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ONIX and RDA. Kathy Klemperer EDItEUR. The Changing Standards Landscape – NISO / BISG Seminar at ALA 22nd June 2012. About EDItEUR. not-for-profit membership organisation develops, supports and promotes metadata and identification standards for the book, e-book and serials supply chains
ONIX and RDA • Kathy Klemperer • EDItEUR The Changing Standards Landscape – NISO / BISG Seminar at ALA 22nd June 2012
About EDItEUR • not-for-profit membership organisation • develops, supports and promotes metadata and identification standards for the book,e-book and serials supply chains • based in London, but a global membership of publishers, distributors, wholesalers, subscription agents, retailers, libraries, system vendors, rights and trade associations • also provides management services to International ISBN and ISTC Agencies
About EDItEUR • three full-time staff, two and a half FTE project staff, plus expert consultants from both the book and serials sectors • member participation is vital to ensure that standards keep pace with evolving business requirements • work closely with other standards and trade organisations, including both NISO and BISG, to ensure our standards meet the needs of their stakeholders too
A long and storied history • MARC developed in the 1960s at the US Library of Congress • conceived by Henriette Avran in a punched card world before iPads, even before ISBNs • AACR2 has also stood the test of time well • extraordinarily successful – MARC21 in the English-speaking world and UNIMARC across much of continental Europe
A new hope • RDA set to replace AACR2 as the content standard for library bibliographic data • Retrofitting MARC to be a communication format for RDA is decreasingly relevant • “The new bibliographic framework project will be focused on the Web environment, Linked Data principles and mechanisms, and the Resource Description Framework (RDF) as a basic data model.” A Bibliographic Framework for the Digital Age
EDItEUR’s ONIX standards • ONIX for Books is the dominant and truly global metadata framework for commercial book and e-book supply chains • ONIX for Subscription Products • ONIX for Publication Licenses • XML schemas, codelists, documentation • matched to real-world use cases • optimised for communication of product details between publishers, distributors, other intermediaries, and retailers
ONIX for Books • Origins in 1997 BIC Basic standard in UK,a simple list of 15 key metadata elements • 1998 <indecs> project, and W3C XML spec • 1999 Online Information Exchange initiative from AAP Digital Issues working party • ONIX developed by EDItEUR, in collaboration with BISG and BIC • 2000 ONIX v1.0 and v1.1, both retired • 2001 ONIX v2.0, also retired
ONIX for Books • Current status • managed by EDItEUR, and free to use • June 2003 ONIX v2.1 – most widely deployed • April 2009 ONIX v3.0 – growing in importance • widely used in North America, Western Europe, Japan, Russia, parts of Eastern Europe, with early implementations in China and Egypt • used by small and large organizations alike • supported by many off-the-shelf applications and services for publishers
3.0 <Contributor> <SequenceNumber>1</SequenceNumber> <ContributorRole>A01</ContributorRole> <NameIdentifier> <NameIDType>16</NameIDType> <IDValue>0000000121479135</IDValue> </NameIdentifier> <NamesBeforeKey>Maj</NamesBeforeKey> <KeyNames>Sjöwall</KeyNames> <BiographicalNote textformat="05"><p>Maj Sjöwall is a poet. She lives in Sweden.</p></BiographicalNote> </Contributor>
work work expression fixation manifestation expression item manifestation item ONIX for ISTC abstraction MARC ONIX FRBR <indecs> http://www.doi.org/topics/RustModelofMaking2005.pdf
