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Housing Options www.housingoptions.org.uk. 0845 456 1497 Amanda Johnson. Advisory service for the public Aim of increasing range of options Charitable organisations Membership organisation Promoted shared ownership, use of family resources and ordinary housing
Housing Optionswww.housingoptions.org.uk 0845 456 1497 Amanda Johnson
Advisory service for the public • Aim of increasing range of options • Charitable organisations • Membership organisation • Promoted shared ownership, use of family resources and ordinary housing • Website – factsheets & briefings • Expertise and advice to help people plan
Useful resources and contacts CQC have developed Policy and Guidance on „Assessing what regulated activities the provider of a supported living or similar scheme needs to register for‟, available at http://www.cqc.org.uk/publications.cfm?fde_id=17217. The NDTi Feeling Settled Project. A guide for those involved in changing a service from a residential Care Home to Supported Living where the people stay in the same place http://housingoptions.org.uk/general_information/gi_resources_docs/Feeling_Settled_February_2011.pdf Housing Options http://housingoptions.org.uk/general_information/gi_publications_docs/valuing_people_now_publications/Choice-Contracts-MCA.pdf
Why Change!? Why do you think things are changing? • A wish to move in line with national and local policy intentions • Concerns about the medium / long term sustainability of residential care homes • Changing expectations of people with learning disabilities and their families • An awareness of the need to spend the resources available as effectively as possible. • More individualised support
Principles! Do people choose where they live Do people choose who they live with Do people choose who supports them Is the support focussed on the person How do you demonstrate all this?
Looking at what Supported Living really means.... Principles and Values..putting people in control of their own lives Housing Support for each person( and sharing) Finances and practical support Environment
Supported living or residential care? Licence Extent of services and board Landlord has unrestricted access Lodger Establishment Registerable Tenancy Exclusive possession Own home Does not look like an establishment Not Registered Care Home
Individualised and separate support Providing an individual and separate service to people who happen to ‘share their home’ Separate contracts demonstrating hours provided and tasks being supported Any shared support must be based on need or desire not service led Support workers chosen by the person
The environment • Should resemble and function like your own home • No office or organisational stuff • Respect for the person’s possessions and space • Choice over decor, furniture and fittings • No restrictive practices
How to change: Person Centred working and MCA • Make sure that the person stays at the heart of the process • Give people information and advice to enable them to make as informed decisions as possible and support to help them make decisions if they need it • Identify independent advocacy support as an option for people to access • People should receive support to help them make their own decisions /conflict resolution • Any decision taken in someone’s “Best Interests‟ should take account of their views and preference
How to change:Adult Social Care/Commissioners Talk to each other! Meet often/listen. • Eligibility Assessments • Future proof service • Sort out any Ordinary Residence funding • Resolve Mental Capacity issues • Clarify financial position with provider if shared care • Ensure quality assurance system is in place especially in relation to safeguarding issues
How to Change:Provider • Make a Plan! Talk and share it with LA. What is it you are changing and what are you measures of success? Share! • Ensure good communication and support from Local Authorities • Need to evidence that people are being given real choices • Policy and procedures to reflect housing, support and employment in community setting /risk management • Service level agreement with Housing Provider, making separation clear and meeting CQC requirement • Register as provider with CQC • Person centred focus eg Ensure commitment from families and enablement approach to new support. • Staffing changes. TUPE, culture, training, consultation, office space. Think about how you match individual and staff • Make sure independent advocacy is available
How to change Staffing: Talk/share/gather ideas/be clear and set expectations/seek feedback • Anticipate the implications of the service changes for staff • Where TUPE might apply – take specialist HR advice • Set up training and development opportunities to support staff before, during and after the changes take place • Establish regular ways of communicating with staff involved- keep them involved and informed. • new job descriptions • Ongoing evaluation of practice- perhaps use Hands off its my Home
How to change: Housing Provider Relationship with Housing: • Clear partnership arrangements are in place underpinned by a service level agreement between the housing and support providers • The separation of the delivery of housing and support works in a way that maximises the choice and control of individual tenants • CQC have confirmed that the new services meet the requirements of the legislation . Staff will need to understand the relationship with housing and tenants...who pays for what • Housing provider to be responsive to specific needs eg dripping taps!
How to change Tenancy: • Housing providers should provide accessible materials to explain the tenancy agreement • Use accessible materials and appropriate forms of communication should take place so that people with capacity can sign their own tenancy agreements or use CoP • Housing providers, and if necessary the Court of Protection, should be approached in plenty of time to ensure that last minute delays do not occur
What will you see that will be different to residential care? • What is going to be different • How will you know • Who do you need to share this with...’signup’.
Useful resources and contacts. CQC have developed Policy and Guidance on „Assessing what regulated activities the provider of a supported living or similar scheme needs to register for‟, available at http://www.cqc.org.uk/publications.cfm?fde_id=17217. Example of financial modeling: http://www.choicesupport.org.uk/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=105&Itemid=82 Dimensions http://www.dimensions-uk.org/news-and-events/making-it-personal-for-everyone/?locale=en And www.housingoptions.org.uk