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沧州职业技术学院. Tourism English 旅游英语精品课. Unit Three Chinese Poetry. Check In. Learning Contents. Learning Objectives. Section 1. Pre-Class Activities. Section 2. In-class Learning. Section 3. After-class Learning. Section 4. Section One. Learning objectives:.
沧州职业技术学院 Tourism English 旅游英语精品课
Unit ThreeChinese Poetry Check In
LearningContents Learning Objectives • Section 1 Pre-Class Activities • Section 2 In-class Learning • Section 3 After-class Learning • Section 4
Section One Learning objectives: Knowing about the related regulations on Tourism and Tour Guide Basic demands on being a qualified Tour Guide The influence of policy on tourism industry
Sec 4 Sec 4 Sec 1 Sec 3 Sec 1 Sec 3 Sec 1 Sec 3 Sec 2 Sec 1 Section Two Pre-class activity Tourism Law is eclectic and can be divided into two broad parts: Firstly, the general laws which apply to this industry often in unexpected ways because of its peculiar characteristics e.g. damages for disappointment. Secondly, the industry specific laws from the ancient common innkeepers and carriers doctrines to the labyrinth of local, state, federal and international regulations which now govern this industry. Q: What is Tourism Law? 返回
Sec 4 Sec 2 Sec 1 Sec 3 Section Two Pre-class activities what do you think of the importance of the tourism laws? Tourism and travel is one of the world’s largest and fastest growing industries generating 10.4% of world GDP, 8.1% of world jobs and 12.2% of world exports in 2004. tourism and travel offers the best prospects for generating employment and sustainable development, particularly in developing countries. There is an increasing recognition by industry, government and international agencies that effective laws and institutions are fundamental to achieving successful outcomes. 返回
Sec 4 Sec 2 Sec 1 Sec 3 Section Two Pre-class activities To undertake research directed to identifying international best practice in the regulation of tourism and travel and developing sustainable solutions to the problems faced by industry, government and host communities particularly in developing countries. what’s the object of tourism laws? 返回
Sec 4 Sec 2 Sec 1 Sec 3 Section Two Pre-class activities what regulations are there in vocational courses? Law for National Tourism Administrations 国家旅游管理法 Law for Travel Agents 旅行社法 Law for Tour Guide 导游法 Law for Tour Operators 旅游经营者法规 Law for Hotels 酒店法规 Hospitality Law 招待费法 返回
Sec 4 Sec 2 Sec 1 Sec 3 Section Three Presentation Imitation on this dialogue Role-playing 返回
Sec 4 Sec 2 Sec 1 Sec 3 Section three In-class learning Dialogue: Chen: Hi, I’m Josephine Chen, the tour guide for the Jade Agency. We have a reservation of twenty rooms for tonight. Staff:Please to meet you, Miss Chen. My name is Joey. Welcome to the hotel. Here are the keys, registration slips and breakfast vouchers. Breakfast will be served from seven tomorrow morning. Is there any change in your schedule? Chen:No, our check-out time will still be 8:30 tomorrow. Staff:Then we will arrange a morning call at 7:30. Will that be fine? Chen:That’s alright. Staff:Please put your luggage outside your room by eight. The bellboy will pick them up. Chen:Thank you. 返回
Sec 4 Sec 2 Sec 1 Sec 3 Section three In-class learning Notes: reservation 预定、预留 registration 登记、注册、挂号 slip 纸条、单子 SLIP: 串行线路网际协议;转差率;Serial Line Internet Protocol;滑动 Paper Slip: 纸条 correction slip: 勘误表 He slipped on the street and broke his leg.他在马路上滑了一跤,摔断了腿。 Better slip with foot than tongue.足底不稳胜过舌头打滑。 The ladder I stand on start to slip.我站在上面的那个梯子开始滑动。 voucher [‘vautʃə] 凭单、凭证 Transfer Voucher: 转拨凭单;转账传票;转账凭证;过户凭单 voucher cheque: 凭单支票, 支付凭证支票 I must know his voucher.我必须认识他的保证人。 Sure, sir. Could you sign the voucher here, please?当然可以。先生。请在餐券上签名,好吗? 返回
