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Unveiling Axion Dark Matter in Galactic Halos

Explore the theory and experiments surrounding axion dark matter, including the formation of caustics, phase space distributions, and the impact on galactic rotation curves. Learn about self-similarity and tidal torque theory implications.

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Unveiling Axion Dark Matter in Galactic Halos

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  1. The Case for Axion Dark Matter Pierre Sikivie `The Dark Matter Connection: Theory and Experiment' Firenze, May 21, 2010

  2. Outline The inner caustics of galactic halos Axions form a Bose-Einstein condensate Tidal torque theory with ordinary CDM and with axion BEC - magnitude of angular momentum - net overall rotation - self-similarity Conclusion

  3. DM forms caustics in the non-linear regime . . x x DM particles in phase space x x x x

  4. DM forms caustics in the non-linear regime . . x x DM particles in phase space x x x x

  5. Phase space distribution of DM in a homogeneous universe . z z for WIMPs for axions (preBEC) for sterile neutrinos

  6. The dark matter particles lie on a 3-dimensional sheet in 6-dimensional phase space . z the physical density is the projection of the phase space sheet onto position space z

  7. The cold dark matter particles lie on a 3-dimensional sheet in 6-dimensional phase space . z the physical density is the projection of the phase space sheet onto position space z

  8. Phase space structure of spherically symmetric halos

  9. (from Binney and Tremaine’sbook)

  10. Phase space structure of spherically symmetric halos

  11. Galactic halos have inner caustics as well as outer caustics. If the initial velocity field is dominated by net overall rotation, the inner caustic is a ‘tricusp ring’. If the initial velocity field is irrotational, the inner caustic has a ‘tent-like’ structure. (Arvind Natarajan and PS, 2005).

  12. simulations by Arvind Natarajan

  13. The caustic ring cross-section D -4 an elliptic umbilic catastrophe

  14. Galactic halos have inner caustics as well as outer caustics. If the initial velocity field is dominated by net overall rotation, the inner caustic is a ‘tricusp ring’. If the initial velocity field is irrotational, the inner caustic has a ‘tent-like’ structure. (Arvind Natarajan and PS, 2005).

  15. On the basis of the self-similar infall model(Fillmore and Goldreich, Bertschinger) with angular momentum (Tkachev, Wang + PS), the caustic rings were predicted to be in the galactic plane with radii was expected for the Milky Way halo from the effect of angular momentum on the inner rotation curve.

  16. Effect of a caustic ring of dark matter upon the galactic rotation curve

  17. Composite rotation curve(W. Kinney and PS, astro-ph/9906049) • combining data on 32 well measured extended external rotation curves • scaled to our own galaxy

  18. Inner Galactic rotation curve Inner Galactic rotation curve from Massachusetts-Stony Brook North Galactic Pane CO Survey (Clemens, 1985)

  19. IRAS

  20. IRAS

  21. Outer Galactic rotation curve R.P. Olling and M.R. Merrifield, MNRAS 311 (2000) 361

  22. Monoceros Ring of stars H. Newberg et al. 2002; B. Yanny et al., 2003; R.A. Ibata et al., 2003; H.J. Rocha-Pinto et al, 2003; J.D. Crane et al., 2003; N.F. Martin et al., 2005 in the Galactic plane at galactocentric distance appears circular, actually seen for scale height of order 1 kpc velocity dispersion of order 20 km/s may be caused by the n = 2 caustic ring of dark matter (A. Natarajan and P.S. ’07)

  23. from L. Duffy and PS, Phys. Rev. D78 (2008) 063508

  24. The caustic ring halo model assumes net overall rotation axial symmetry self-similarity

  25. Self-similar ansatz entire phase space structure is time-independent except for a rescaling of all length scales by all velocities by all densities by

  26. Self-similarity happens if the initial overdensity has a power law profile Fillmore and Goldreich, 1984 with is related to the slope of the evolved spectrum of density perturbations on galactic scales

  27. The specific angular momentum distribution on the turnaround sphere Is it plausible in the context of tidal torque theory?

  28. Tidal torque theory neighboring protogalaxy Stromberg 1934; Hoyle 1947; Peebles 1969, 1971

  29. Magnitude of angular momentum fits perfectly ( ) G. Efstathiou et al. 1979, 1987 from caustic rings

  30. Tidal torque theorywith ordinary CDM neighboring protogalaxy the velocity field remains irrotational

  31. For collisionless particles If initially, then for ever after.

  32. Cold axion properties if decoupled number density velocity dispersion phase space density

  33. Bose-Einstein Condensation if identical bosonic particles are highly condensed in phase space and their total number is conserved and they thermalize then most of them go to the lowest energy available state

  34. why do they do that? by yielding their energy to the non-condensed particles, the total entropy is increased. BEC preBEC

  35. Gravitational interactions thermalize the axions and cause them to form a BEC when the photon temperature (PS and Q. Yang, 2009)

  36. Tidal torque theorywith axion BEC net overall rotation is obtained because, in the lowest energy state, all axions fall with the same angular momentum

  37. For axion BEC is minimized for given when .

  38. Tidal torque theorywith axion BEC net overall rotation is obtained because, in the lowest energy state, all axions fall with the same angular momentum

  39. Self-Similarity a comoving volume

  40. Self-Similarity (yes!) time-independent axis of rotation provided

  41. Conclusions If the dark matter is axions, the phase space structure of galactic halos predicted by tidal torque theory is precisely, and in all respects, that of the caustic ring model proposed earlier on the basis of observations. The other candidates (WIMPs, sterile neutrinos, ...) predict a different phase space structure for galactic halos.

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