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Moby Dick Questions. Section I – Beginning to Finding the Pequod. Describe Ishmael, the main character in the story. Why is Ishmael afraid of Queequeg when he first meets him? Why do Ishmael and Queequeg bond? . Section II – On Board the Pequod to “Death to Moby Dick!”.
Section I – Beginning to Finding the Pequod • Describe Ishmael, the main character in the story. • Why is Ishmael afraid of Queequeg when he first meets him? • Why do Ishmael and Queequeg bond?
Section II – On Board the Pequod to “Death to Moby Dick!” • Captain Peleg demands that Queequeg show his papers. What are “papers”? • Describe the personality of Captain Ahab. • What does Ahab want his crew to do? • Why does Starbuck not like Ahab’s plan?
Character Chart • Complete a character chart with the following information:
Section IV – Pip’s Rescue – The Typhoon • A) Who is Captain Boomer? • B) What information does Ahab learn from Boomer? • C) What problem arises on the Pequod? • D) Why does Starbuck say “But let Ahab beware of Ahab?” • E) Why does Quequeeg have a coffin made for him?
Section V : The Typhoon – The Spotting of Moby Dick • Why does Ahab have to make a new compass? • Explain how a man on The Pequod suffers the crew’s first death. • How many men died on the boat, The Delight, when they encountered Moby Dick? • Why does Ahab call his wife a “widow with her husband alive”?
Section VI : The Spotting of Moby Dick – Ahab’s New Leg • How does The Pequod protect Ahab from Moby Dick? • After the second battle with Moby Dick, what happens to Ahab? • From what you’ve read and seen, write a paragraph which explains why Moby Dick is so difficult to kill.
Section VII: Ahab’s New Leg – The End • How does Captain Ahab die? • How does Ishmael survive? • Who is your favourite character in the book? Explain.