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Warm-Up Sit in the same area where you sat before.

Warm-Up Sit in the same area where you sat before. Study for your quiz. What is the area of a triangle with a height of 4 inches and a base that is the length of 3 inches?. Clear Your Desk. Except paper and pencil. Finished with Quiz?.

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Warm-Up Sit in the same area where you sat before.

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  1. Warm-UpSit in the same area where you sat before. Study for your quiz. What is the area of a triangle with a height of 4 inches and a base that is the length of 3 inches?

  2. Clear Your Desk • Except paper and pencil.

  3. Finished with Quiz? • Staple any work you have to your quiz and put your quiz in the class bin. • Get your homework for tonight (the side with #4-9 on it) from the front desk and write your homework in your Bull Book. • Take notes on what you read. Open your textbook to page 397 and read to page 398. Look at #19 to know what a diagonal is. • Read Lesson 9-3 and 9-4. • What does congruent mean?

  4. Area of Special Quadrilaterals • Use your basic shapes that you know… triangles and rectangles to find the area. • Two sides that have the same measurement are marked with a short line through the sides. • Diagonal – a line that goes from one point on a shape through the middle to another point, not the edge though • Hypotenuse – longest side of a right triangle, side of triangle that slopes • Find area of a triangle using the base and height, not the hypotenuse

  5. Trapezoid

  6. Parallelogram

  7. Warm-Up What is the area of the isosceles trapezoid below?

  8. Homework • Complete the back of your homework #1-6 due Friday.

  9. Warm-Up • Consider a square with a diagonal length of 4.3 inches and a height of 1.2 inches. What is the square’s area? • Write your homework down: • Fold your paper in half. On the top half, draw a special quadrilateral (one that we have discussed this week) and label the lengths of the sides and height. On the bottom half, put your answer and the work you did to solve your problem. • Review Benchmark Test over the weekend, test corrections due Monday (include question number, show all work on how you reworked the problem, and a GOOD explanation to get points back).

  10. Consider a square with a diagonal length of 4.3 inches and a height of 1.2 inches. What is the square’s area?

  11. Rhombus

  12. Kite

  13. Warm-Up Get your homework out. A renovation company wants to remodel a building’s floors from wall to wall in bright yellow. The floor looks like the picture above. How many square feet does the company need to order for the building?

  14. Practice • A rectangle measures 3 inches by 4 inches. If the lengths of each side double, what is the effect on the area? • The lengths of the sides of a bulletin board are 4 feet by 3 feet. How many index cards measuring 4 inches by 6 inches would be needed to cover the board?

  15. Warm-Up • Homework on desk. • Turn in test corrections. • What is the area of the shape below?

  16. Do corrections on your quiz, short explanation why you missed it and write the correct answer. Don’t erase anything. • Solve to find the area on the back of the quiz. • Put the quiz in the class bin.

  17. Finished with Quiz? • Draw then find the area of a right triangle with a base length of three units, a height of four units, and a hypotenuse of 5. • A border that is 2 ft wide surrounds a rectangular flowerbed 3 ft by 4 ft. What is the area of the border? • Check your homework. • Read Lesson 9-7 (take notes – only need to know the following vocab words: prism, cube, net, right rectangular prism) • Read Lesson 9-9 (take notes – only need to know volume, cubic unit, how to find volume of a rectangular prism - do examples 1 & 2)

  18. Extra Credit Opportunity • Worksheet in yellow extra credit folder.

  19. Game • http://www.xpmath.com/forums/arcade.php?do=play&gameid=11 • http://www.bonnmath.com/uploads/1/2/9/5/12955794/wssection91.pdf

  20. Homework on your desk. • Warm-Up What is the volume of the Rubik’s cube? • A border that is 2 ft wide surrounds a rectangular flowerbed 3 ft by 4 ft. What is the area of the border? • Read Lesson 9-7 (take notes – only need to know the following vocab words: prism, cube, net, right rectangular prism) • Read Lesson 9-9 (take notes – only need to know volume, cubic unit, how to find volume of a rectangular prism - do examples 1 & 2)

  21. Volume • http://www.learnalberta.ca/content/mesg/html/math6web/index.html?page=lessons&lesson=m6lessonshell15.swf • http://www.learner.org/interactives/geometry/area_volume.html • http://www.interactivestuff.org/sums4fun/3dboxes.html • http://www.illustrativemathematics.org/illustrations/534

  22. Volume • Will need to find volume of prisms with fractions for the lengths. • Warm Up: A right rectangular prism has edges of 1 ¼”, 1”, and 1 ½”. How many cubes with side lengths of ¼ would be needed to fill the prism? What is the volume of the prism? • Read Lesson 9-7 (take notes – only need to know the following vocab words: prism, cube, net, right rectangular prism) • Read Lesson 9-9 (take notes – only need to know volume, cubic unit, how to find volume of a rectangular prism - do examples 1 & 2) • If you finish, you may move on to surface area (net) to read that section on page 467. 120 cubes

  23. A right rectangular prism has edges of 1 ¼”, 1”, and 1 ½”. How many cubes with side lengths of ¼ would be needed to fill the prism? What is the volume of the prism?