Mapping ONIX and MARC • OCLC, Library of Congress use publishers’ ONIX data to create CIP and MARC records earlier and more efficiently • OCLC has developed and published a set of ONIX to MARC21 mapping rules • not purely syntactic mapping – semantic rules • large parts of ONIX irrelevant – marketing collateral and supply chain detail • beware – publishers are not interested in cataloguing rules – they provide metadata because it helps sell books
<Product> <RecordReference>com.globalbookinfo.onix.01734529</RecordReference> <NotificationType>03</NotificationType> <RecordSourceType>01</ProductIDType> <IDValue>9780007232833</IDValue> </ProductIdentifier> <DescriptiveDetail> <ProductComposition>00</ProductComposition> <ProductForm>BC</ProductForm> <TitleDetail> <TitleType>01</TitleType> <TitleElement> <TitleElementLevel>01</TitleElementLevel> <TitleText>Roseanna</TitleText> </TitleElement> </TitleDetail> <Contributor> <ContributorRole>A01</ContributorRole> <PersonNameInverted>Sjöwall, Maj</PersonNameInverted> </Contributor> <Contributor> <ContributorRole>A01</ContributorRole> <PersonNameInverted>Wahlöö, Per</PersonNameInverted> </Contributor> <Contributor> <ContributorRole>B06</ContributorRole> <PersonNameInverted>Roth, Lois</PersonNameInverted> </Contributor> <Language> <LanguageRole>01</LanguageRole> <LanguageCode>eng</LanguageCode> </Language> <Language> <LanguageRole>02</LanguageRole> <LanguageCode>swe</LanguageCode> </Language> <Extent> <ExtentType>00</ExtentType> <ExtentValue>245</ExtentValue> <ExtentUnit>03</ExtentUnit> </Extent> <Subject> <MainSubject/> <SubjectSchemeIdentifier>10</SubjectSchemeIdentifier> <SubjectSchemeVersion>2011</SubjectSchemeVersion> <SubjectCode>FIC050000</SubjectCode> <SubjectHeadingText>FICTION / Crime</SubjectHeadingText> </Subject> </DescriptiveDetail> <PublishingDetail> <Imprint> <ImprintName>HarperPerennial</ImprintName> </Imprint> <PublishingStatus>04</PublishingStatus> <PublishingDate> <PublishingDateRole>01</PublishingDateRole> <Date dateformat="00">20060807</Date> </PublishingDate> </PublishingDetail> </Product> ONIXis verbose MARCis cryptic 008 g eng 1 020 01734529 024 #3 9780007232833 100 $a Sjöwall, Maj $e aut 700 $a Wahlöö, Per $e aut 700 $a Roth, Lois $e trl 245 $a Roseanna 260 $b HarperPerennial $d 2006 300 $a 245 p. 072 $a FIC $x 050000 $2 bisacsh http://www.oclc.org/research/publications/library/2012/2012-04.pdf
Mapping ONIX and RDA • RDA/ONIX Framework for Resource Categorization 2006 • common ontological method for creation of controlled vocabularies, demonstrated via categorization of content and carrier • RDACarrierType termlist and ONIX Product form codelist 150 more interoperable • further work not carried through, but approach is visible in other areas of ONIX
Mapping ONIX and RDA • going to be simpler, at least in principle, but • no RDF expression of ONIX data yet • URIs for terms not yet published • let’s not pretend that this will be simple • there no significant interest in linked data from commercial sector publishers or retailers yet • but here’s how it might work…
3.0 <Contributor> <SequenceNumber>1</SequenceNumber> <ContributorRole>A01</ContributorRole> <NameIdentifier> <NameIDType>16</NameIDType> <IDValue>0000000121479135</IDValue> </NameIdentifier> <PersonNameInverted>Sjöwall, Maj</PersonNameInverted> </Contributor>
"Sjöwall, Maj" has name has contributor product 40366 has role has name identifer A01 (List 17) "0000000121479135" of type 16 (List 44)
<skos:Concept rdf:about="http://ns.editeur.org/onix/ codelists/17#A01"> <skos:inScheme rdf:resource="http://ns.editeur. org/onix/codelists/17#"/> <skos:notation rdf:datatype="http://www.w3.org/ 2001/XMLSchema#token">A01</skos:notation> <skos:prefLabel xml:lang="en">By</skos:prefLabel> <skos:exactMatch rdf:resource="http://www.loc.gov/ loc.terms/relators/aut"/> <skos:exactMatch rdf:resource="http://rdvocab. info/roles/authorWork"/></skos:Concept> authorWork product 40366 Sjöwall, Maj 100 $aSjöwall, Maj$eaut
rda:authorWork aacr2:aut onix:A01 product 40366 product 40366 product 40366 Sjöwall, Maj Sjöwall, Maj Sjöwall, Maj