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Jets in Heavy Ion Collisions at the LHC. Andreas Morsch CERN. Outline. What are the new opportunities but also experimental challenges of jet physics on Heavy Ion Collisions ? How can jets be reconstructed in the high multiplicity heavy ion events ?
Jets in Heavy Ion Collisions at the LHC Andreas Morsch CERN
Outline • What are the new opportunities but also experimental challenges of jet physics on Heavy Ion Collisions ? • How can jets be reconstructed in the high multiplicity heavy ion events ? • How can we observe modifications of the jet structure and use them as a tool to test the medium ?
Jets in nucleus-nucleus collisions • Jets are the manifestation of high-pT partons produced in a hard collisions in the initial state of the nucleus-nucleus collision. • These partons undergo multiple interaction inside the collision region prior to fragmentation and hadronisation. • In particular they loose energy through medium induced gluon radiation and this so called “jet quenching” has been suggested to behave very differently in cold nuclear matter and in QGP. Simplistically:Jet(E)→Jet(E-DE)+ soft gluons (DE)
Medium induced parton energy loss Example: BDMPS Baier, Dokshitzer, Mueller, Peigne, Schiff (1996); Zakharov (1997); Wiedemann (2000); Gyulassy, Levai, Vitev (2000); Wang ... Coherent sum over scatterings with free path length l and mean qT transfer m Medium characterized by transport coefficient: Expect large effects ! Needs large range of E to measure DE(E)
Consequences for the jet structure Decrease of leading particle pT Increased mult. of low-pT Particles from radiation. Increase of pT rel. to jet-axis Energy outside jet cone Dijet energy imbalance and acoplanarity AA pp
But also background from underlying event … • … and this has important consequences for • Jet identification • Jet energy reconstruction • Resolution • Bias • Low-pT background for the jet structure observables
Jets at RHIC p+p @ s = 200 GeV STAR Au+Au @ sNN = 200 GeV In central Au-Au collisions standard jet reconstruction algorithms fail due to the large energy from the underlying event (125 GeV in R< 0.7) and the relatively low accessible jet energies (< 20 GeV). Use leading particles very successfully as a probe.
STAR Phys. Rev. Lett. 91, 072304 (2003). Pedestal&flow subtracted RHIC: Jet studies with leading particles Suppression of inclusive hadron yield Disappearance of away-side correlations • In central Au+Au • Strong suppression of inclusive hadron yield in Au-Au collisions • Disappearance of away-side jet • No suppression in d+Au • Hence suppression is final state effect.
Eskola et al., hep-ph/0406319 RAA~0.2-0.3 for broad range of Sensitivity to transport coefficient • RHIC measurements are consistent with pQCD-based energy loss simulations. However, they provide only a lower bound to the initial color charge density. Surface emission bias limits sensitivity to
Bias from the production spectrum 100 GeV Jet Mean value shifts to pLeading/Eparton =0.6 • Strong bias on fragmentation function • … which we want to measure • But also low efficiency since only tail is relevant. pLeading [GeV]
Advantages of reconstructed jets • Since more of the original parton energy is collected: • Reduced Surface bias • Reduced bias on parton energy • Makes measurement of the fragmentation function possible • Possibility to observe directly the quenched jet and the particles from gluon radiation. • Increases statistics at high ET • Increased sensitivity to medium parameters
Jet structure observables Longitudinal Structure Transverse Structure Borghini,Wiedemann, hep-ph/0506218 Salgado, Wiedemann, Phys. Rev. Lett. 93: 042301 (2004) Sensitive to out-of-cone radiation. I. Lokhtin
g Direct measurement of J. Casalderrey-Solana and XNW, arXiv:0705.1352 [hep-ph].
A. Accardi et al., hep-ph/0310274 CERN TH Yellow Report Jet physics at LHC: Rates • Jet rates are high at energies at which they can be reconstructed over the large background from the underlying event. • Reach to about 200 GeV • Provides lever arm to measure the energy dependence of the medium induced energy loss • 104 jets needed to study fragmentation function in the z > 0.8 region.
