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C++ Programming Language Extension of C

This guide explores the C++ programming language as an extension of C, covering object-oriented programming, data structures, syntax, and principles. Includes exercises in various file formats and a list of recommended resources.

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C++ Programming Language Extension of C

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  1. Programming Language C++ Extension of C Dan Ophir, Ph.D. Cell.: 052-551359 e-Mail: comp_ophir@yahoo.com Electrical Engineering

  2. Requirements • Tests: • Intermediate, • Final. 66% Lectures + 33% Exercises Note = Tests + Exercises Exercises in diskettes 1. .rtf format (Office); 2. .c, .cpp, .h, .hpp source 3. dsp, .exe 4. .zip Assistance: Mr. Roman Yavich Rom778@ua.fm cell.: 052-399539

  3. Students

  4. Exercise 1 exercise1.doc

  5. Conventions • blue – link • red – a reserved word. • > - pressing on a menu, sub-menu, button

  6. C++ Object Oriented Programming Language

  7. Syllabus C++ Environment – User Interface: Visual C++ מחלקות ,(classes) מבני נתונים : מחסניות, תורים, רשימות מקושרות, עצים וערימות. שיטות חיפוש ומיון נתונים. תכנות מונחה עצמים ;(Object Oriented) תחביר של שפת .C++ עקרונות של תכנות מונחה עצמים: כמוס ,(Encapsulation) רב צורתיות (Polymorphism) (Inheritance).

  8. Bibliography • C++ Pocket book, Conor Sexton, Newnes (1996), • How to ProgramC, C++ and Java, Deitel & Deitel, Prentice Hall, 2000; • MSDN – Microsoft Design Network; • The C Programming Language; Brian W. Kerighean Dennis M. Ritchie Murray; Hill 1988; • http://www.cprogramming.com/tutorial.html • Object Oriented Programming , C++ושפת, אמיר קירש, Taskil Systems Ltd., 2001; • "שפת C++ כשפת אם", גרובר, "הוד עמי";

  9. Work environment Work- Space Files Desktop Windows H:\Shomron\myCPP\hello\hello.dsw

  10. Microsoft Visual C++

  11. C++ Workspace/Project Open B A C File>New>Workspace File>New>Project D (console) Close File>Save Workspace Save All Close Workspace

  12. C++ Source A File>Open Workspace C File>New B D File>Open

  13. C++ Compilation/Execution File>Open Workspace>Compile Build Execute (!)

  14. C++ Help (MSDN) help for

  15. C++ Debug

  16. Operators

  17. Variables • Naming rules: • letters, digits, _ • Not case sensitive • Starting with a letter

  18. Keywords (C, C++) C (32) auto break case char const continue default do double else enum extern float for goto if int long register return short signed sizeof static strict switch typede unsigned void volatile while C++ (11) class delete friend inline new operator private protected public template virtual

  19. Fibonnaci 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21… Converges to the golden ratio. AB : CB = CB : AC A B C

  20. Golden Ratio Parthenon

  21. C Example #include <stdio.h> #include <conio.h> void main(void) // Fibionnaci { int a[20]; int i; a[0]=1; a[1]=1; for(i=2;i<20;i++) { a[i]=a[i-1]+a[i-2]; printf("Fibionnaci[%d]=%d \n",i,a[i]); } }

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