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Captains of Industry: Key Figures, Legislation, and Events of the Spanish-American War and Reconstruction Era

Explore the influential Captains of Industry, the impact of the Spanish-American War, key legislation, and the Reconstruction era in American history. Learn about Robber Barons, Social Darwinism, Andrew Carnegie, John D. Rockefeller, J.P. Morgan, the Klu Klux Klan, Black Codes, Scalawags, Carpet Baggers, the Freedman's Bureau, Andrew Johnson, Eugene V. Debs, Rutherford B. Hayes, Blanch K. Bruce, Samuel Gompers, Big Stick Diplomacy, Yellow Journalism, Imperialism, the Platt Amendment, Jingoism, the Fourteenth Amendment, the Compromise of 1877, the Fifteenth Amendment, and the Tenure of Office Act.

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Captains of Industry: Key Figures, Legislation, and Events of the Spanish-American War and Reconstruction Era

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Captains of Industry Key People Spanish American War Legislation Reconstruction 1pt 1 pt 1 pt 1pt 1 pt 2 pt 2 pt 2pt 2pt 2 pt 3 pt 3 pt 3 pt 3 pt 3 pt 4 pt 4 pt 4pt 4 pt 4pt 5pt 5 pt 5 pt 5 pt 5 pt

  2. The Captains of Industry, they controlled industrial monopolies.

  3. Who are the Robber Barons

  4. A belief that the strongest, fittest companies would overtake weaker companies.

  5. What is Social Darwinism

  6. He controlled most of the U.S. steel industry by 1900

  7. Who is Andrew Carnegie

  8. Born in Ohio, he started Standard Oil Works.

  9. Who is John D. Rockefeller

  10. The Man who started a private bank under his own name

  11. Who is J.P. Morgan

  12. A group known to terrorize African Americans

  13. Who is the Klu Klux Klan

  14. Laws that limited the rights of African Americans

  15. What are Black Codes

  16. Southerners who relocated to the North after the Civil War

  17. Who are Scalawags

  18. Northerners who relocated to the South looking for better opportunities

  19. Who are Carpet Baggers

  20. Provided food, clothing, healthcare, and education for black and white refugees in the South

  21. What is The Freedman’s Bureau

  22. This Man became President after the assassination of Lincoln

  23. Who is Andrew Johnson

  24. President of the American Railway Union

  25. Who is Eugene V. Debs

  26. This man became President after the Compromise Of 1877

  27. Who is Rutherford B. Hayes

  28. First African American to serve a full term as a U.S. Senator

  29. Who is Blanch K. Bruce

  30. Lead the American Federation of Labor

  31. Who is Samuel Gompers

  32. Roosevelt’s Foreign Policy

  33. What is Big Stick Diplomacy

  34. Journalism that raised morale and sparked the Spanish American War

  35. What is Yellow Journalism

  36. A policy in which strong nations control weaker colonies and territories

  37. What is Imperialism

  38. Gave the U.S. the right to keep order in Cuba

  39. What is the Platt Amendment

  40. Aggressive form of Nationalism

  41. What is Jingoism

  42. Gave rights to African Americans

  43. What is the Fourteenth Amendment

  44. A political agreement that ultimately ended Reconstruction

  45. What is the Compromise Of 1877

  46. Gave the right to African American men to vote

  47. What is the Fifteenth Amendment

  48. A bill that required President Johnson to consult congress before he dismiss any government official

  49. What is the Tenure of Office Act

  50. Landmark case that declared “separate but equal” was constitutional

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