Sec 4 Sec 2 Sec 1 Sec 3 Section three In-class learning Notes: morning call 叫早 by eight 八点前 bellboy 侍者,行李员 pick up 拾取 adjoining [ə‘dʒɔiniŋ] 邻接的;毗连的 They stayed in adjoining rooms. 他们住的房间紧挨着。 Dodo walked out from the adjoining room. 多多从隔壁房间里走了出来。 double room 双人房 available [ə'veiləbl] 有效的,可得的,可利用的 suite [swi:t] 一套房间、套房 imperial suite: 皇室套房;皇家套房 junior suite: 简单套房; cancellation 取消、删除 king-size 特大的,大号 rollaway 滚动式折叠床 返回
Sec 4 Sec 3 Sec 2 Sec 1 Section three In-class learning Dialogue role-play
Sec 4 Sec 3 Sec 2 Sec 1 Section three In-class learning Notes: respondent 被告、应答者 -respondent: 被申请人;答辩人;被调查者;被申诉人 -Respondent Organization: 义务机关 -respondent superior: 答辩优胜者;归责于上;上级负责 file n.文件、档案 v. 提出,把……档 Please file (away) those letters in a drawer. 请把那些信件归档放入抽屉内。 To obtain a record from an input file . 从某个输入文件中获得一个记录。 Save the installation file on your desktop. 安装文件保存在您的桌面上。
Sec 4 Sec 3 Sec 2 Sec 1 Section three In-class learning provision [prəu‘viʒən] 条款、规定 provision: 规定;准备金;拨款;备用 supplementary provision: 追加拨款;追加备付款项;补充条款;增补拨款 call provision: 提前赎回(证券)条款;提前兑回条款;提前赎回条款;提前赎回(证券)条款 The Interpretation also includes a provision lowering the criteria to convict accomplices in these crimes. 此次解释还包括了一条降低此类案件中共犯的定罪标准的条款。 accommodation [ə,kɔmə‘deiʃən] 住处、膳宿 private accommodation: 私人住房;私人住宅;私家接待设施 accommodation ladder: 舷梯;(船的)舷梯;居住舱舷梯 You must not keep pets in college accommodation. 你不可在学院住所里面饲养宠物。
Sec 1 Sec 2 Sec 3 Sec 4 Section three In-class learning On receiving complaints from tourists, the related tourism quality supervision departments should handle these within five working days, while respondents should make a written reply in ten days after receiving notices. The complaints handling body should issue a "tourist complaint mediation letter" if the complainant and respondent have reached a mediated agreement in 60 days; if not, complainants could apply for arbitration or file a lawsuit. 收到旅客的投诉,相关的旅游质量监督部门应在五个工作日内办理这些,而受访者应当在接到通知在十天书面答复。如果投诉人与被调查人在60天内达成了调解协议,投诉处理机构应发出“旅游投诉调解书”;如果没有,投诉人可申请仲裁或提起诉讼。 The document also has provisions about the use of a travel agency quality bond in case tourists are stranded. If there is loss of tourists' prepaid expense or if tourists are stranded due to a travel agency's behavior, the agency should pay the costs of transport, accommodation or a return trip in a timely manner. If tourists can not reach a mediated settlement with an agency, the complaint handling body can make the decision to transfer the agency's quality bond to compensate the tourists, or it can make a suggestion to the tourism administrative department on the transfer of the quality bond. 该文件还对旅客滞留情况下,旅行社质量保证金的使用做出规定。如果有游客的预付费用损失或因旅行社的行为游客滞留,旅行社应及时负担运输,住宿或回程的费用。如果游客不能与旅行社调解解决,投诉处理机构可以将旅行社质量保证金赔偿给游客,也可以向旅游质量管理部门建议转让该保证金.
Section three In-class learning Topic for discussion: 1. If a tourist lost something valuable in the hotel, who should be responsible for him/her? What can you---tour guide help him? 2. If a tourist bought some forged and fake commodities during the tour, how does he remedy his losses?
Sec 4 Sec 3 Sec 2 Sec 1 Section Four After-class Learning A. F,F,F,T,T B. 1. Poem Immortal 2. sounds beautiful and rhythmic 3. four-line, five-word verse 4. composed the verse with deep feelings for his native land 5. a prolific poet
Sec 4 Sec 3 Sec 2 Sec 1 Section Four After-class Learning Group discussion: • 1. How is influence on the tourism regulations on the development of this industry? • 2. Do you enjoy tang poetry? Can you give the explanation on its effects on Chinese literature? • 3. Make comparison on the following three translations of the poem.
Sec 4 Sec 3 Sec 2 Sec 1 Section Four After-class Learning Appreciation 译诗的第一步便是达意,不论是原文所要传达的表层信息,还是隐藏在原文背后的深层信息,译者都需深刻领会,否则只能是断章取义或是词不达意,诗歌不同于小说,贵在“精”,字字传情。 “音美”对诗词翻译也很重要,主要表现在押韵上。许教授认为:翻译唐诗即使百分之百地表达了原诗的“意美”,如果没有押韵,也不可能保持原诗的风格和情趣。“形美”是指原诗结构,如字数、对仗等特点。“形美”与“意美”既对立又统一。一方面,内容要通过形式表达出来,另一方面,形式要服务于内容。总之,一部分的译作是这“三美”的有机结合。