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SAP R/3 BASIS Training. SAP stands for S ystems A pplications & P roducts in data processing Sap has two main products in the business software market Mainframe System R/2 & Client server system R/3 . R stands for REAL TIME History of SAP Software
SAP stands for Systems Applications & Products in data processing • Sap has two main products in the business software market Mainframe System R/2 & Client server system R/3 . • R stands for REAL TIME • History of SAP Software 1972 SAP “R/1” • Innovation = Standard Software and Real Time Computing 1983 SAP “R/2” •Innovation = Integration of Applications (Mainframe-based) 1989 SAP “R/3” • Innovation = Relational Database, Client-/Server-Architecture, Platform Independence SAP has no plans for R/4 today .
Three tier client server architecture of the R/3 system separated into three system layers . • DATABASE Layer (handles database services) • APPLICATION Layer (process business logic & all other services) • PRESENTATION Layer (SAPGraphical User Interface SAPGUI) SAP Layers Presentation Application Database Central System Distributed System 2-Tier System 3-Tier System
Homogeneous SAP Systems Where Database server & Application server are running on the same O.S. Like Win NT & Unix , presentation are running on windows workstation. • Heterogeneous SAP Systems Database server running on one O.S. (Unix) & Application server running on different O.S (Win NT) ,& presentation server running on Windows-based workstations.
R/3 User R/3 User SAP R/3 Architecture Presentation Components ABAP Workbench R/3 Basis System R/3 Application 1 R/3 Application n Kernel & Basis Services Database Management System Database
SAP R/3 Communication Protocol Communication among the three tiers server is accomplished with the use of standard protocol services,such as one provided by TCP/IP or CPIC . TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol /Internet Protocol At the OS level TCP/IP protocol used , Mainly to communicate with database, application & presentation layer CPIC Common Programming Interface Communication AT the programming level ,R/3 system uses the CPIC protocol for program to program communication and also includes support for Remote Function Calls (RFC).
The key of SAP R/3 success was the strategy of making open solutions , in which the applications can run on multiple operating systems , databases ,and communication technologies. • OPERATING SYSTEM LEVEL : • AIX • COMPAQ TRU64 • DG-UX • DYNIX/PTX • HP-UX • NCR UNIX • SNI DC/OSX • WINDOWS SERVER 32-BIT • RELIANT • SOLARIS/SPARC • LINUX/INTEL • OS/400 • DATABASE LEVEL : • ORACLE • SQL SERVER • DB2 • ADABAS • INFORMIX SAP R/3 Supported Platforms(1)
SAP R/3 3.1H: ORACLE 7.3.3 WIN NT 4.0 INTEL ORACLE 7.3.4 WIN NT 4.0 INTEL ORACLE 8.0.4 WIN NT 4.0 INTEL ORACLE 8.0.5 WIN NT 4.0 INTEL ORACLE 8.0.6 WIN NT 4.0 INTEL SQL 7.0 WIN NT 4.0 INTEL SAP R/3 4.6B: ORACLE 8.0.6 WIN NT 4.0 INTEL ORACLE 8.1.6 WIN NT 4.0 INTEL ORACLE 8.1.7 WIN NT 4.0 INTEL ORACLE 8.1.6 WIN 2000 INTEL ORACLE 8.1.7 WIN 2000 INTEL SQL 8 / 2000 WIN 2000 INTEL SAP R/3 4.6C: ORACLE 8.0.6 WIN NT 4.0 INTEL ORACLE 8.1.6 WIN NT 4.0 INTEL ORACLE 8.1.7 WIN NT 4.0 INTEL ORACLE 8.1.6 WIN 2000 INTEL ORACLE 8.1.7 WIN 2000 INTEL SQL 8 / 2000 WIN 2000 INTEL SAP R/3 Supported Platforms(3)
SAP support period Please Upgrade SAP before the mention date
SAP R/3 CORE BUSINESS MODULES • SAP R/3 applications usually categorized in three core functional areas • Financial • Logistics • Human Resource
Financials Financial Accounting (FI) Controlling (CO) Asset Management (AM) Enterprise Controlling (EC) • Capital Investment Management (IM) • Treasury (TR) • Logistics Plant Maintenance (PM) Quality Management (QM) Production Planning (PP) Materials Management (MM) Sales and Distribution (SD) • Project System (PS) • Human Resources (HR) • Personal Administration • Personal Development Application Modules
