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Weighted Graphs

This article explores the complexities of algorithms for single-source shortest paths in weighted graphs, focusing on Dijkstra's algorithm and Bellman-Ford algorithm. It discusses edge relaxation, greedy approach, and Dijkstra's algorithm pseudocode and complexity. The Bellman-Ford algorithm's analysis, pseudo-code, examples, and theorem are also covered. Additionally, it touches on the minimum spanning tree (MST) problem.

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Weighted Graphs

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  1. n  i=1 Weighted Graphs • A weighted graph is a graph that has a numeric label w(e) associated with each edge e, called the weight of edge e • The length (or weight) of a path P is the sum of the weights of the edges e0, e1, …, ek-1 of P, i.e. w(P) = w(ei) • The distance from a vertex v to a vertex u in G, denoted d(v,u) is the length of the minimum length path (also called shortest path) from u to v Complexity of Algorithms

  2. Single-Source Shortest Paths • Suppose we are given a weighted graph, and we are asked to find a shortest path from some vertex v to each other vertex in G, viewing the weights on the edges as distances • This problem is called a single-source shortest paths problem, in short SSSP Complexity of Algorithms

  3. Greedy Approach to SSSP • There is an interesting approach for solving the SSSP based on the greedy method design pattern • The main idea in applying the greedy method pattern to the SSSP is to perform a ‘’weighted’’ BFS • An algorithm using this design pattern is known as Dijkstra’s algorithm Complexity of Algorithms

  4. Dijkstra’s Algorithm • We assume that all edges in the graph have non-negative weights • Let v be a source vertex and let D[u] represent the temporary distance in G from v to u, where initially D[v] = 0 and D[u] = + , for v  u • Initially all entries in array D are temporary, but after each stage of the algorithm one entry in D becomes fixed Complexity of Algorithms

  5. Edge Relaxation • Assume that C is a set of vertices for which entries in array D are already fixed (i.e., the shortest distances between v and vertices in C has been found), and that entry D[u] was fixed in the last round • At any vertex z, s.t., the value of D[z] is not fixed yet, perform the edge relaxation • If D[u] + w((u,z)) < D[z] then • D[z]  D[u] + w((u,z)) Complexity of Algorithms

  6. Fixing next D entry • When the edge relaxation is completed • fix one entry in G (among vertices still outside of C) with the smallest weight currently available • then proceed to the next stage of edge relaxation based on extended set of vertices C (with fixed entries) Complexity of Algorithms

  7. Dijkstra’s Algorithm D [ a b c d e f ] C f 1 x x x 0 x x  a 4 x x 4 02 x {d} 1 4 b x 6 302 6 {d,e} e 4 4 7 4302 6 {c,d,e} 1 1 7 43025{b,c,d,e} 2 c 643025{b,c,d,e,f} 4 d 643025{a,b,c,d,e,f} Complexity of Algorithms

  8. Dijkstra’s Alg. (pseudo-code) Complexity of Algorithms

  9. Dijkstra’s Alg. (complexity) • Let G=(V,E), where ¦V¦=n & ¦E¦=m • Entries of array D for vertices outside of C (not fixed yet) are stored in a PQ, i.e., each access to such entry costs O(log n) • Penetration of a new edge (in edge relaxation stage) requires a single access to the PQ Complexity of Algorithms

  10. Dijkstra’s Alg. (complexity) • Theorem: • Given a weighted graph with n vertices and m edges, each with a non-negative weight. • Dijkstra’s algorithm (that finds all shortest paths from a distinguished vertex v) can be implemented in time O(m log n) Complexity of Algorithms

  11. The Bellman-Ford Algorithm • There is another algorithm, which is due to Bellman and Ford, that can find shortest paths in graphs that have negative-weight edges • However, we must assume in this case that the graph is directed (otherwise we could traverse along a negative-weight edge back and forth for as long as we needed ending up with a path as light as we wanted) Complexity of Algorithms

  12. The Bellman-Ford Algorithm • The Bellman-Ford algorithm shares the notion of edge relaxation from Dijkstra’s algorithm, however • It does not use it in conjunction with the greedy method, but rather • Performs a relaxation of every edge in a digraph exactly (n-1) times Complexity of Algorithms

  13. The BF Algorithm (pseudo-code) Complexity of Algorithms

  14. The BF algorithm (example) Complexity of Algorithms

  15. The BF algorithm (example) Complexity of Algorithms

  16. The BF algorithm (example) Complexity of Algorithms

  17. The BF algorithm (analysis) • The Bellman-Ford algorithm is divided into n-1 stages, s.t., after stage i, for i= 1, …, n-1, the shortest paths made of at most i edges are computed • During each stage i every edge takes part in edge relaxation at most once • The longest shortest (lightest) path (excluding a negative cycle) is of length n-1 Complexity of Algorithms

  18. The BF algorithm (analysis) • Theorem: Given a directed graph G with n vertices and m edges, and a vertex v of G. • The Bellman-Ford algorithm computes the distance from v to all other vertices of G, or • Determine that G contains a negative-weight cycle, • In O(nm) time Complexity of Algorithms

  19. Minimum Spanning Tree (MST) • Given undirected graph G • We are interested in finding a tree T • that contains all the vertices in G, and • minimises the sum of the weights of the edges of T, i.e., w(T) =  w(e) • Computing a spanning tree T with smallest total weight is the problem of constructing a minimum spanning tree or MST e T Complexity of Algorithms

  20. Prim’s MST Algorithm D [ a b c d e f ] C (edges) x x 4 02 x  f 4 a x 4 100 6 {(d,e)} 6 1 3 2000 4 {(d,e), (e,c)} 4 b e 4 3 3 00001{(d,e), (e,c), (c,b)} 2 300000{(d,e), (e,c), (c,b), (b,f)} 1 2 c 000000{(d,e), (e,c), (c,b), (b,f), (c,a)} 4 d Total = 2 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 3 = 9 Complexity of Algorithms

  21. Prim’s Algorithm (pseudo-code) Complexity of Algorithms

  22. Prim’s MST Algorithm • Theorem: Given a simple connected weighted graph G with n vertices and m edges • the Prim’s algorithm finds a minimum spanning tree for G • In O(m log n) time Complexity of Algorithms

  23. Kruskal’s MST Algorithm f 4 4 a 6 6 1 1 4 4 b e 4 4 3 3 Invariant: Always pick the lightest edge that doesn’t create a cycle 2 2 1 1 2 2 c 4 4 Total weight = 1 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 3 = 9 d Complexity of Algorithms

  24. Kruskal’s Alg. (pseudo-code) Complexity of Algorithms

  25. Kruskal’s MST Algorithm • Theorem: Given a simple connected weighted graph G with n vertices and m edges • the Kruskal’s algorithm finds a minimum spanning tree for G • In O((n+m) log n) time Complexity of Algorithms

  26. Barůvka’s MST Algorithm • Barůvka’s algorithm is a combination of Kruskal’s and Prim’s MST algorithms, i.e., • as in Kruskal’s algorithm it builds the MST by growing a number of clusters simultaneously, and • as in Prim’s algorithm it extends (each) cluster adding one outgoing edge that possibly joins two clusters Complexity of Algorithms

  27. Barůvka’s Alg. (pseudo-code) Complexity of Algorithms

  28. Barůvka’s Algorithm (example) Complexity of Algorithms

  29. Barůvka’s Algorithm (complexity) • Theorem: Given a simple connected weighted graph G with n vertices and m edges • the Barůvka’s algorithm finds a minimum spanning tree for G • In O(m log n) time Complexity of Algorithms

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