.O.A.D. (Unità Operativa Abilità Diverse)University of Palermo Marianna Alesi marianna.alesi@unipa.it Delegate of “Disabilities” and “Vocational Guidance” at the School “Scienze Guiridiche ed Economico-Sociali”, University of Palermo Dipartimento di Scienze Psicologiche, Pedagogiche e della Formazione Università degli Studi di Palermo

  2. UNIVERSITY OF PALERMO • The University of Palermo (UNIPA) is a consolidated cultural, scientific and teaching presence in central-western Sicily Palermo, Caltanissetta, Agrigento and Trapani). • It’s articulated in: 5 Schools, 20 Departments, 22 courses (first and second cycle), 44 masters and specialization and 23 PhD courses. • The University of Palermo is engaged in inter-institutional LLP Erasmus agreements with 24 European Union Countries. Students may come here, within these agreements, both for study and stage periods. In the last four years the University hosted 175 students per year, on average. In this academic year, Erasmus incoming students are 190.


  4. U.O.A.D. Unità Operativa Abilità DiverseOffice for Students with Disabilities(http://portale.unipa.it/amministrazione/area1/set09/uob11)cud@unipa.it. The Unità Operativa Abilità Diverse (UOAD) was founded on March 1999, following the Law 104/1992. It aims to support students with more than 66% of disability, certified by Health National System. Prof. Annamaria Pepi is in charge on behalf of the Rector for Disabilities

  5. Students’ distribution for the academic year 2014/2015

  6. GOALS: • Reception of students with disability • Specialized tutoring for students with disability • Service for students with dyslexia to provide compensatory instruments and dealing out measures • Counseling • Providing high tech educational resources • Monitoring of schools • Monitoring of transportation • Monitoring of help service • LIS • Orientation: Incoming, in itinere and placement • Conferences • Network with Ufficio Regionale Scolastico and Sezione Regionale della Associazione Italiana Dislessia.

  7. Research 1: Monitoringof UOAD activitiesfromJunetoSeptember, 2015 • Tutors (N= 40; M age=26,6 ys) and students were administered a questionnaire articulated in two parts: 1. Academic Life; 2. Activities promoted by UOAD .

  8. Research 2 • Phase I: Administration of Adult Reading Questionnaire (Snowling et al., 2012) to 1029 students attending the last year of High Schools • Phase II: Administration of Adult Reading Questionnaire (Snowling et al., 2012) to 695 students attending University Courses

  9. ARQ Adult Reading Questionnaire (Snowling et al., 2012) It’s a self-report questionnaire composed by 15 items and aimed at requiring the respondent to rate ‘symptoms’ of dyslexia on a scale of 0–4, such as problems with literacy skills, word finding and organization (e.g., Do you find it difficult to read words you haven’t seen before? Never / Rarely / Sometimes / Frequently / Always); 2 further items required a yes/no/ maybe response (e.g., Are you a good reader?) and 2 items required the respondent to rate how frequently they read and write (e.g., How often do you write in everyday life?).

  10. Q1 Do you think you are a good reader? • Q2 Can you read quickly and easily? • Q3 How good is your spelling? • Q4 In your job, how often do you read? • Q5 Do you find it difficult to read words you haven’t seen before? • Q6 Do you find it difficult to read aloud? • Q7 Do you find it difficult to find the right word to say? • Q8 Do you ever confuse the names of things? • Q9 Do you confuse left and right? • Q10 Do you have problems with organization or time management? • Q11 How often do you write in everyday life? • Q12 Based on this, do you think you are dyslexic? (yes/no/maybe) • Q13 How would you rate your difficulties? (no difficulties/ mild / moderate/ severe) • Q 14 Has anyone ever raised concerns about your reading? (yes/no) • Q15 Have you ever had a diagnosis of dyslexia? (yes/no) If YES, by whom?

  11. Divisione del campione per genereIstituti Secondari di II Grado VS Università

  12. Istituti Secondari di II Grado VS Università“Sulla base di questo, pensi di essere dislessico”

  13. Istituti Secondari di II Grado VS Università“Come valuteresti le tue difficoltà”

  14. Istituti Secondari di II Grado VS Università“Hai mai avuto una diagnosi di dislessia”

  15. Istituti Secondari di II Grado VS Università“Cosa pensi che sia la dislessia”

  16. NEXT STEPS: 1) Screening concerning Learning Disabilities aimed to involve all students, attending the 1° year of courses at University of Palermo, 2) Inclusion through the SPORT: sitting volley


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