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Reasons to enroll in HVAC program

Heating, ventilation, air conditioning and refrigeration (HVAC-R) technicians play an integral role in the installation, maintenance, and repair of the indoor environmental control systems we use on a daily basis. Without HVAC-R technicians and their expertise, heating, cooling and refrigeration would not be as common as it is today. Coyne College from Chicago offers industry-specific programs including HVAC, with enhanced training to train you to be a skilled tradesman.

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Reasons to enroll in HVAC program

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  2. G E TT OK N O W HVAC HVAC-R PROGRAM Heating, ventilation, airconditioningand refrigeration (HVAC-R) techniciansplay anintegralroleintheinstallation, maintenanceandrepairoftheindoor environmentalcontrolsystemsweuse onadailybasis. WithoutHVAC-R techniciansandtheirexpertise, heating, coolingandrefrigerationwouldnotbe ascommonasitistoday. I N T R O D U C T I O N

  3. H V A CT E C H I E PAY HOWMUCH HVAC TECHIE CANMAKE? GREAT OPPORTUNITY HVAC-Rtechniciansreceivebetterpay thanmanyotheroccupationsin America. PerBLSdata, HVAC-R techniciansearnedamediansalaryof $45,910inMay2016, withthehighest10 percentofearnersmakingmorethan $73,000peryear. C O Y N EC O L L E G E

  4. E D U C A T I O N A L T R A I N I N G P R O G R A M SC A N B EC O M P L E T E D R E L A T I V E L Y Q U I C K L Y Onceenrolledinaprogram, students cancompletetheminafairlyshort amountoftime. Mostprogramstypically runbetweensixand24months, dependingontheschoolandthe program. Manyschools’ programsare closertooneyearinduration. C O Y N EP R O G R A M

  5. EARN A BETTER WAGESOONER H V A C - RS T U D E N T SC A NE A R NT H E I RC E R T I F I C A T EO RD E G R E E ( D E P E N D I N GO NT H EP R O G R A M ) A N DS T A R TW O R K I N GS O O N E R T H A NP E O P L EW H OC H O O S EF O U R - Y E A RC O L L E G E SA N D U N I V E R S I T I E S . T H E YA L S OE A R NB E T T E RW A G E ST H A NH V A C - R T E C H N I C I A N SW H OF O R E G OA N YS C H O O L I N GA N DE N T E RT H E F I E L DA SA P P R E N T I C E S . - Earnahigherwagesoonerthantheirless-qualifiedpeers C O Y N EC O L L E G E

  6. APPRENTICESHIP APPRENTICESHIPSAREBECOMING INCREASINGLYSCARCE TheoverwhelmingmajorityoffutureHVAC-R technicianschoosetocompleteaneducational trainingprogramofferedatatradeschoolor communitycollegetoreadythemselvesforlife inthefield. ThereremainafewaspiringHVAC-R technicianswhoseekentrancetotheHVAC-R fieldbysolelybycompletinganapprenticeship, thoughthenumberofthosedoingsois dwindling. ApprenticeshipsforHVAC-Rtechnicians generallylastbetweenthreeandfiveyears. Apprenticesreceivetrainingintheessential skillsoftheHVAC-Rtrade, muchlikethosewho enrollintrainingprograms, butonlyfromthe professionalsunderwhomtheywork. C O Y N EC O L L E G E

  7. THANKS! F O RM O R ED E T A I L S , V I S I T C O Y N E C O L L E G E . E D U

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