Additionally,SAP actively develops special software packages on top of R/3 ,targeted to specialized vertical industries.These packages are known as INDUSTRY SOLUTIONs (IS) .These packages are fully integrated with the rest of R/3 applications.SAP has the following IS packages like • IS-B: Sap Industry solution for Banks • IS-H: Sap Industry solution for Hospitals • IS-IS: Sap Industry solution for Insurance,Money,Foreign Exchange • IS-OIL: Sap Industry solution for Oil companies • IS-P: Sap Industry solution for Publishing sector • IS-PS: Sap Industry solution for Public sector • IS-Retail: Sap Industry solution for Retail • IS-T: Sap Industry solution for Telecommunication Sector • These IS-Packages are a collection of specific business processes,set of transactions,programs,screens,documentation's Which fully integrated with the R/3 applications. • Other solutions like CRM , SCM , BIW , PUBLIC-SECTOR etc. can integrate With the sap system . INDUSTRY SOLUTIONs (ADD-ON s)
R/3 BASIS Software is the set of programs & tools which interfaces with the computer operating system ,database ,Application server & and the presentation interfaces . • Basis software mainly R/3 common Kernel or R/3 Middle ware which is the nucleus of a system known as the SAP KERNEL . • The main kernel directory in application server is \usr\sap\<SID>\sys\exe\run Basis Software
R/3 WORK PROCESS or SERVICES • In SAP naming convention , a service is a process or a group of work process .Computing system i e running the particular Services known as aserver or Application server .
The SAP dispatcher is the control program which manages • the resources of the R/3 applications. • The main tasks of the dispatcher are as follows: • Balanced assignment of the transaction load to the appropriate work process • Buffer management in the main memory. • Connection with the presentation level. • Organization of the communication process. Dispatcher processes
Dialog Step: • A dialog step is a sap r/3 screen,which is represented by a dynamic • program(dynpro) .A dynamic program consists of a screen and all the • associated processing logic . • When users are entered something on the screen & press enter ,they are • actually making one dialog step . • The dialog work processes are in charge of interactive task of the R/3 System . A dialog process performs the dialog steps corresponding to the user interactive sessions. • The SAP profile parameter that controls the number of interactive Dialog Work Process per instance is rdisp/wp_no_dia Dialog work processes(1)
The update process is in charge of executing database changes when requested by dialog or background work Processes. Update work Process
The enqueue work process is in charge of lock Management system. It allows multiple application Services to synchronize the access to the database and maintain data consistency. Enqueue work Process
The background work processes are in charge of executing ABAP/4 programs submitted for background execution. SAP background processing automates routine tasks and helps in optimize computing resources. Using background processing, SAP System runs programs for you. Background processing lets you move long-running or resource-intensive program runs to times when the system load is low. It also lets you delegate to the system the task of running reports or programs. Your dialog sessions are not tied up, and reports that run in the background are not subject to the dialog-step run-time limit that applies to interactive sessions. The SAP profile parameter that controls the number of background work processes per instance is rdisp/wp_no_btc Background work Process
Message work Server The message server is a service used by the different Application servers to exchange data and internal messages. The message server routes the messages between application servers.
The gateway server allows the communication between the R/3, R/2 and external applications. This service is a CPIC handler which implements the CPIC protocol for Communication. This is commonly known as a gateway. The function of the SAP gateway is to exchange larger Amounts of data between application servers. Gateway work Server
The spool work process is in charge of formatting the data for printing and passing it to the host spool system. The SAP profile parameter that controls the number of background work processes per instance is rdisp/wp_no_spo Spool work Process
1. Userenterdata using SAPGUI SAPGUI convert data to sap format & sent to dispatcher 2. Logical flow of a execution of a user request 3. Dispatcher keeps the requests in queues & process one by one 4. Dispatcher allocates user request to free work process 5. Real execution takes place inside work processes End of execution, result goes back to Dispatcher 6. Dispatcher sends data to user using SAPGUI 7. Time is taken from step1 to step 7 is known as RESPONSE TIME .