  24. Check Homework Answers • 128 cm3 • 240 cm3 • 192 cm3 • 120 cm3 • 245 cm3 • 84 cm3 • 96 cm3 • 72 cm3 • 90 cm3

  25. Practice • A large cube has dimensions 3/2, 5/2, and 5/2 inches. Each of the smaller cubic units in the model is ½ inch on each side. How many small cubes can fit inside the large cube? • http://illuminations.nctm.org/Activity.aspx?id=4095 • Homework: Volume of Rectangular Prism side only and completed Brain Dumps will be taken up on Friday next week. If I took your Brain Dump, you got 2 points extra credit and remind me to return it to you. Brain Dumps will be used to help me create a review packet for you for the EOG.

  26. Warm-Up • What is the volume of a rectangular prism with a height of 3 ½ feet, a length of 4 ¼ feet, and a width of 2 ½ feet? • What is the area of one of the faces of that prism? • Study for your quiz

  27. What is the volume of a rectangular prism with a height of 3 ½ feet, a length of 4 ¼ feet, and a width of 2 ½ feet? • What is the area of one of the faces of that prism?

  28. Check Homework • 744.2 cm3 (744.218) • 784.4 mm3 (784.377) • 968.4 m3 (968.418) • 702.3 mm3 (702.27) • 1060.6 ft3 (1060.605) • 426.7 m3 (426.684) 10. 306.2 cm3 (306.153)

  29. Clear Your Desk • Except paper and a pencil. • Finished with quiz? Staple work to your quiz, drop quiz in class bin. • Review surface area of rectangular prisms on p. 467 in textbook – what does it mean? How do you find it? • Work examples in your notes. • Work on finding the volume of the container you had yesterday. Your papers are by the toilet paper. =) • Work on your Brain Dump for your EOG review packet.

  30. Finish the problem you are on • Staple your quiz and put it in the bin. • Pack up. • Straighten desks and clean around your desk so we can go. • Happy Friday =)

  31. Warm Up • What is the area of the shape below?

  32. Practice • With a partner, what is the volume of the container you are working with? • If you do not have a container, work the problem on the board until it is time to switch. • Use what you know about volume to predict how many cubes it will take to fill up the container if each cube is ¼ ”. • Homework: Other side of worksheet due Monday, quiz on Volume Wednesday. Test on all Geometry concepts Friday.

  33. Find Volume of Container • To help you measure:

  34. Warm-Up Homework: Surface Area worksheet A pool has a length of 12 ½ feet, a width of 8 ¾ feet, and a depth of 9 ½ feet. How much water can fit inside the pool, as a fraction? If you run all the way around the pool, how far will you run?

  35. Announcements • Homework you turned in yesterday will be returned and reviewed tomorrow. • Sign up for tutoring today if you want to stay tomorrow. • Know the difference between perimeter, volume, area, and surface area and when to use each. • Brain Dumps due Friday.

  36. Practice • http://www.illustrativemathematics.org/illustrations/535 - Volume • http://illuminations.nctm.org/Activity.aspx?id=4095 – Surface Area

  37. Surface Area (Net) • Imagine a cube and then take it apart so that you can flatten it out. • Vertex – corner • Face – flat basic shape of the figure • Edge – the line that connects each vertex, not the diagonal • Decomposing – break apart • http://www.learner.org/interactives/geometry/3d_prisms.html

  38. Difference between a Prism and Pyramid?

  39. Pyramids are based on one shape and are named after that shape. The remaining faces are all triangles. All the triangles meet at a point called the vertex.

  40. Prisms have two faces on opposite ends that are the same. • Sides are made up of rectangles.

  41. What are the names of the shapes below? A) B) C) D)

  42. Quiz Directions • All fractions should be written in simplest form. This means no improper fractions. • For #3, an exact answer will give you an extra 5 points. You do not need to give an exact answer, you can estimate. • Finished with quiz? Hand quiz to me when you are finished. On another sheet of paper, find the surface area of the rectangular prism on the board. You can move closer to copy it on your paper then back to your seat.

  43. Announcements • Geometry Test – 9th • Homework: p. 192 on worksheet, make sure you draw the nets for each figure, show your work on another sheet of paper • Volume Quiz today • Ask your parent/guardian if they want to proctor for the EOG. If they do, tell me. • Math EOG – May 30th, Friday

  44. Warm-Up Egyptians built rectangular pyramids using 1 foot long mud blocks. The mud blocks covered only the outside of the pyramids and the pyramid floor. How many blocks did the Egyptians need to build this pyramid?

  45. Announcements • Brain Dump is due tomorrow. More extra credit will be given to the person with the highest number (excluding whoever already received the extra credit). • Proctor for EOG Test? • Geometry Test changed to 13th– How and when do you find perimeter, area, volume, surface area? What is a face, edge, vertex, decomposition, base, net, dimension, height? Special quadrilaterals (rhombi, kites, trapezoids, parallelograms) • Homework: Study guide due 12th, p.193 side on worksheet due Friday

  46. Geometry Unit • Ask questions you may have on geometry. • Finish quiz. • Make-up work day next Friday, 5/16: Complete a missing assignment for a max grade of 90.

  47. Warm-Up Donny wants to dig a hole for his pool. He wants the pool to be 9 1/3 feet deep. The pool will be 12 2/3 feet long and 6 3/8 feet wide. How much dirt will Donny have to remove to dig the hole for his pool? Homework on desk. Study guide due Monday. Geometry Test on Tuesday.

  48. Donny wants to dig a hole for his pool. He wants the pool to be 9 1/3 feet deep. The pool will be 12 2/3 feet long and 6 3/8 feet wide. How much dirt will Donny have to remove to dig the hole for his pool?

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