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March 5, 2009. SDP09:Team Gao. Mobile Operating Vehicle Electronics- Fuel Management System. By: Shelby Berleus, Lukasz Gawel, Karan Mendiratta, Juan Peralta. Overview.
March 5, 2009 SDP09:Team Gao Mobile Operating Vehicle Electronics- Fuel Management System • By: Shelby Berleus, Lukasz Gawel, • Karan Mendiratta, Juan Peralta
Overview • This system allows its user to keep track of fuel consumption pattern of his car over a period of time (which may be a day, month or a year) • Displays the user different dynamic parameters of the car essentially RPM’s, Air-intake in the engine, engine temperature, fuel-injection level • The software associated in the system uses this data to draw insightful analysis on fuel consumption pattern of the user and make necessary recommendations on the most fuel efficient route to the destination.
Motivation • With crude prices increasing by the day, fuel-efficience and minimizing fuel consumption is the need of the hour • Greenhouse effect as a result fuel emissions is in direct sync with the need to monitor fuel consumption. • Create awareness regarding fuel efficient driving. • Future uses in hybrid environments where one can analyze fuel vs battery efficiency and usage
Overview: Technical Solution The project is categorically divided as: • Car/Microcontroller interfacing. • Integrating GPS with the above. • Wireless transmission/reception of Onboard
Contd. Diagnostics data from microcontroller to user computer laptop. • Database on user’s computer to store the received data from Microcontroller. • Software program that fetches the data from the database and makes useful analysis/recommendations & displays it to user.
Information from the Vehicle • Using OBD(ALDL Connector) • ELM322 chip • RS-232 • Arduino board
ELM322 • 8 Pin IC • ASCII character • High speed RS-232 communication • reformat the OBD signals • data rate @ 9600 baud • 8 data bits • no parity bit • 1 stop bit
J1979 Standard Every message • Three header bytes • Data Bytes • Checksum Byte ELM322 Takes care of this formatting for us
Modules: - Xbee: Wireless Transmitter/ Receiver Module with USB serial connection. - 64 MB Micro sd module for Arduino: Libelium, for storing GPS coordinates, On-Board Diagnostics data till receiver is in range and ready for transmission.
Libelium flash memory module for Arduino • File system SD-Card formatted with FAT-16 files system with only a single partition on it.
Why 64 MB flash memory? • GPS word containing co-ordinates, elevation & speed – 4 bytes • On Board Diagnostics data word (Fuel indication and RPMs)- 2 bytes • Total data packet size= (3 bytes+ 2 bytes)= 6 bytes • We’re sampling GPS and OBD data every 1 sec. • So over a 36 hour-cross country drive data packet size= 36*60*60*6 = 0.97 MB (approx.) • 64 MB flash memory such be sufficient to store data packets for multiple cross country trips.
Configuring Transmitter & Receiver • One XBee will act as the receiver, it will be attached to the computer via an FTDI cable and wireless send programming commands to the receiver • We set up the other XBee so that it will listen to changes on pin D3 on the Transmitter XBee. Then we connect it to the FTDI cable and read in the current configuration. • We set the PAN ID for receiver and transmitter to be the same for the transception to take place.
Control Circuitry: Setting up Receiver • Xbee’s are weak and can’t reset the Arduino themselves, so we set up a transistor for pulling the reset line down. • We put a resistor between base and emitter to keep the Arduino from resetting accidentally.
GPS Module What is the purpose of the GPS Module What is the accuracy of the module Potential problem that will be solved What will the will the GPS interface with
GPS/Arduino Code void loop() { digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH); // Turns on LED pin byteGPS = Serial.read(); // Reads a byte of the serial port delay(1.875); if (byteGPS == -1) { // See if the port is empty yet delay(5000); // Waits 5sec if port is empty } else { buffer[conta] = byteGPS; // If there is serial port data, it is put in the buffer Serial.print(buffer[conta]); // conta++; // if (byteGPS == 13){ // If the received byte is = to 13, end of transmission Serial.println(" END OF TRANSMISSION"); digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW); delay(3000); } for (int i = 0; i < 150; i++){ // Reset the buffer buffer[i]=' '; } } }
Deliverables • Real time data feed for things like fuel indication, RPM’s, engine temperature. • Functional communications between On Board Diagnostics in vehicle and computer based at internal location via PAN network. • Data from the OBD will be stored on a database, used for reference and making analysis on fuel efficiency and other related parameters, and displaying it to the user.
GPS integrated to this device will enable the user to look at which roads/ route (e.g. Driving up on a slope etc.) did make his car consume more/less fuel and the related RPM’s. • Based on the past data, a software program would provide driving recommendations to achieve maximum fuel efficiency. • GUI designed for end user. • Block Diagram with high level view of M.O.V.E-Fuel Management.
Fuel Analysis Application • Google Charts API • Google Maps API • SQL Server • .NET • PAN (802.15) ECE 415 Senior Design Project Spring 2009
Fuel Analysis Application • Charts API • Cost efficient (FREE) no integration with 3rd party software such as Microsoft Office • Allows for 250,000 calls/day • Simple send URL with data needed in certain format • http://chart.apis.google.com/chart?cht=p3&chd=t:60,40&chs=250x100&chl=Hello|World ECE 415 Senior Design Project Spring 2009
Fuel Analysis Application • Google Maps/Earth API • Give the end user a mapping of where they drove • Also economically efficient (FREE) • Take in Long/Lat data points and draw route ECE 415 Senior Design Project Spring 2009
Fuel Analysis Application • PAN Technology • Connect via PAN wireless network in order to upload data. • 500 meter range for PAN connection. • Application sends out broadcast at certain intervals looking for the device. ECE 415 Senior Design Project Spring 2009
Cost Analysis • MicroSD Module for Arduino $22.66 • Parallax GPS Module $89.99 • ELM 322 $17.00 • XBee Receiver/Transmitter $32.00 • OBD Connector Cable $24.00 • Total cost $185.65 ECE 415 Senior Design Project Spring 2009