R/3 System A R/3 System consists of combination of database server and the application servers . SAP System Identification The SAP System Identification, often referred to as the SAPSID, or SID, is a unique three-character code that identifies the R/3 System. SAP System Identification codes used are DEV for the development system, QAS for the quality assurance system, and PRD for the production system. Client A client is a legal and organizational entity in the R/3 System whose business management data is protected against unlawful access. In addition, a client: · Has its own set of user data · Is a logical system with separate master records · Has its own set of table data on common table . System Landscape The landscape consists of all R/3 Systems (Instances) involved in the implementation project and client architectures that access (or share) a common transport directory. Basis Terminology (1)
Customizing Customizing is the process of configuring the SAP R/3 System such that the R/3 functionality fits the company’s needs. Database Server This is where the database resides. Main data stores in this server . Application Server This is where R/3 application runs. On a 2 tiered system, this would be combined with the database server. Instance An installation of R/3 on a application server . GUI: Graphical User Interface. The SAPgui is the software on users computer or local server that allows to connect to one or more of the SAP environments. Basis Terminology (2)
To configure a R/3 Release 4.X System, each database will require approximately 20 GB of disk space. • An application server will require approximately 2 GB of disk space . • A client with pure customizing data will require between 700 to 1500 MB. • If the client also contains application data, such as a production system, the storage requirements can increase to several GB. • The disk space requirements can also be affected by the: • Relational database management system (RDBMS) selected • Number of clients in the system • Number of master data records • Number of transaction data records • Amount of historical data retained Disk Space Requirements
SCM These sap directories created by sap installation SAP R/3 Directory structure (1) DVEBMGS00 • The physical parent directory of the whole sap application is /usr/sap • Transport directory is /usr/sap/trans • SAP system parent directory <sapsid> , which is/usr/sap/SCM • If more than one sap system will installed on the same machine then additional • directory will be created under /usr/sap/….. ..
SAP R/3 Directory structure (2) • Sap mount directory is /sapmnt useful for sharing the common files with all system belonging to the same group . • Mainly /sapmnt/scm indicates the directory /usr/sap/scm • Directory /sapmnt/scm/sys/exe/runit contains all sap runtime programs this directory also called sap kernel directory.Most of the program files in this directory are directly used by sap processes • Directory /sapmnt/scm/sys/profilewhich contains sap profile files like startup-profile ,default-profile & instance-profile. • Directory /sapmnt/scm/sys/globalwhich contains global or common data managed by the SAP application & shared by all instances ,all types of logs.
When Sap installed it comes with 3 default clients with default users and default password. R/3 Client
CLIENT 000 CLIENT 066 CLIENT 001 CLIENT Independent customizing SAP Repository Object R/3 Data(1) • An R/3 System is subdivided into clients . • In R/3 most of Customer business data in sub groups divided by • clients ,these type of data is client dependent data • When the SAP objects are just accessed by only one client, we • define them as client dependant data. • Some data in R/3 which is shared by all client like R/3 repository data.This type of data is client independent data.
R/3 database can be divided into two logical components: • R/3 repository object • R/3 customer data R/3 repository :central part of this is ABAP dictionary i.e. programs,screens, reports provided by sap or created or modified by sap user . Customer data :customer data consists of any kind of data entered into r/3 by the customer in time of sap implementation or day to day business processing . Customizing data This data generated when r/3 is configured to meet the particular needs of the customer through customizing.Most customizing data is client-dependent some is independent . Application data Also known as business data ,which generated day by day business processing. Mainly master data , transaction data . User master data • Records of R/3 users password & authorization R/3 Data(2)
In time of system setup the question we have to face • How many R/3 systems will be needed ? • What function will be performed by each R/3 system in a system landscape ? • How many clients will be needed by each R/3 system ? • What role will each client play in the system Landscape ? System strategies(1) • Three types of Environment needed for a system strategies • Development environment (DEV) • For development activities . • Quality Assurance environment (QA) • For extensive testing the developed or customized object .Mainly for • integration testing purpose. • Production environment (PRD) • For actual company business transaction. Combination of all the system is calledSYSTEM LANDSCAPE . Three types of system landscape are • Single-system Landscape • Two-system Landscape • Three-system Landscape
Single-system Landscape • Development client , Testing client , Production Client on a same server . Advantages • For this type of system , hardware cost & administrative cost is lower . • Disadvantages • Changes to client-independent or repository objects will affect the whole • environment . • The performance of the system affect all clients • Production data is a accessible from development & testing environment • Problems during the implementation of other applications , when some • production is going on . • Problems when modifying standard programs • If the system crashes the all three R/3 systems will be affected . System strategies(2) Most of the disadvantages with a one-system landscape are associated with client independent changes, repository changes, & upgrades , that immediately impact the production environment. These disadvantages are a much greater problem once the R/3 System is in a productive state.