Jet physics at LHC: New challenges • More than one jet ET> 20 GeV per event • More than one particle pT > 7 GeV per event • 1.9 TeV in cone of R = Dh2+Df2 < 1 ! (*) • We want to measure modification of leading hadron and the hadrons from the radiated energy. Small S/B where the effect of the radiated energy should be visible: • Low z • Low jT • Large distance from the jet axis • Experiments need low- and high-pT capabilities for unbiased jet energy measurements and observation of low-pT hadrons from the gluon radiation. Unquenched Quenched (AliPythia) Quenched (Pyquen) pT < 2 GeV * For dN/dy = 5000.
Jet reconstruction in Heavy Ion Collisions • How to reconstructs jets above a large fluctuation background (DEBg) ? • Restrict identification and reconstruction to domain in which Emeas >> DEBg • Cone size R < 1 • pT-cut • Also in this case there is a bias due to the input spectrum • Identified jets are on average more collimated.
Jets reconstructed from charged particles: Energy contained in sub-cone R Need reduced cone sizes and transverse momentum cut ! Optimal cone size Jet Finders for AA do not work with the standard cone size used for pp (R = 0.7-1). R and pT cut have to be optimized according to the background conditions. E ~ R2 Background reduced by 0.42 = 0.16 but 88% of signal preserved.
Background fluctuations • Background fluctuations limit the energy resolution. • Fluctuations caused by event-by-event variations of the impact parameter for a given centrality class. • Strong correlation between different regions in h-f plane • ~R2 • Can be eliminated using impact parameter dependent background subtraction. • Poissonian fluctuations of uncorrelated particles • DE = N[<pT>2 +DpT2] • ~R • Correlated particles from common source (low-ET jets) • ~R
Jet finder in HI environment: Principle • Other algorithms have been tested successfully • FASTJET kT-algorithm (M. Cacciari, G. Salam) • Deterministic annealing (D. Perrino) • Important because they show different systematics for the background subtraction) Rc Loop1: Background estimation from cells outside jet cones Loop2: UA1 cone algorithm to find centroid using cells after background subtraction
h ATLAS projected performance Standard ATLAS solution -cone algorithm (R = 0.4) - is intensively studied with different samples Jet position resolution Jet energy resolution Jet finding & energy measurement work for ET > 40 GeV (15 GeV in pp)
central Pb–Pb pp New challenges for ALICE • Existing TPC+ITS+PID • |h| < 0.9 • Excellent momentum resolution up to 100 GeV • Tracking down to 100 MeV • Excellent Particle ID • New: EMCAL • Pb-scintillator • Energy resolution ~15%/√E • Energy from neutral particles • Trigger capabilities
Expected resolution including EMCAL Jet reconstruction using charged particles measured by TPC + ITS And neutral energy from EMCAL. Attention: ALICE quotes fluctuations relative to ideal jet with R = 1.0
Measurement of the longitudinal jet structure 2 GeV 1GeV 2 GeV 1GeV dN/dx x Background estimated for Pb-Pb using HIJING Ideal: No background
log(dN/dE) Background fluctuates down Background fluctuates up Bias towards higher Bg log(E/GeV) Measurement of the longitudinal jet structure Statistical error for Ejet = 100 GeV, 104 events Systematics of Background Subtraction
g Measurement of the longitudinal jet structure g-jet correlation • Eg = Ejet • Opposite direction • Direct photons are not perturbed by the medium • Parton in-medium-modification through the fragmentation function • Caveats • Statistics • Systematics from fragmentation photons Robust signal but underestimation of jet energy biases x to lower values.
Summary • We can look forward to very interesting physics with reconstructed jets in Heavy Ion collisions at the LHC • High rates providing sufficient energy lever-arm to map out the energy dependence of jet quenching. • Large effects: Jet structure changes due to energy loss and the additional radiated gluons. • Experiments suited for jet measurements in Heavy Ion Collisions • ATLAS and CMS: larger acceptance, more statistics. • ALICE: excellent PID and low-pT capabilities