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Enhancing Danube Flood Risk Management through Transnational Cooperation

Join the effort to improve flood risk management in the Danube River Basin through a transnational project involving all Danube countries.

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Enhancing Danube Flood Risk Management through Transnational Cooperation

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  1. Ministry of Environment and Forests, Emergency Situation Management Directorate, Romania Dr. Mary-Jeanne Adler:mj.adler@mmediu.ro Drd.Simona Patrut, Drd. Olimpia Negru

  2. Motivation for DANUBE FLOODRISK Project A transnational river requires transnational cooperation … • Between 1998-2007 South East Europe suffered over 100 damaging floods • All Danube countries worked on improvements with different • Mapping methods • Elevation systems • Criteria for risk assessment • Separated approaches in the countries:inefficient and not sustainable

  3. Different Elevation models and levels Different risk definitions Different risk definitions Different risk definitions Different hydraulic models Different hydraulic models Different elevation levels and models Different elevation levels and models Different elevation levels and models Different elevation levels and models Different planning systems Problem: Borders are barriers for risk management Flood Risk Area

  4. Initiative for the project The idea for a FLOODRISK project was induced under the presidency of Romania of the International Comission for the Protection of the Danube River (ICPDR). The necessary actions for such a project are communicated with and supported by the Flood Protection Expert Group (FP EG) of the ICPDR. After a workshop organised by the FP EG in September 2007, in Budapest, a common position on “Flood Risk Mapping in the Danube River Basin” was defined by the participating and riparian states.

  5. Innovative character of the project idea • For Danube River Basin • Cooperation of all Danube countries in joint implementation of risk management • For South East Europe • Pilot project approach due to same issues in other river basins • For risk management in Europe • Integration of relevant stakeholders • Development of standards for flood risk mapping • Practice and user orientated development • Test of EU Directives on early stage

  6. Dimensions of cooperation Cooperation in the fields of different • Sectors (water management, spatial planning, etc.)  horizontal cooperation • Levels of organisation (from local to national actors)  vertical cooperation • Countries  transnational cooperation

  7. FUNDING: Transnational Cooperation Programme South East Europe 2007-2013SEES programme priority axis The purpose of the area of intervention: development of transnational structures and systems / tools for […] flood risk prevention.

  8. Danube FLOODRISK Objectives Improvement of the socio-economic conditions of the population in the Danube floodplain by flood risk mapping overall objective Flood Risk Mapping for the Danube Floodplains2009-2012, 6.4M€ Reducing the flood damage in the Danube floodplain long-term objectives Improving the long-term strategic planning framework for flood risk management ERDF Partners: AT(2), BG(2), HU(2), IT(1), RO(4), SK(1), NGO’s (DEF, CESEP)IPA Partners: HR(1), SR(5) Observers: ICPDR, JRC, DE(3)Project Lead:Ministry of Environment and Forests, RO

  9. LP- Ministry of Environment and Forests, Romania PP1-Federal Environment Agency, Austria PP2-Via Donau, Austrian Waterway Company, Austria PP3-Ministry of Environment and Water, Bulgaria PP4-University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy, Bulgaria PP5-Central Directorate for Water and Environment(VKKI), Hungary PP6-Environmental Protection and Water Management Research Institute(VITUKI), Hungary PP7-Danube Environmental Forum PP8-National Agency for Environmental Protection and Technical Services, Italy PP9-Technical University of Civil Engineering from Bucharest, Romania PP10-National Administration “Romanian Waters”, Romania PP11-National Research and development Institute for the Danube Delta, Romania PP12-Centre for Environmentally Sustainable Economic Policy, Romania PP13-Slovak Water Management Enterprise, Slovakia PP14-Croatian Waters, Croatia PP15-Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management, Serbia PP16-"Jaroslav Cerni" Institute for the Development of Water Resources, Serbia PP17-Public Water Management Company "Srbijavode", Serbia PP18-Public Water Management Company "Vode Vojvodine", Serbia PP19-Republic Hydrometeorological Service of Serbia, Serbia Observer Partners: ICPDR, European Commission DG Joint Research Centre

  10. Specific objectives of the project • Joint mapping method for flood riskin the Danubecountries • Harmonisation of data sources • Integration of relevant users and stakeholders • Involvement of different economic aspects of land use • Linkage of flood risk mapping • Ensure provision of maps as basis for planning • Reflection of the EU Directives

  11. Working packages: WP1 Transnational Project management and coordination WP2 Communication and dissemination WP3 Harmonization of data and methods WP4 Stakeholder involvement and end user integration WP5 Data collection and management WP6 Map production (hazard, risk) WP7 Integration methods for risk management and planning

  12. Output 1: Joint digital elevation model Harmonisation of methods at national borders ??? National Border

  13. Output 1: Joint digital elevation model ONE system without national borders National Border

  14. Output 2: Flood risk mapping for planning purpose Water levels  flood zones  spatial planning

  15. Output 3: Stakeholder involvementWhat do you need? The target groups are: regional authorities, responsible ministries, scientific community dealing with flood prevention and mitigation, local tehnical services, civil protection services, insurance, population...  Demands on map content!

  16. Output 4: Improvement of spatial planning and emergency management • Transfer of risk information into planning decisions • Improvement of emergency management

  17. Results and Impacts Results • Danube atlas with flood hazard maps and flood risk maps • documentation of 3 pilot project applications in AT, BG, RO Impacts • Input for EU working group on flood (WG F) and ICPDR Flood Protection Expert Group (FPEG) • Improvement of transnational cooperation in flood issues

  18. Rivers are the best Europeans: they connect regions, countries and people! Good water management sustainable development of the basin

  19. WE ARE READY TO START !!!!!!!! Thank you for your attention! www.danube-floodrisk.eu

  20. Results The project will produce an effective internet active map product improving the warning system (aiming to reduce losses from floods) and will deliver an expandable software tool for flood risk search for the different flood prone areas that will be made available to interested parties and will be available for stakeholders population and entities responsible with flood risk management.

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