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Join the discussion on inducing more human cooperation in social peer-to-peer software at the P2P-TV Workshop in Amsterdam. Learn about the Tribler P2P-TV platform's impact on user behavior and its future perspectives. Discover psychological and economic incentives that drive cooperation trends and explore stimulating factors influencing user cooperation. Explore examples from popular platforms like Wikipedia, Amazon, and more. Visit tribler.org/20060317 to experience Tribler firsthand and delve into the world of collaborative P2P technologies. ####
March 17 2006, P2P-TV Workshop, Amsterdam Tribler P2P-TV • Social peer-to-peer software Huib de Ridder h.deridder@io.tudelft.nl Jenneke Fokker j.e.fokker@io.tudelft.nl Piet Westendorp p.h.westendorp@io.tudelft.nl www.tribler.org
Contents • Peer-to-peer software, very social • Inducing more human cooperation • Tribler now and in the future
Human perspective • What a user wants: • get it fast • “come to me” instead of “I go and get” • But, what he should do: • cooperate voluntarily (the system performs better when more users contribute)
Example: download booster (Pouwelse et al., 2006)
Social peer-to-peer • Cooperation: • Injecting new content • Moderation • Peer uptime • Bandwidth
Psychological incentives ? Economic incentives Materialistic & Utilitarian Tit-for-tat Fairness Inducing cooperation trend • Which social psychological factors can stimulate more users to cooperate more?
For instance: Wikipedia.org Amazon.com Flickr.com IMDb.com For instance: tagging recommendations rating top-n lists friends Taxonomy of inducement • December 2005 - January 2006 • inventory of 22 state-of-the-art applications • 33 variables (features) • 4 resulting clusters
Flickr.com Amazon.com degrees of separation forum communities content moderation geographic location social distance user profiling user-to-user moderation power of collectivity social visibility CiteULike.org eBay.com quality of service implicit profiling user profiling power of collectivity social distance social visibility donation social network social norms taste buddies top-n list recommendations reputation tagging explicit profiling direct interaction user authentication social navigation registered membership friends Wikipedia.org MovieLens.umn.edu SETI@home Orkut.com Clusters
Downloads Cooperative Downloader
Files I Like Recommendation Engine
Taste Buddies
P2P Wikipedia (Fokker et al., World Wide Web Conference 2006, Edinburgh Schotland)