Two-system Landscape • For this case development & QA testing done on same system . • But production on different system . Advantages • The production system (PRD) containing only the finalized production environment . • After completing the preparation phase (test, verification, and release), the parameters and programs can be transported from the development system (DEV) to the production system (PRD) . (DEV client QA client PRD System). • Minimal amount of hardware investment. • Minimal system administration and change request management required • Disadvantages • Recommended only for projects with a limited amount of ongoing development • No separate quality assurance system (QAS) for isolated testing • Client-independent customizing activity must be carefully planned so that, it does not affect other customizing/development activities System strategies(3)
Three -system Landscape • In this case development ,QA , production take place on different system. • The most recommended system in SAP . Advantages • New development can start without affecting the production environment. • QA system allows for integration testing of developments before promoted • to production. • Production data is secure, security will prevent access to sensitive data & • client settings will prevent the unauthorized changing of data . • Production performance is not affected by other clients, there is only one • production client . • The general sandbox client (SAND) in the development system (DEV) makes it • easier to become familiar with the new application functions and conduct • suitability testing • Client-independent customizing testing can occur without conflicts • Disadvantages • Requires increased system administration and change management activities • Increase hardware cost System strategies(4)
DEV QAS PRD • Within the R/3 System Landscape customizing & development changes performed, • in a development client ,has to transfer to QAS client & PRD client . • SAP R/3 enables user to record changes to a CHANGE REQUEST ,which is distributed to other client or other R/3 system . • When changes to either customizing or repository objects are made,the changed objects are recorded to a TASK in a Change Request corresponding to a specific user . • After completion the development ,user release the Change Request & transport to QAS & PRD system . • Transport Directory \usr\sap\trans Transport management system
SAP consultants divide themselves into 3 categories • FUNCTIONAL consultant • BASIS consultant • ABAP programmers FUNCTIONAL consultant: Experienced people in some business areas who knows how to customize those modules to meet the customers need. BASIS consultant: Technical consultants who taken care installation sap administration , database administration. ABAP programmer: Technical consultant who writes sap programs & reports for any new requirements in sap by using ABAP/4 programming language. Customizing : Once customer buy one sap-kit,it contains all the modules with all the business processes.the next step is to customize to suit business needs & practices. ABAP/4 Advanced Business Application Programming(4GL) ABAP/4 is a SAP programming language used in the development of all standard applications included with R/3 .SAP has designed a full purpose development environment known as ABAP/4 development workbench. SAP consultants
SAP screen has seven main areas: Screen Header, Menu Bar, Standard Toolbar, Title Bar, either aNavigation ToolbarorApplication Toolbar, Screen Body, andStatus Bar.. SAP Screen Features(1)
SAP Screen Features(2) Command Field The Command field is used to enter transaction codes Standard Toolbar Buttons The SAP buttons displayed on the Toolbar provide quick access to commonly used SAP functions. If a Toolbar button is gray, it is not available for use on that particular screen.
OPENNING A SAP SESSION using saplogon-pad • Navigation to opening a SAP session • 1. Start Programs SAP Fronted SAPLogon • 2. Choose any one of the icon ‘SAPlogon’ or ‘SAPlogon-pad’ from the desktop . • Choose any server name e.g. ‘SCMA SERVER’ . • Then the Sap screen will open & connect to the Application server defined on SAPlogon pad Continue …..
Creating one new entry on SAP-logon Enter IP address of the application server & the system number • Creation of new SAPLogon on logon-pad . • We create giving the IP address & the system number which is the • identification of the instance.` Continue …..
SAP front-end can be open using SAP Session Manager. OPENING A SAP SESSION using sap-session-manager Choose Application server first . Enter Proper USERID,Client ID, Password& Language to open the sap session .