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Exploring the World Through Microscopes

Learn about the history, parts, and types of microscopes. Discover how to prepare slides and facts about different microscope inventors. Find out about monocular and binocular microscopes, and the functions of key components.

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Exploring the World Through Microscopes

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Parts of theMicroscope History Parts of theMicroscope Types ofMicroscopes Slides 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500

  2. What is a monocular?

  3. A microscope having only one eyepiece.

  4. An optical instrument consisting of a lens or several lenses used to view small objects which appear enlarged is known as a

  5. Microscope

  6. A microscope is said to be ________________ when it has two eyepieces

  7. Binocular

  8. The size of the specimen area is known as

  9. The field of view

  10. The working distance is

  11. The distance between the objective lens and the sample

  12. Who invented the first microscope?

  13. Zacharias Janssen, in 1595

  14. Who was Robert Hooke?

  15. Hooke invented the compound microscope.

  16. Who manufactured one lens microscopes and described bacteria and protozoans as seen through the microscope?

  17. Anton van Leeuwenhoek

  18. Who were Max Knoll and Ernst Ruska?

  19. Knoll and Ruska, two Germans, developed the Transmission Electron Microscope in 1931. This was the first type of electron microscope.

  20. Who was Sir Charles Oatley?

  21. Oatley was an English engineer who invented the Scanning Electron Microscope.

  22. What is the illuminator?

  23. The illuminator is artificial light used to light up a specimen for viewing.

  24. An objective lens is found closest to the sample (true or false)?

  25. True

  26. The horizontal plate on which the slides of the specimens are placed is known as

  27. The stage.

  28. The hollow tube through which light passes between the objective and the eyepiece is known as

  29. The body tube

  30. Name the two types of adjustment knobs

  31. Coarse and fine

  32. What is the most commonly used microscope?

  33. The compound microscope

  34. What type of microscope allows for side-by-side comparisons of specimens?

  35. The comparison microscope is really two compound microscopes stuck together with one light bridge. This allows you to look through one eyepiece and see the field of two separate microscopes at the same time.

  36. What type of microscope produces a three-dimensional image of an object by focusing on the object from slight different positions on each of two lenses?

  37. A stereoscopic microscope

  38. A polarizing microscope is used to analyze what type of evidence?

  39. Trace evidence (such as glass, soil, hair, and fibers) is analyzed using a polarizing microscope.

  40. The Scanning Electron Microscope allows for magnification to what degree (maximum)?

  41. This ant is magnified 100,000xcourtesy of www.photometrics.net/ sem.html

  42. A thin preparation of cells that is allowed to dry on a slide is known as

  43. A smear

  44. When a specimen is placed on a drop of water on a slide it is referred to as a

  45. Wet mount

  46. Inanimate objects that do not require water to live are mounted to a slide using this method.

  47. Dry mount

  48. When you fix a slide by passing it over a Bacticinerator 10 times it is known as

  49. Heat fixing

  50. What type of stain is used for a simple stain?

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